Saturday, January 21, 2012

Boston's Newspapers Speak With One Voice

Why not? The entire AmeriKan media speaks in unison as it is -- which is why you and I are here, beloved reader. 

Globe to print, deliver Herald

Why are you insulting someone who is providing you work even as they eliminate jobs, Globe?

Btw, you are not that far off yourself. 

Also see: Roswell UFO a Russian craft, author asserts

I try to stick to more earthly matters here at MSM Monitor; however, I'm starting to become a believer based on the simple fact that the agenda-pushing press denies it and the government cover-up that persisted (and still does) for decades.  

And how about the U.S. bringing back another Nazi monster to give us a leg up on the Russians? Amazing to me how the losers of WWII were then welcomed by the West to fight the Communists -- the same thing that Hitler guy was claiming to.... awww, never mind.  Everywhere you look there are lies, distortions, obfuscations and omissions, with mass-manipulation of the American mind as the motive.

Now back to the wars and rumors of wars, the endless worldwide looting, and the politics and perversions that pass for a newspaper here in AmeriKa.