Saturday, August 28, 2010

Chilean Miners Caught on Tape

Smile, you're on Candid Camera!

All puns aside, may God grant rescue to these men soon.

"In video from below, trapped miners seem healthy and upbeat" by Bradley Brooks, Associated Press | August 28, 2010

COPIAPO, Chile — The first video released of the 33 men trapped deep in a Chilean copper mine shows them stripped to the waist and appearing slim but healthy, arm in arm, singing the national anthem and yelling “Long live Chile, and long live the miners!’’

The images bolstered family members’ spirits yesterday. Camping just outside the entrance to the mine, those waiting for the miners’ return said that they were elated after seeing their loved ones, and that the men appeared to be in better shape than expected....

Only about five minutes of what is reportedly a 45-minute video were released Thursday by Television Nacional de Chile via the Chilean government.

The men made the video with a small camera sent down to them through a small emergency shaft drilled to their emergency shelter deep in the San Jose mine. The grainy, night-vision images show some men standing, others lying down and apparently just waking up. One man proudly displays the way they have organized the living room-sized shelter where they took refuge after a landslide trapped them. They also showed off areas outside the shelter where they can walk around....

The miners have each lost 20 pounds or more during the ordeal, and remain so dehydrated that they need a gallon of liquid a day to compensate. One of the boreholes will be dedicated for now to sending down water, since the industrial water and groundwater the men survived on since the collapse isn’t drinkable.


Also see: Chilean Gold Mine

Spending Some Time With the Trapped Chilean Miners