"Dump may hold remnants of Kristallnacht" by Melissa Eddy, Associated Press | November 2, 2008
KLANDORF, Germany - After two hours of digging with his bare hands and a rusty spade he found among the refuse, Yaron Svoray had unearthed what appeared to be a beer bottle stamped with a Star of David and a plate-sized alloyed metal swastika. Several weeks later he found the bowl shard.
"I don't claim to say this is from Kristallnacht, I claim there is enough evidence here to provoke a further investigation," said Svoray, 54, an Israeli journalist who made his name infiltrating German neo-Nazi groups in the 1990s. He would like to see the dump excavated.
Please, stop it!
Self-Inflicted Hate Crimes
Another Fake Hate Crime
Jewish Graffiti
More Hate Crimes Committed by Jews
Nov. 9-10 will be the 70th anniversary of Kristallnacht.
Every day is a Kristallnacht in occupied Palestine.
Thomas Kersting, an archeologist employed by the state of Brandenburg to care for buried memorials and archeological sites, played down the likelihood of an archeological dig, citing a lack of funds and arguing that such a disruption would be in direct opposition to his bureau's aim to maintain the sanctity of such sites. --more--"
Imagine my (lack) of surprise over the lack of interest in investigating.
Having been raised in a Zionist-controlled society, the thought was nearly impossible: the Jews lied?
The first thing that raised alarm bells was the discrepancy in the numbers. Then there was the replacing of the plaque and so much more. The lack of mass graves at Treblinka (watch: video); the removal of the photographs; the lie of the First World War; the exhaustive documentation of the holohoax; the extortion racket arising from such; the outright lies; the Red Cross totals; the sloppy record keeping and limited access; and on and on.
Also see: Memory Hole: The Holocaust Conference