Saturday, August 2, 2014

Slow Saturday Special: No Whale Song in Alaska

"Whale, ferry may have collided near Alaska" Associated Press   August 02, 2014

KODIAK, Alaska — Authorities were working Friday to determine if a 25-ton humpback whale died as the result of a collision with the state ferry Kennicott near Kodiak.

Scientists believe the whale was alive when it was struck by the vessel. Kate Wynne, a marine mammal specialist for the University of Alaska Sea Grant Program, said the animal died of massive trauma.

The whale suffered broken ribs, spine, and skull, said Wynne, a member of the investigative team.

Frances Gulland, lead veterinarian for the investigation, said it wasn’t known whether the death was caused by the ship. Law enforcement from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration planned to look at various factors in trying to determine what killed the whale.

Jeremy Woodrow, a spokesman for the ferry system, said the incident happened on July 26, when the whale was spotted on the bow of the ship below the water’s surface.

He said it was not clear how long the whale might have been there. There was no unusual sound to draw attention, said Woodrow, who noted that bumps are heard on the boat all the time due to logs or other debris in the water.

The whale slid off the vessel and sank as the ferry slowed to enter the harbor, he said.


Also see: In the Belly of the Boston Globe Beast