Tuesday, November 26, 2013

NOAA Already Wrong

The sleet, freezing rain, ice, and snow outside isn't helping.

"NOAA’s forecast: all over the map" by Seth Borenstein |  AP Science Writer, November 22, 2013

WASHINGTON — The weather forecast for this winter is mostly a shrug of the shoulders.

For most of the nation, the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration predicts equal chances for unusual warmth, cold, snow, rain, and even average weather. That’s because of an absence of certain global weather factors, like El Nino — a warming of the central Pacific that affects temperatures and rainfall worldwide.

I suppose they covered their ass with the vague generalities.

NOAA’s Mike Halpert said Thursday that the winter isn’t likely to be too memorable or unusual....

Forecasters expect unusual warmth from Arizona to Alabama and also in New England.

It's not starting off that way, dammit!

The Dakotas are likely to be colder than normal....

The only place it will be cold this winter.


On top of that pile of crap, the Farmer's Almanac is predicted a hard winter. 

Something stinks, readers.