This is the first thing you need to see before you are killed:
Mathematics of Life and Death - The Trouble With "Modelling" Epidemics
The citizen journalist brings to light a recent Washington ComPost piece:
Coronavirus modelers factor in new public health risk: Accusations their work is a hoax
The attacks from Trump supporters against epidemiologists ratcheted up several bars on Thursday as pundits on the political right took aim at one of the world’s leading epidemiologists, Neil Ferguson of Imperial College in Britain.
Now, one may ask, who the heck is Neil Ferguson? Never heard of him (does he have a brother)?
Anyway, Neil Ferguson is the guy who wrote the report that estimated 510,000 deaths in England and 2.2 million in the United States. That's the report that all western leaders, from Trump and the highest levels right down to mayors and governors, were basing their draconian police state measures upon -- and now it turns out to be a "prediction."
Also see: Mathematics of life and death: How disease models shape national shutdowns and other pandemic policies
The citizen journalist notes the hastily done forecasts that are not peer reviewed that are then rushed into action to advance other agendas, and the citizen journalist rightly asks, " In the meanwhile we are denied our right to live our lives. To work. To assemble. To exercise outdoors freely. To be out, anywhere, without being confronted by scarred, terrorized people. Who won't make eye contact or smile at another human being. To watch neighbours afraid to come out. To fear that your neighbour will snitch to the 'authorities' on your or other neighbours. Is that how communities should function? I don't think so."
(Quick aside: just as I am typing this, a gas company truck comes to the end of the street, turns around, and leaves. Am I paranoid or just vigilant?)
I would then turn your attention to this:
Henry Makow says the Covid 9/11 Planned-emic is Another Live Drill
The post begins with a truly frightening and morbid 5-minute video from the New York Times that apparently went halfway around the world before we got our boots on (gee, the New York Times is really up on misquotations and misinformation these days -- as they scatter it about like fertilizer).
Anyhow, the citizen journalist then notes how the doctor in the report is a crisis simulation expert!! That's her job! This an exercise with crisis actors, etc, prevalent all throughout my pre$$ coverage. It's all agenda-pu$hing propaganda from the evil behind the curtain, using their willfully-collaborating puppets in government and industry to advance the Big Lie.
So what happens? A citizen journalist of New York takes to pounding the pavement and investigating. Strange scene, man. Everybody tight-lipped save a few ambulance drivers. Nothing at all that would correspond to the New York Times' frightening piece of scripted propaganda.
What we are witnessing and what is being reported is another in a long line of what they call a Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation, or psyop for short. We are in the middle of one now that is apparently designed to exterminate segments of the population that are proving ungovernable.
Now for the conclusion:
"..... In the meantime, the measures imposed on the peoples of the world based on false information from unscrupulous doctors and politicians must be immediately reversed. Life must return to normal and those responsible for this fiasco of totalitarian abuse must be punished to the full extent of the law.
Social distancing, quarantining, the closing of businesses are absolutely unnecessary because no flu is contagious. The duplicitous medical community has played a joke on an ignorant public in order to turn the freedom loving American way of life into a diabolical Communist concentration camp, apparently with an idea to reduce the population with totally unnecessary poison vaccines.
Spread this news far and wide. Time is short. And the forces of evil are arrayed against all humanity, with the power of corrupt media and bought-off politicians all willing to end freedom with this cynical barrage of blatant lies that has disrupted the entire world and left its population terrified. For this hoax there is no forgiveness.....
The citizen journalist that unearthed that is now calling COVID-19 the Covert Operation Via Infectious Disease created in 2019.
Related: COVID-19 Outbreak Infects 66 At Maryland Nursing Home
That came from the limited hangout that is WRH, and I rarely go there anymore. He never met a virus he didn't embrace and there are other tell tale signs in plane sight over there that call into question the site's veracity no matter how hard they hammer Israel.
Well, my last Bo$ton Sunday Globe is to be followed with what is likely my last Monday Globe as well:
Up to 200K US deaths foreseen as more cities stricken
It's the New York Times so we know it is 100% false, and that is what the Bo$ton Globe decided to run as the most important story in the whole world. The fear porn from Fauci. They are obviously all-in as a megaphone for evil.
