Saturday, November 16, 2013

Grave Offense in South Africa

"Johannesburg fights tombstone theft" by Carley Petesch |  Associated Press, November 16, 2013

JOHANNESBURG — Amid a rash of tombstone thefts from cemeteries in Johannesburg, a company will be offering relatives of the deceased a high-tech solution: microchips that can be inserted into the memorial that will sound an alarm and send a text message if it is disturbed.

The city already allows microchips to be placed inside graves to help families locate their loved one’s final resting places in the vast grassy spaces. Now, with thefts often carried out at night and the recycled marble or granite tombstones winding up in the hands of crooked stonemasons, authorities are taking technology a step further.

Nearly 20 marble tombstones are stolen monthly from the city’s 36 public cemeteries, despite security guards and perimeter sensors.


No disrespect intended, but the country is in a dreadful state and this is what they are worried about or what is being reported to me over here?