Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday Globe Not So Special Anymore

I'm still going to go get it so my friend can have the sports to read later, but it's not looking too promising judging by the front page. I'm already bored with the lead, and I'm sure they are featuring a wonderful girl, but what Bobby Orr is up to doesn't interest me, and you all know how I feel about the mayoral race. The rest of the paper is not even up yet so I have no idea what awaits me in print.

The other factor involved is that Sunday morning basketball begins this week so I won't be spending my hours before the forced socialization of the football games blogging. That's why I tried to give the Globe a quick preview this morning. Had there been other section items I would have linked or commented on them. I won't be back later this evening, either, so it is looking like there will be no Sunday Globe Specials today. Sorry.

UPDATE: There were some items in printed Globe that brought interest, and I will be publishing them later this week.