Friday, June 26, 2009

MSM Selling Selective Swine Flu Slaughter

Related: The Swine Flu Salvo

Swine Flu Mystery Solved

"US swine flu cases may have hit 1 million" by Associated Press | June 26, 2009

ATLANTA - Swine flu has infected as many as 1 million Americans, US health officials said yesterday, adding that 6 percent or more of some urban populations are infected.

Wanna get that needle ($$$, among other things) into you.

The estimate voiced by a government flu scientist yesterday was no surprise to the experts who have been closely watching the virus....

Well, they have lost all credibility and I'll bet they are closely watching their project.

The number is from mathematical modeling, based on surveys by health officials.

Translation: We made it up!

Regular seasonal flu sickens anywhere from 15 million to 60 million Americans each year. The United States has roughly half the world’s swine flu cases....

Then why the scare -- unless the agenda is being pushed for something worse?


Any connection?

".... It may be recalled that South Africa recently became the first nation in the world to abandon its nuclear weapons arsenal, the origins of which were also the result of a joint venture with Israel. When an Israeli government spokesman was asked to confirm the existence of the ethnic bullet, he was evasive but did not deny its existence. "We have," he told Foreign Reports, a "basket full of strategic surprises which we will not hesitate to use if we feel that the State of Israel is under serious threat."

Israel is probably not alone in this sort of bioweapons development. Michael Risconscuito, the principal informant for investigative reporter Danny Casalaro (Casalaro died mysteriously a decade ago while researching the Justice Department's purported theft of an intelligence software called PROMIS), alleged to Pacifica Radio that he had also been part of a secret intelligence effort to develop genetically specific bioweapons that could potentially reduce the earth's population by a full two-thirds. After Casalaro's death, Risconscuito went public and was strangely then almost immediately arrested on drug charges. He remains in prison....

The reported existence of the Israeli ethnic bullet will almost predictably trigger a gene weapons arms race in the Middle East. Worse still the research and development of such weapons can be carried out in amazingly small facilities that are next to impossible to monitor. Perhaps most ominously, the "science" of genetically specific bioweapons is still in its infancy....