The story reports that "President Trump retreated Sunday from his desire to relax coronavirus guidelines by Easter, announcing instead that all Americans must continue to avoid nonessential travel, going to work, eating at bars and restaurants, or gathering in groups of more than 10 for at least another month and perhaps until June," so I feel duped. With defenders like him.... (citizen journalist makes throat-slashing gesture).
For teenage friends, sudden loss of everyday routines is keenly felt
I no longer care to read about poor Jewi$h kids who are not practicing social distancing, but at least you know who is at the bottom of this entire agenda and plan for mass murder.
(flip to below fold)
As coronavirus spreads, undocumented immigrants are losing jobs with no financial safety net
The Bo$ton Globe, of course, is more worried about "undocumented immigrants" than they are legal citizens, and they are using this coronavirus scare they are fanning to advance that agenda. After all, Americans who have had their jobs taken away from them forever would never want to work as "cooks and dishwashers, cleaners and clerks."
Actually, maybe they should all be deported now given the colossal unemployment crisis.
Or are those Americans slated for termination by the heroes in the gowns with the needles?
Citing pandemic, judge orders that efforts to release migrant children be stepped up
Once I saw the New York Times by-line I realized it wasn't worth reading and would be a waste of time.
Retailers and landlords find some flexibility amid the crisis
Yes, we are all ‘in the same boat’ now as March has been a brutal month for restaurants, retailers, and many other small businesses," and now the rents are due!
Yes, indeed, your life has been put on hold and your means of earning a living has been voided, but the bankers still want their payments. They say the SEC needs to save them and are sounding alarms. Why can't they put everything on hold?

Many retailers and restaurants that have closed due to the coronavirus are trying to negotiate rent relief with their landlords. (David L. Ryan/Globe Staff)
Where is the damn social distancing?
I guess once this is all over the elite that are left behind will have plenty of Lebensraum with no traffic and a cleaner environment. Yay!
In a time of social isolation, Mayor Walsh sends a message to those in recovery
It's a "subtle message that one day at a time, we’ll all get through this,'' as you climb the walls of your hole, 'er, apartment.
So when is the "shelter-in-place" martial law order coming, Marty, Wednesday?
In states’ coronavirus response, a red/blue divide
It's by one of the Globe's darling jewels, a Ms. Jess Bidgood, and God do I wish I had moved to a red state. Too late now :(
My Nation/World A2 lead:
Trump and Biden in near tie as virus spreads, poll finds
The Washington ComPost reports that President Trump has moved from what was a seven-point deficit in February to a near tie with Biden today, and that makes sense. I wasn't going to vote in November if Sanders didn't get the nomination, but now I will go and vote for the current President of the United States if Biden is the nominee.
"The virus has transformed the 2020 elections. Here’s how" by Jonathan Martin and Reid J. Epstein New York Times, March 29, 2020
From the White House to the county courthouse, the coronavirus pandemic has drastically upended the 2020 elections.
Many Democratic leaders now doubt their national party convention will take place as planned in July, while President Trump’s determination to hold the Republican convention could collide with life-or-death realities.
You read it here first.
Both Trump and former vice president Joe Biden are wary of holding public events too soon and may not engage in full-fledged campaigning until the summer, and hundreds of congressional, statewide, and local candidates, who are always overshadowed in presidential years, are turning to the role of good Samaritan — aiding with groceries and hiring people newly out of work in an effort to stay visible without being insensitive to the crisis.
The virus has fundamentally transformed political life in America. Even when more traditional electioneering resumes, the nature of this race will be profoundly different. The outbreak has thrust the public health threat and economic downturn to the forefront in races up and down the ballot this year.
Incumbents at every level, starting with Trump, will be judged on how they prepared for and steered the country through a crisis that has turned the life of nearly every voter upside down. “This is the question that is going to dominate the election: How did you perform in the great crisis?” said Representative Tom Cole, an Oklahoma Republican who has canceled fund-raisers and instead scheduled tele-town hall events with guests like the provost at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, but until the spread of the virus slows, there is likely to be little interest in the presidential race and even less in state and local races.
