"The decades-long family feud that has exploded into an extraordinary public spectacle."
"Personal touches won loyalty at Market Basket; Company’s culture seen as a modern-day rarity" by Callum Borchers | Globe Staff July 25, 2014
It’s no wonder that the recent protests staged by employees of the Market Basket grocery chain resonate with so many people. From the characters to the setting, it is a quintessential American drama.
At Market Basket, the same folks have been dishing out cold cuts, stocking the produce aisles, and running the checkout counters for years. Some employees met their spouses there, and children follow parents into the business. Employees identify with the company’s family culture. To customers, they’re neighbors or friends, even relatives.
Moreover, Market Basket represents an increasingly rare business culture, one where workers are unusually well paid and willing to put their jobs on the line to force the reinstatement of a beloved boss who made them feel valued. All this at a time when most workers fret about job security and don’t know who owns their companies.
“We have a corporate culture in the US where most workers are living somewhere between anxiety and boredom,” said Erik Gregory, who directs the organizational and leadership psychology program at the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology....
The two feelings I get reading a Globe each morning!
Related: Market Basket has several suitors
The investment bank JP Morgan Chase & Co. is going to help them sort it all out. That should help workers.
Market Basket workers keep up pressure
Good to see the bastion of corporate liberalism take up the labor torch, 'eh?
Demoulas family should put threatened company first
Market Basket vendors hurt by work stoppage
Employees are the losers in Market Basket feud
Didn't take 'em long to put it down.
Market Basket Monday
Market Basket For Breakfast
Family Feud in Market Basket
Maybe you guys should just chill out and play a round of golf today.
Market Basket board weighs buyout offer
Demoulas board mostly ignores petitions
One way or the other, Arthur T. must return
Market Basket violated some workers’ rights, lawsuit says
Fast food workers join forces on wage demands
I wouldn't eat there anyway, and I don't want to hear the complaining.
Luxury home sales soar in state; Suburban estates, city condos attract foreign buyers
More evidence that the alleged recovery has only benefitted the 1% -- as well as the Chinese. Condos are now up to $2 million, huh?
Market Basket customers step into fray
As I'm stepping out. How sad.
Commitment and faith at Market Basket
Pressure mounting on Market Basket board
“The next few days could result in the company being destroyed.”
Market Basket board still ponders sale offers
Decision to sell is difficult for grocery families
Market Basket loyalists branch out
Social media play key role in Market Basket saga