"In recent days, the flow of patients, somewhat inexplicably, seems to have slowed, and beds are suddenly available in some places.
A possible climb down from worldwide martial law and global genocide?
Has the propaganda push -- once again -- backfired on the elite? Or have they gotten what they wanted and now onto the next item on the agenda.
People wonder if it is a reflection of international efforts to add treatment slots, or a sign that some clinics are seen as deathtraps from which sick relatives will never return, leaving many patients to opt for taking their chances at home. But the current ebb is a rare — and not entirely trusted — respite from the typical frenzy.
You know what I'm not trusting.
To confront the spread of Ebola, some community groups have stepped in, motivated by altruism, desperation, and, in some cases, political opportunism....
Why did pharmaceuticals and AIDS just pop to mind?
So it has been in Quarantine Nation as the Ebola scare spreads from Texas to Ohio and beyond. The number of people who have locked themselves away — some under government orders, others voluntarily — has grown and extended concentric circles of fear to quarantine themselves. Dr. Howard Markel, who teaches the history of medicine at the University of Michigan, said the quarantines recalled past epidemics of cholera, typhus, and bubonic plague. “Ebola is jerking us back to the 19th century,” he said. “It’s terrible. It’s isolating. It’s scary. You’re not connecting with other human beings, and you are fearful of a microbiologic time bomb ticking inside you.”
I was afraid of the terrorists, but....
In Payson, Ariz., paranoia ignited after word spread, rumors coursed around town, and, “People had this lynch-mob mentality,” he said. As with other aspects of the Ebola response, the criteria for recommending or requiring quarantine have often seemed ad hoc, random and evolving....
Meaning they don't know what they are doing.
The inconsistent response by health officials in monitoring and limiting the movement of health workers has been one of the critical blunders in the Ebola outbreak."
At service for Dallas Ebola victim, relatives recall generous man
Maine teacher on leave over Ebola worry
I'm sure she has sick time built up.
Also see: Ebola Leading to the End of the World
Then I was told everything was OKlain.
How an African slave helped Boston fight smallpox; Centuries before Ebola, Cotton Mather faced down another global epidemic with a health tactic from abroad
We survived that, we will survive this.
Keene State students help clean up after riot
Time to ban booze.
"Liberia seeks more aid to fight Ebola" by Jonathan Paye-Layleh | Associated Press October 20, 2014
MONROVIA, Liberia — The emergency food deliveries came as the international community ramps up its response to Ebola in West Africa, which continues to spread.
The death toll has risen to over 4,500 from the 9,000 infected, said the World Health Organization. Senegal has been declared free of Ebola and Nigeria is expected to be, but the epidemic remains out of control in Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia. WHO warns that by December there could be 10,000 new infections per week.
Fourteen other West African countries are seen as at risk and are being prepared, said Isabelle Nuttall, director of WHO global capacities. The United Nations has established a regional headquarters for the response to Ebola in Accra, Ghana. Director of the World Health Organization Margaret Chan was to attend a meeting in Ghana but did not make any public appearances, cancelling a press conference Saturday.
Ebola is cover for something else.
Chan and WHO have come under scrutiny following an internal document obtained by The Associated Press which said the UN health organization did not respond adequately to contain Ebola in West Africa.
A British nurse who contracted Ebola in Sierra Leone returned there Sunday after treatment in London. William Pooley, 29, is to work at an Ebola unit in Freetown, said King’s Health Partners, a project involving academics and medical staff. He was flown to Britain in August, where he received the experimental drug ZMapp.
Spanish officials said Sunday that a nursing assistant appears to have recovered, nearly two weeks after becoming the first person infected outside West Africa in this outbreak. An initial test shows Teresa Romero, 44, is clear of the virus, the government said....
She never existed, and yet in a ‘‘Letter to the World’’ we are warned it is the new Waterloo from some Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Pffft!
Doesn't help when everything they told you in their discredited mouthpieces was wrong:
"Protective-gear protocol revised for handling Ebola patients" by Mike Stobbe | Associated Press October 20, 2014
ATLANTA — Revised guidance for health care workers treating Ebola patients will include using protective gear ‘‘with no skin showing,’’ a top federal health official said Sunday, and the Pentagon announced it was forming a team to assist medical staff in the United States, if needed.
Before turning on the Pentagon part I want to show you something about exposed skin:

It's from the link to the previous article above, and do you see something in the background that draws skepticism?
Could it possibly be we are ONCE AGAIN seeing STAGED and SCRIPTED EVENTS being passed of as "real news?"
The Pentagon announced that Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel had ordered the formation of a 30-person support team from across the services to assist civilian medical professionals in the United States if needed to treat Ebola. So far, three cases have been confirmed in this country.
The team was to be formed by Northern Command’s Commander, General Chuck Jacoby, and was to consist of 20 critical care nurses, five doctors trained in infectious disease, and five trainers in infectious disease protocols.
