I just wanted you to know that, dear readers.
This after I just purchased a new notebook and pens, too.
I'm thinking I will just run down a roll above here today and read them as I go, but after having been excited a bit by the early morning preview I was full-up after one flip in and over with the Globe today, and when I think about it going forward I.... well.... I DON'T WANT TO READ THEM, okay?
There, I said it. I have really been struggling with how to present that to you lately as I read less and less of the Globe and care less and less. It's not that I don't care about what is going on in the world around me; I just don't particularly care for the pri$m of their focus. I could go on about distortions and diversions, obfuscations and omissions, and the overall elitist insult of the regional flag$hip, but I won't. I'm tired of typing the same things year after year after year.
As for the here and now, I'm sorry I'm not finding the whoreporate war promoter or propaganda pre$$ very interesting these days. I know I should, I know everything they present to me is of utmost importance. It's not like they would ever lie to me or push an agenda or anything.
I mean, if you can't believe in the altrui$m of corporate liberali$m then what, I beg you, in what can one believe in the early 21st-century?