Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Paging Kids For Congress

I don't like the idea at all after the sex scandals; remember Foley from a few years ago? 

Pay an adult and stop letting the powerful prey on the youth.

"Program preps youth for Capitol Hill; Ex-foster children get lessons for success as interns" July 24, 2011|By Sarah Khan, Washington Post

WASHINGTON - They had a willingness to learn - often they arrived early, stayed late, and were eager to take on any task, even if it was just making copies or answering phones. But many had never been far from their homes. Few had ever spent time around politics or politicians. And when they asked questions about how to write a news release or listen in on a committee meeting, staffers were often too busy to show them the ropes.

“When you’re on Capitol Hill, you’re living three days before noon, so you can’t really stop and help somebody,’’ said Lindsay Ellenbogen, who worked as a Capitol Hill staffer alongside the former foster youth.

Now, nine years later, Ellenbogen is supervising another group of former foster children and making sure they have an easier transition into the world of a Washington intern....

This summer, at the urging of Ellenbogen, there’s a new component to the program. The Sara Start Fund, named after Ellenbogen’s late grandmother, Sara Rosenberg, provides the interns with lessons in how to work and dress on Capitol Hill and a chance to shop for professional business attire....  


Related: House page program falls victim to cuts 


Also see: The Franklin Coverup Scandal 

But the AmeriKan media would NEVER, EVER COVER UP such heinous things.... right?