Saturday, July 20, 2013

Slow Saturday Special: State Caught Cheating in New Hampshire Court

It is literally a matter of life and death. 

‘‘In poker terms, she not only knows the defense team’s hand but how the defense intends to play it. In football terms, she has her old team’s playbook.’’

"Lawyers want N.H. prosecutors off death row case" by Lynne Tuohy |  Associated Press, July 20, 2013

CONCORD, N.H. — Lawyers for New Hampshire’s only death row convict want the entire attorney general’s office disqualified from handling his appeal after the office hired a key member of Michael Addison’s defense team.

Defense attorneys argued in a New Hampshire Supreme Court filing this week that former public defender Lisa Wolford, who worked full time on Addison’s case in 2009, took at least one confidential document with her when she joined the attorney general’s office last summer as an appellate lawyer. They said she uploaded the document to her computer at the attorney general’s office.

‘‘In poker terms, she not only knows the defense team’s hand but how the defense intends to play it,’’ wrote attorney Andrew Schulman. ‘‘In football terms, she has her old team’s playbook.’’

Deputy Attorney General Ann Rice would not comment on the court filing Friday, saying her office will respond in court....

Attorney George Conk, senior fellow of the Stein Center for Law and Ethics at Fordham University and an adviser on ethics to the New Jersey Supreme Court, said it was a tough call, but he would disqualify the attorney general’s office and order that private counsel be retained to insure the integrity of the appellate process.

‘‘The legal presumption is that all her loyalty now rests with her current employer, and she will use all the information she has in order to aid their cause,’’ Conk said....

Mike Ramsdell, a defense lawyer who worked for the attorney general’s office for 10 years, said he does not think Wolford’s switching sides is that big a deal.

Still gotta execute (even if they know the plays -- or have a better hand), right?


I'm opposed to the death penalty for a couple of reasons, one being there is no oops and we have seen so many prisoners locked up for decades who were actually innocent. The second is because this blog, since its inception, has always been strictly pro-life. When I finally arrived here after all the letters and all the protests, that was a key concern of mine. The endless wars and government and corporate slaughters had convinced me that there was enough death in this world. 

So as strange as it may sound I view the scourge of teen pregnancy (you know, as long as it is within the age range, but either way, it's a soul, it's a life) as a celebration. The oversold overpopulation narrative lost its hold when I realized it was greedy globalists behind it. I accept abortion here per my libertarian and democratic underpinnings, and am willing to stay out of other states wombs. 

There is one caveat: should the crowd and mob wish to apply executive prejudice against a select company of war criminals and corporate looters I'm not going to rush in front and say no, no, no. I won't approve (into a Gitmo cell for life as we turn out those poor innocents who have nothing but torture marks on their bodies; that is why they are being held forever. Odd irony I would be putting the people who authorized such barbarity in the same cells, 'eh), but far be it from me to block the will of the people.