Monday, August 15, 2011

Why Does Amy Goodman Hate Ron Paul?

I gave them a chance this morning after years of not watching the show, hoping they would provide an alternative to the corporate media. After all, they are supposed to be an antiwar outfit, right?

Was I ever disappointed.

First of all, she ignored Ron Paul almost as much as the corporate media she criticizes, and then her guest told lies about him:

"AMY GOODMAN: Where do you see the whole issue of religion, smaller government, social conservatism going now? I mean, Iowa is not necessarily representative of the whole country, and where Ron Paul, who also had a strong showing—granted, in a small poll—he did come in number two, only — what was it? — 200 votes behind Congress Member Bachmann, and Ron Paul, this very strong antiwar message, a libertarian. 

SARAH POSNER: Well, he’s not exactly a libertarian. I think his antiwar message resonates with people who aren’t conservative who are against the war, but he also has the very strong message against the power of the federal government that I was describing before that Michele Bachmann has, viewing it as a tyrant that’s coming to take your gun away or to, in his words at the straw poll—in his last speech before the voting ended, he talked about armed IRS agents coming to take the money of pro-life people to pay for other people’s abortions. So he is not beyond trying to reach out to the religious right part of the base. In fact, he’s hired the same evangelical outreach adviser that was used by both Presidents Bush. So he’s clearly trying to connect with that part of the base, even though many of the, say, the homeschoolers—Bachmann has a lot of support from homeschoolers, but her support from homeschoolers is generally from Christian homeschoolers. There are others, other homeschoolers that call themselves liberty-minded, that are less focused on the religious aspect of it, that are very much behind Paul. But he’s also—he’s not reaching the very same part of the religious right base that Bachmann is, but he is using—using some of the same rhetoric to attract those same voters. And he’s very anti-abortion, just like she is. He’s anti-gay marriage, just like she is.   


"Congress could strip the federal courts of jurisdiction over abortion, thereby overturning the obviously unconstitutional Roe. At that point, the issue would revert to the states, where it constitutionally belongs"

"Representative Ron Paul of Texas said a federal amendment to the Constitution that would define marriage as between a man and a woman would be an overreach. “I want less government,’’ he said. “If we have to have regulations, let the states do it.’’

Nothing like some GOOD OLD MISREPRESENTATION and DISTORTION from the TRUSTED LEFT(?), huh?  

Ron Paul And Gay Marriage

Where is that famous leftist tolerance I always hear so much about?  I mean, here I am in a pro-gay marriage, pro-abortion state and I'm tolerating it.  Why can't leftists treat others as they wish to be treated?

And nothing from her about the 218 missing votes.

Now you might say, well, it's Democracy Now and they are sort of left and Ron Paul isn't their cup of tea. 

That makes her coverage of Syria that followed immediately afterward all the more perplexing. She mouthed the corporate media spin, never asked any critical questions, and minutes into the piece I had to turn it off. Words can not capture the dejection I feel at the light of the left(?) being such a propaganda pusher.

Also see Democracy Now

Amy Goodman, Left Gatekeeper