It's the New York Times using this simulated exercise -- that is not to say people are not dying out there. The coronavirus has simply absorbed all the seasonal flu deaths. That's your "crisis." It's one we have every year. They just decided to go live now -- because Trump is going to win reelection.
Related: Tom Coburn, the ‘Dr. No’ of Congress
Dead of coronavirus?
Representative Sean Casten, an Illinois Democrat, has culled his campaign’s phone bank list to voters 60 or older. Rather than ask them policy questions or trumpet his accomplishments, Casten’s volunteers ask if they need any “health and safety information” and provide a list of senior-only hours at local supermarkets.
The NYT reporter's choice of words is damn disturbing!
“Nobody wants to talk about my thoughts on carbon pricing,” said Casten, who was a renewable energy executive before he was elected to Congress in 2018.
This crisis is intended to get rid of anyone who stands in the way of that agenda, so buck up!
The long sweep of US history is filled with presidential elections that took place during times of war and upheaval, but there is little modern precedent for a campaign unfolding against a backdrop of such widespread national fear.
Yeah, the New York Times is now going to give us a history lesson.
The closest comparison may be the New York mayoral race in 2001, when the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks loomed over the city’s general election. In presidential politics, the Vietnam War, assassinations and civil rights struggles shaped the 1968 campaign and seemed to reveal a country coming apart.....
Of course. That, too, was another Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation that worked to perfection, but you only get one bite at that Apple. After 18 years, the apple is brown and rotted.
The Legislature should find a way to meet online
The Globe editorial staff says "this crisis requires new ways of convening on Beacon Hill," and now they will be even more insulated from the public they "$erve."
Death count from COVID-19 in New York State nearing 1,000
The "National Notebook" has been completely rearranged and rewritten!
My printed copy led this this:
Hundreds flock to La. church in defiance of state ban
The governor of Louisiana called God's worshippers “selfish and grossly irresponsible,” and said they should be shunned!
My second printed brief was this:
Legislatures meet remotely, limit public as virus spreads
The web version carried this instead:
"The Seattle area, home of the first known coronavirus case in the United States and the place where the virus claimed 37 of its first 50 victims, is now seeing evidence that harsh containment strategies, imposed in the earliest days of the outbreak, are beginning to pay off — at least for now. Deaths are not rising as fast as they are in other states. Dramatic declines in street traffic show that people are staying home. Hospitals have so far not been overwhelmed, and preliminary statistical models provided to public officials in Washington state suggest that the spread of the virus has slowed in the Seattle area in recent days. While each infected person was spreading the virus to an average of 2.7 other people earlier in March, that number appears to have dropped, with one projection suggesting that it was now down to 1.4. The researchers who are preparing the latest projections, led by the Institute for Disease Modeling, a private research group in Bellevue, Wash., have been watching a variety of data points since the onset of the outbreak. They include tens of thousands of coronavirus test results, deaths, and mobility information — including traffic patterns and the movements of anonymous Facebook users — to estimate the rate at which coronavirus patients are spreading the disease to others. The progress is precarious, and the data, which was still being analyzed and has yet to be published, is uncertain. Officials said that expansive social distancing policies will remain a key part of daily life for weeks to come (New York Times)."
YOU F***ERS!!!
Now they are laying the groundwork after they have been outed!
They have just DESTROYED THEMSELVES by throwing in with this MODELED PANIC!
Anyway, Cuomo came in third in print, and the web article was a complete rewrite and reedit, leaving out this crucial, crucial paragraph:
"New Yorkers are hearing a constant wail of sirens as weary ambulance crews respond to a record volume of 911 calls, many from people experiencing symptoms of the coronavirus. The city's ambulances are responding to about 6,000 calls a day — more than 50% more than average. “This is unprecedented,” New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio said. “We have never seen our EMS system get this many calls — ever.”
I simply ask the readers to watch the video to decide if that reporting is accurate or not, and whether De Blasio is a collaborator and criminal.
"It was hard to track the shortage with precision, though, as the supplies were scattered around the hospital, boxes of them kept in different units for workers to use as needed. The stats up on the projector didn’t look good....."
Yeah, Bo$ton is in on it, too.