Once formed, the team would undergo up to a week of specialized training in infection control and personal protective equipment at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, then remain in ‘‘prepare to deploy’’ status for 30 days.
The team would not be sent to West Africa or other overseas location, and would ‘‘be called upon domestically only if deemed prudent by our public health professionals,’’ Pentagon press secretary Rear Admiral John Kirby said.
So here we are. It's obvious race, gender, terrorists, whatever else they conjured up couldn't sell martial law, but this, THIS!
How can you argue with the hazmat suits? The only way would be with a gun, and then the authorities kill you.
Judge Clay Jenkins, the chief executive of Dallas County, called the 75 health workers who cared for Duncan ‘‘hometown health care heroes,’’ and said they had signed agreements with the state’s public health commissioner to stay off public transportation.
Why would they have to stay off public transportation if what we have been told by authority -- it's fluid thing -- and we have a picture above where some guys in the background aren't busy. Makes it look like it is indeed Africa, huh?
In a separate development Sunday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said those caring for an Ebola patient in Dallas were vulnerable because some of their skin was exposed.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is working on revisions to safety protocols. Earlier ones, he said, were based on a World Health Organization model in which care was given in more remote places, often outdoors, and without intensive training for health workers.
‘‘So there were parts about that protocol that left vulnerability, parts of the skin that were open,’’ said Fauci, who appeared on five network news programs.
I'm glad I never watch those anymore.
‘‘We’re disappointed that the recommendations are still not available,’’ American Nurses Association president Pamela Cipriano said. ‘‘Having a lag in official direction from the CDC doesn’t instill the greatest confidence in their ability to rapidly respond.’’
No, this government has gone long past that.
Cipriano said she understands the guidance will also include a call for anterooms, apart from the patient room, where protective equipment must be put on and taken off.
The push stems from the infection of two nurses at a Dallas hospital who treated an Ebola-infected patient named Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person diagnosed with the virus in the United States.
The nurses, Nina Pham and Amber Joy Vinson, were diagnosed with Ebola less than a week later. How they were infected is a mystery, officials say....
Well, the patient may have died on the way to the hospital but don't let that $poil the crui$e!
"‘Ebola cruise’ returns to Texas" by Jack Healy | New York Times October 20, 2014
GALVESTON, Texas — In the end, there was never any risk of the Ebola virus aboard what became known as the Ebola cruise.
Last week’s announcement that a passenger on the Carnival Magic was a Dallas lab supervisor who had handled an Ebola patient’s sample transformed a weeklong Caribbean jaunt into a high-seas drama showcasing anxieties over the spread of the virus.
Passengers used hand sanitizer, avoided touching railings, and offered elbow taps instead of handshakes.
As rumors swirled among people on the sun decks and in dining rooms, the hospital worker and her husband agreed to quarantine themselves in their room. Belize refused to allow the worker to be flown home through its international airport, and Mexico declined to let the ship’s passengers make a day trip to Cozumel.
As the ship headed home Saturday, a Coast Guard helicopter swooped in to fetch a blood sample from the hospital worker, to cheers and applause from passengers.
On Sunday morning, the cruise ship returned to port here on schedule, and health officials confirmed that the hospital worker had tested negative for Ebola.
She and her husband had been taking their temperatures and never showed any fever or symptoms of the disease. They drove home on their own after leaving the ship before dawn. A few hours later, the remaining 4,000 passengers streamed off the ship.
“We made it!” Christina Castile cheered, throwing her arms skyward as she left the cruise terminal. “Thank the Lord.”
I guess.
Castile, 49, of Dallas, and other passengers said they never worried they were at risk of contracting Ebola, which is spread through close contact with a sick person or their infected bodily fluids.
But they said the lab worker at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, like the Ebola-infected nurse whose flight to Ohio set off waves of panic, could have prevented much of the concern by simply staying home.
Oh, I agree, everyone stay home. Don't $hop, whatever you do.
“She should have taken on her own more aggressive precautions,” said John Cascio, 63, a Navy veteran and retired electrician. “If you’re in contact with it, you just don’t do things like that.”
Let's burn 'em.
Carnival officials said the hospital worker’s movements had not been restricted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention when she boarded the ship Sunday. But the CDC put her and other health care workers on a more active watch regimen, and on Wednesday federal officials asked that the cruise line’s medical team to monitor the woman.
Aboard the ship, passengers watched news of quarantines, school closings, and people being sent home from work, and worried that Ebola fears alone would force them to stay on the ship for three weeks, but for the most part, passengers said the cruise carried on as normal, minus the excursion to the island of Cozumel.
I'm $en$ing another big backfire on the political agenda-pushing here and an attempt to right the $hip.
Health officials said the ship did not need any special cleaning, but Carnival said it would nonetheless give the Magic “a very comprehensive and aggressive cleaning and sanitizing,” before it departed for its next voyage later Sunday.
I would scrap it if I are you.