Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Question 1 "Debate"

I really have covered quite a bit of local politics since I started this site. I'm tired of linking the tax giveaways to corporations while the public and taxpayer take it in the shorts. I'm also tired of the pro-tax, agenda-pushing-on-every-issue, MSM.

Anyway, here are two ways of looking at the REPEAL of the INCOME TAX, such as it is. Also see:
The Rigging of the Massachusetts Vote Has Begun

Either by hook or by crook, we ain't gonna be allowed to repeal it, Mass. voters.

"The grimy side of politics

THE ARREST Tuesday of state Senator Dianne Wilkerson on public corruption charges echoed not only in the far corners of the State House and City Hall but in homes across the state, where voters suspect that elected officials put their own interests ahead of the public's well-being.

We don't just "suspect" it, BG, we KNOW IT!!!!

But it was not just the florid details of Wilkerson allegedly stuffing money into her bra that shocked people. Almost as disturbing was the glimpse behind the curtain where political relationships unfold.

That's when I head for the toilet, yeah.

Interceding on behalf of a constituent is a normal role for a legislator. But it can lead to harmful trading of votes and influence. "You roll my log, I'll roll yours" could be the motto of the Massachusetts State House.

Here, BG, I got a LOG you can ROLL: PFFFFFFTTTT!

Corruption thrives
most easily in areas where power is mostly concentrated in the hands of a single individual, free of transparent management controls.

Why does an image of George W. Bush sudenly pop into my mind, and why is the Globe not worried at all about him?

The old "don't pay me, pay my friends" ploy, along with the rigging of the public bid process to favor politically wired contractors, undermines the political system just as bribery does.

There is plenty to investigate. State Inspector General Gregory Sullivan has reported that three men close to House Speaker Salvatore DiMasi received $1.8 million in what Sullivan described as unreported lobbying fees from a software company seeking business with the state. One of the men, DiMasi's personal accountant, also provided the speaker with an unusual $250,000 third mortgage. The speaker denies any hand in the software contract.

Type "DiMasi" into my blog search and scroll down, folks.

On Friday, Governor Patrick announced he will convene a new task force on ethics. It may not be enough, however, to satisfy some voters, whose frustration could boil into support for Question 1, a destructive measure to eliminate the state income tax.

That INSULT just about says it all, doesn't it?

You know what is ipsofacto "CONSTRUCTIVE," readers?


Also see: Massachusetts Literally Throws Tax Dollars Away

Federal law forbids public officials from knowingly engaging in schemes that deprive the public of "fair and honest services." Right about now in Massachusetts, much of the public is feeling ethically deprived. --more--"

More than that, Globe: i feel like I've been plowed in the pooper, but good!!!!

Now this next guy is the resident neo-con on the Globe's ops page. He raises some good points; however, he doesn't go where I do (why would he? He serves the same interests):

"Voting 'No' on Question 1 will send a message too" by Jeff Jacoby, Globe Columnist | November 2, 2008

The ethical squalor that so often masquerades as public service in Massachusetts - a culture of corruption and arrogance that will never be disinfected if Question 1 doesn't pass.

One of the clichés of the tax-repeal opponents is that those of us who support Question 1 are ill-advisedly trying to send a message to Beacon Hill. "Find another way to send a message," advises Michael Widmer of the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation.

That pro-tax, pro-business, pro-state handouts to corporations, guy makes their paper every day!

Peter Meade, the chairman of the No on Question 1 Coalition, doesn't hide his disdain: "If you want to send a message," he snaps, "get a Hallmark card."

Translation: EAT SHIT, Mass. voter!! I say we DUNK HIS HEAD IN IT!!!!!!!

But make no mistake: Voting against Question 1 will send a message too. Vote no on Question 1, and you're flashing a thumbs-up to the political culture that readily indulged and empowered Wilkerson, notwithstanding her long history of ethical and legal violations. Vote no, and you're reassuring the state's political bigs that it's OK with you when they urge voters to re-elect cheats - as Governor Patrick and Mayor Menino urged the reelection of Wilkerson, despite knowing her to be a convicted tax evader and serial violator of campaign-finance laws.

See Criminal State Senator Also a Liar and Criminal State Senator Drunk With Power

Reject Question 1, and you're asking for more of the same: more of the corruption that unchecked power spawns, more lifetime legislators and uncontested elections, more logrolling with public-employee unions, more patronage positions for unqualified hacks, more voter-passed initiatives that get trashed by the Legislature.

Nothing about TAX GIVEAWAYS to CORPORATIONS, though!!!

Vote no, and you're looking at more irresponsible budgets, more "temporary" tax increases that turn out to be permanent, more hostility to saving money through privatization.

First of all, I CALLED the TAX HIKE already, and secondly, privatization to LOOTING CORPORATIONS isn't the answer, is it? The mask just fell off, Jeff.

Reject Question 1 and you're voting to perpetuate the whole fetid, greed-glutted cult of the public trough - the lavish pensions for "retirees" in their 50s, the paid holidays for public employees only, the jaw-dropping overtime pay, healthcare benefits, and "disability" scams.

True, but the corporate welfare not bother ya?

You want to send a message? Vote against Question 1 and you'll be another Oliver Twist: "Please, sir, I want some more."

Or like Chip in "Animal House" taking whacks from Neidermeier.

And if that is what you want - if the status quo suits you fine, if you're all right with the you-grease-my-palm-and-I'll-grease-yours system of which Dianne Wilkerson is but a symptom - then by by all means vote No. --more--"

Which the DUMB SHIT HEADS around here are GOING TO DO!!!

I am SO EMBARRASSED to be from Massachusetts!!!!

For more about Jacoby, see: The Zionist Movers and Shakers of AmeriKan MSM

Another Zionist Endorsement of Hagee

Globe's Jacoby Takes on Globalists

Globe's Jacoby Takes on Globalists, Part II

The Lies of Jacoby

U.S. Betrayals