The third web version brief was this:
"Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo repealed an order for the police to stop only cars crossing the border with license plates from New York, the epicenter of the nation’s coronavirus outbreak. She did so after an outcry from civil rights groups and a threat of legal action from New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Instead, she’ll require all cars, regardless of origin, entering from the state’s southern border from Connecticut and three key highway locations to pull over. There, all visitors will be told they need to self-quarantine for 14 days — a reflection of the divide and fear around the nation over the virus’s rapid spread. The National Guard is also checking for out-of-state travelers at bus and train stations and at T.F. Green International Airport. Colonel James Manni, Rhode Island State Police superintendent, said he is confident that the new system of monitoring stations doesn’t violate anyone’s rights....."
Think of what they are doing down there. They are creating registry of people entering the state, much like Soviet officials did in those days. Communist totalitarianism is here, folks, and the historical record does not bode well for the American people.
China created a fail-safe system to track contagions. It failed
So says the New York Times as they tout the results in Seattle!
I mean, how f***ing shameless can they be?
100% false, because “if a witness is shown knowingly to have testified falsely about any material matter, you have a right to distrust such witness’ other testimony and you may reject all the testimony of that witness.”
Remember that?
Oil prices crash, virus hits, commerce stops
The rigs are going dark and I'm told Iraq is in trouble:
"Iraq had 547 confirmed cases of the coronavirus by Sunday, but has been doing extremely limited testing. The true number is thought to be many times greater. The government itself is foundering after antigovernment protests ousted the prime minister in November and Parliament has been unable to agree on new leadership....."
The New York Times reports that, “These are the worst days we have lived through in Iraq,” said Riyadh al-Shihan, 56, a military veteran. “I lived through the Iraq-Iran war, the uprising, Saddam Hussein, but these days are worse,” as US-led forces pull out of 3rd Iraqi base this month.
Ships await Panama passage, face doubts in Fla.
The coronavirus has heralded the end of the global supply chain because the hidden costs of globalization are becoming apparent, but not all global problems result from globalization and for those problems that do — including pandemics like COVID-19 — globalization itself can help ameliorate them.
Moscow orders residents to stay home as virus spreads
Putin is giving them the week off.
"The state finance minister of Germany’s Hesse region, which includes Frankfurt, has been found dead. Authorities said he appears to have killed himself and the state’s governor suggested Sunday that he was in despair over the fallout from the coronavirus crisis. The body of Thomas Schaefer, a 54-year-old member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union, was found Saturday on railway tracks at Hochheim, near Frankfurt. Police and prosecutors said that factors including questioning of witnesses and their own observations at the scene led them to conclude that Schaefer killed himself. State Governor Volker Bouffier linked Schaefer’s death to the virus crisis on Sunday. Bouffier said Schaefer was worried about “whether it would be possible to succeed in fulfilling the population’s huge expectations, particularly of financial help.” “I have to assume that these worries overwhelmed him,” Bouffier said. “He apparently couldn’t find a way out. He was in despair and left us.” Schaefer had been Hesse’s state finance minister for a decade."
Was he about to blow the whistle?
Plane catches fire at Manila airport, killing all 8 aboard
What is a plane doing leaving the Philippines?
For North Korea, fourth weapons test of month
That's what the New York Times is reporting, and he is back-burner stuff at this stage.
Trump says US won’t pay for Meghan and Harry’s security
Why would they want to come here?
In navigating coronavirus pandemic, Massachusetts voters say they trust Baker
Just 28 percent approve of the job President Trump is doing, and they didn't call me.
"Mass. coronavirus cases up nearly 700, with four new fatalities" by Andy Rosen Globe Staff, March 29, 2020
There are 4,955 known cases of COVID-19 in Massachusetts, state officials said Sunday, up nearly 700 from a day earlier. Fatalities associated with the viral outbreak rose by four, to 48, according to the Department of Public Health.
The latest count of deaths from the novel coronavirus included people from across the state. They were a man in his 80s from Essex County, a woman in her 90s from Middlesex County, a woman in her 80s from Berkshire County, and a woman in her 70s from Norfolk County. Two of the patients had known preexisting conditions, state officials said.
They are lumping everybody in to the totals as to goose them higher.
