Saturday, April 23, 2011

Duke Lacrosse Stripper Caught in Dragnet

I'd rather you just keep the clothes on, readers.

"A death adds to Duke accuser’s woes" April 15, 2011|Associated Press

RALEIGH, N.C. — The label “discredited Duke lacrosse accuser’’ has been attached to Crystal Mangum for nearly four years since North Carolina’s top prosecutor determined she had falsely accused three players of raping her at a party. When the accusations unraveled, it marked the beginning of her slide into erratic and violent behavior. Now, a boyfriend she’s accused of stabbing has died — plunging her story to a new low....   

Not as low as the guy six feet under.

But tut-tut-tut, sympathy for a liar says the AmeriKan media:

It’s the latest in a series of scrapes with the law that included her conviction last year on misdemeanor charges after she set a fire that nearly destroyed her home with her three children inside.  

That is only a misdemeanor?

Friends say Mangum has never recovered from the stigma brought by the Duke lacrosse case....

Well, WHOOOOO is too BLAME for THAT?!!

Unable to find steady work because of her notoriety, Mangum has been involved in a string of unhappy relationships....   

There are MILLIONS of PEOPLE who have been unable to find steady work and they are not burning down houses (well, maybe they are before the bank can get 'em) with their kids inside or stabbing their spouse.

A spotlight has been on Mangum, 32, since she said she was raped at a 2006 party where she was working as a stripper.
Whose bright glare would that be, AmeriKan media?  

I'm only writing about it to show the reader what dominates the attention of the AmeriKan media. 

A year later, the state attorney general concluded there was no credible evidence of an attack and that the three accused men were innocent.
Sort of a shoe on the other historical foot situation?

The district attorney who championed Mangum’s claims was disbarred and spent a night in jail. The state considered charges against Mangum but declined to pursue them, partly citing her mental state.  

I'll remember that when I need a defense.


"Accuser in Duke lacrosse case charged with murder" April 19, 2011|Associated Press

RALEIGH, N.C. — The woman who falsely accused three Duke lacrosse players of raping her in 2006 was charged yesterday with murder in the death of her boyfriend.... 

Vincent Clark, a friend who co-authored Mangum’s self-published memoir, said he hopes people don’t rush to judgment — echoing one of the oft-cited lessons of the lacrosse case itself.  

Did he say that with a straight face?
