Monday, June 30, 2014

The Mother of All Goals

It's France

"France may reduce maternity stays" Associated Press   June 27, 2014

PARIS — France is considering reducing the time mothers spend in maternity wards as part of efforts to cut spending.


This as the $ociali$t government sends French forces further into Africa and continues to slash the safety net in service to bankers. Sacre bleu!

On average, French mothers spend 4.2 days in the hospital during and after giving birth, compared to two days in the United States and 1.6 in Britain, according to statistics from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

A report Thursday by the French state health care agency says there could be ‘‘significant’’ cost savings if maternity wards reduced the average length of stay and the numbers of beds. At the same time, a plan to help new mothers at home is to be developed.

The government plans to cut $68 billion in public spending by 2017, including $13.6 billion from health care.


That's a violation and the goal should be di$allowed!