Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Camping Season Opens in Vermont

"Campsites opening Friday in Vermont’s National Forest

Forest officials are getting ready to open campsites in the Green Mountain National Forest in time for the Memorial Day weekend. The US Forest Service said forest roads and trails are in good shape. They expect visits to be up from Vermont residents and from people in and around New England, due in part to high fuel costs. Visitors are encouraged to bring head nets or an effective insect repellent to fight off black flies and mosquitos. Campsites are opening Friday."

Also see: Camping Out in Vermont

And look who$e guarding the campground:

"Vt. gets $6.3m in Homeland Security grants

Vermont is getting $6.3 million in federal Homeland Security grants to help the state develop prevention and preparedness programs to respond to acts of terrorism and other catastrophic events. US Senator Patrick Leahy said the grants will come from two Homeland Security programs. A $3.4 million homeland security grant will help support the implementation of strategies to plan, organize, train, and equip first-responder agencies. A second grant of just under $3 million will help Vermont and local governments prepare for disasters and hazards."