Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Montana Miracle

Related: Montana Supreme Court says corporations are not people 

"With big state surplus, Montana bucks US trend" by Christopher Palmeri, January 1, 2012

Montana was one of only two states to report surpluses from 2009 to 2011, accord­ing to the Center on Bud­get and Pol­icy Prior­ities. The oth­er was North Dakota....

When it comes to the surplus, Don Cowles, pres­ident of Wild West Shirt Co. of Boze­man, says Montana lawmakers deserve more cred­it than the gover­nor. For in­stance, it was the Leg­is­la­ture that opposed Brian Schweitzer’s propos­al to give state employees a 4 per­cent raise over two years.

“The rea­son the bud­get has a surplus is the Leg­is­la­ture put a lid on spending,’’ Cowles said. “They didn’t approve a pay increase for employees. They didn’t give the uni­versities the mon­ey they asked for. They re­ally held back on their spending.’’
