Saturday, August 9, 2014

Slow Saturday Special: Tea Party Struck Out in Senate

"A majority of people don’t like their own member of Congress for the first time ever, but despite Congress' abysmal approval ratings, only two incumbents have lost -- so far this year, the Senate's establishment is on a roll and we don't care about rank rot corruption, either. 

You believe any of that narrative and I have some of Saddam's nooks to sell you.

‘‘If you kind of look at this like a baseball game, you guys totally struck out, done, you’re gone,’’ said Daniel Horowitz, a strategist who formerly worked with the Madison Project, a conservative group that have spent money against GOP incumbents.

Need I even type it?

"Mainstream GOP upbeat after sweeping Tea Party" by Donna Cassata | Associated Press   August 09, 2014

WASHINGTON — Mainstream conservatives ran the table in Senate Republican primaries as Tea Party upstarts lost all six challenges to GOP incumbents, leaving the establishment upbeat about midterm elections and the insurgent movement beaten but unbowed.

I didn't know Tea Party candidates were planting roadside bombs, but....  (f***ing god-damn agenda-pushing f***ing slave shit reporters with internalized militarism reflecting itself in the terminology constantly. What a lost cla$$ of $hits)

Tennessee Senator Lamar Alexander’s narrow win Thursday night and Kansas Senator Pat Roberts’s triumph on Tuesday dashed the Tea Party’s last hopes of knocking out a sitting senator. Earlier this year, incumbents prevailed in Texas, Kentucky, South Carolina, and Mississippi for a party intent on nominating viable candidates and winning Senate control in November’s contests.

Yeah, Alexander presided over some sort of child porn ring out of his office so he needs to stay there. I wonder what the NSA (and by extension, Israel) has on Roberts.

Republicans need to win six seats for the majority. Democrats, with two aligned independents, hold a 55 to 45 advantage.

I used to care about the game of musical chairs.

‘‘The last two cycles we nominated some people who were not the best candidates for the general election,’’ Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky, said during a campaign stop in Hindman, Ky. ‘‘In 2014, I’m hard-pressed to think of a single state where we don’t have the best nominee possible in order to do what this is all about, which is to actually get elected and make policy.

‘‘We had a good cycle so far; it doesn’t guarantee the outcome,’’ he said.

Republicans blame Tea Party supporters and flawed candidates for squandering the party’s shot at Senate control in 2010 and 2012, especially in Delaware, Nevada, Colorado, Missouri, and Indiana. Months ago, McConnell vowed to ‘‘crush’’ Tea Party candidates, and the National Republican Senatorial Committee invested money, staff, and time, including over 40,000 phone calls in Kansas in the last weeks of the campaign.

Tea Party supporters and other outside groups acknowledged the defeat.

‘‘If you kind of look at this like a baseball game, you guys totally struck out, done, you’re gone,’’ said Daniel Horowitz, a strategist who formerly worked with the Madison Project, a conservative group that have spent money against GOP incumbents.

First of all, it is NOT a BASEBALL GAME or HORSE RACE, etc, etc, etc, and secondly, this is what we call CONTROLLED OPPO$ITION (like the Koch Tea Party groups)!! They are NOT REAL TEA PARTY! They have co-opted and undermined the movement, as we have so often in the past.

By comparison, Tea Party supporters and outside groups upended Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana in 2012. The 2010 midterms claimed Senator Bob Bennett of Utah, who lost at a party convention, and Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski, who later won reelection as a write-in candidate.

But Horowitz and others insist that the numbers fail to account for the movement’s success in forcing incumbents to move right on issues such as immigration, federal spending, and reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank, the government agency that provides loans, loan guarantees, and credit insurance to help foreign buyers purchase American-made products.

Business groups are pushing hard for the bank’s renewal, but conservative groups are opposed, saying it amounts to corporate welfare.

I'm not kidding when I tell you my printed paper didn't have enough room for those last two words. Coincidence?


Related: More Rigged Primaries 

Maybe the same ticket again in 2016?

"Paul Ryan urges colleagues to offer new solutions" by Thomas Beaumont | Associated Press   August 09, 2014

CHICAGO — Representative Paul Ryan told the nation’s most active Republicans on Friday that criticism of President Obama alone is insufficient to fuel a GOP comeback in this year’s elections or in 2016.

Instead, the Wisconsin congressman told the Republican National Committee, it’s time for the party to put up examples that demonstrate to the nation and previously underrepresented groups in the GOP that it is the party of the future.

‘‘We are in one of those trajectory-making moments where we will determine the kind of country we are going to be for at least a generation,’’ Ryan said during a luncheon on the last day of the group’s summer meeting.

‘‘We need to show that we have better ideas. We need to show that we have real solutions. We need to show that we’re the party of opportunity,’’ said Ryan, the vice presidential nominee in 2012.

His upbeat tone and call for wholesale expansion of the party to include more low-income and racially diverse supporters come as his party struggles to coalesce around a plan to deal with illegal immigrants.

Comprehensive immigration overhaul was a priority in the RNC’s post-2012 report, commissioned by the RNC chairman, Reince Priebus, after presidential nominee Mitt Romney lost to Obama. A sticking point between House Republican leadership and the party’s more conservative House members, immigration stymied the GOP again last week when House Republicans wrangled over how to deal with problems on the southern border.

Related: Immigration Crisis Over

Ryan praised his colleagues for raising concerns about the Obama administration, including the health care law and problems with the Department of Veterans Affairs. But he cautioned that opposing Obama was not a winning strategy by itself.

But the election will be a referendum on his failed presidency.

‘‘It is not enough for us to simply criticize,’’ he said. ‘‘We must be a proposition party.’’

We hear that every two years.


UPDATEAndrew Ian Dodge, 46; Maine Tea Party activist


GOP ready to remake legislative agenda; Party sets plans for major push if it wins Senate" by Carl Hulse | New York Times 

Started reading it, got a paragraph in and said why bother?

For this Kennedy, all politics (for now) local

The 52-year-old son of the late senator is a.... Republican.... and there is talk of being a president?

Tea Party steers GOP right — away from White House  |  Opinion | Michael A. Cohen

I've usually stopped reading by the time I get to the ed/op pages, and I see no reason to change that now.

The unsung inventor of the carbon tax

Now we know whom to blame. Brothers in arms, not a good idea.

Also see: Neb. holds fast to ban on same-sex marriage

The frigidness must be coming from the record-cold summer out there.

White students no longer in the majority

No mention of the illegal immigration kids contributing to the problem, of course, and why would there be? Just accept the guilt placed upon you by the $upremaci$t Jewish agenda-pu$her, you racist, you!

Confederate flags [are] a racist statement 

I have been taught that my whole life, although I never hear the war-mongering ma$$ media complaining about all the good old boys who have died in the World Wars, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. 

I'm not endorsing the Stars and Bars, but nor was that war just about freeing slaves, either. The great Lincoln used that to rally the troops when the war was going badly, then had a bullet put in his head because he bucked the bankers with the greenback. 

Now let me retreat to comfortable conventional media and return to all the stereotypes of the 1950s and 60s when the world was wonderful, all were safe, and my ma$$ media was the giver of truth and would never pu$h and agenda or God forbid lie.