Governor Charlie Baker said Sunday that his administration has created an online resource for people and companies that want to sell or donate badly needed supplies for people on the front lines. The program will be accepting supplies including respirators, masks, face shields, goggles, gloves, gowns, head covers, shoe covers, sanitizer, and wipes.
At least Charlie was able to infect and kill the recreational marijuana business he never wanted (the liquor stores remain open, though, and people can still buy cigarettes!)
Meanwhile, Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh said Sunday that the city had begun converting privately owned buildings into shelters for homeless people as part of a plan to make about 550 new beds available. The announcement followed Boston’s first case of COVID-19 among the city’s homeless population, the mayor said.
It shouldn't have taken a COVID-19 scare to do that!
The new sites, which include 172 beds at Suffolk University’s Nathan R. Miller Hall dormitory and 70 beds at the shuttered Kindred Hospital Boston in Brighton, are intended to ease the burden on existing shelters and slow the spread of the fast-moving virus.
What kid is going to want to go stay there afterwards?
Of course, no kids will be coming to the sites after they have been repurposed as concentration camps.
On Sunday night, President Trump said during a briefing that he was “trying to get things to Massachusetts as rapidly as possible” after state officials said the federal government had undermined them when they tried to order the supplies.
“Massachusetts, we’re dealing with the governor very strongly, and trying to get things to Massachusetts as rapidly as possible,” Trump said, after a reporter asked why some states weren’t having their requests for supplies filled. Baker’s office could not be reached for comment Sunday night.....
I feel sorry for the President of the United States for having to go out and face that evil every day. I couldn't do it, and I thank him for doing so
(flip to below fold)
Why does it seem the rich and famous get tested for coronavirus while others don’t?
I'm told "it’s complicated."

Medical personnel waited to screen people arriving at a special COVID-19 testing site in Boston on Saturday. (Michael Dwyer/Associated Press)
On Friday they will be receiving a a round of applause for being on the front lines as we celebrate health care heroes (in what carries the stench of a psyop), and it looks like coronavirus claimed another one.
In spite of virus, Berkley finds a way to mourn teens lost
What were they doing out of the house?
Fall River man dies in single-vehicle crash on I-93 in Dorchester
What was he doing out of the house?
25-year-old man killed in single-car crash in Waltham
What was he doing out of the house, and are those simple cover stories for assassinations?
One can't help but wonder in this era of the Great Cull and COVID-19, dear readers.
Maine officials investigate report of tree being cut down to quarantine out-of-towners
They are as bad as Rhode Island!
Police make compliance checks to see if local lodgings are harboring out-of-staters
That is in VERMONT of all places!
12 families displaced by large apartment fire
Where will they go when no one wants them?
The weather is no longer of concern to my printed Globe, as they flush it down the old memory hole.
What is of concern to them:
"Innovation Economy: It actually may be the end of the world as we know it; Futurists and sci-fi writers look ahead to how the coronavirus could reshape everyday life" by Scott Kirsner Contributor, March 29, 2020
The world has never felt quite this much like a dystopian science-fiction movie with an overheated, overwritten plot, and it can be tough — for me at least — to think past the newest alert on my phone, or the next to-do on my list. So how do you get a view that extends beyond the latest twist in the coronavirus crisis?
Except it isn't one of those pieces of crap created by Hollywood. Well, at least parts of it are not.
As for the latest twist, see the the beginning of this post.
I did two things. First, I sought input from business people on Twitter. In your business’s current planning, I asked: “When do you expect the crisis will have subsided?” I got more than 900 replies, and 78 percent of the respondents said they’re betting on about six months — by roughly September. That number was split evenly between people who are expecting their companies to be returning to some kind of even keel by June, and those looking to September, instead. (The remaining 22 percent expected it to last until December, or even into 2021.)
That fits in line with what Goodell said, and that explains the all free agency contracts being awarded during the work stoppage. Those stadiums are to be used for the six-month extermination event, and then will be ready for football!
Then, I took that September timeframe and asked a handful of business futurists and science-fiction writers what they expect the world to be like then. Their responses have been edited for length.
THORNTON MAY, founder of Digital Value Institute, a think tank of tech leaders
In September 2020, the world will not have returned to a pre-virus status quo. This thing will change every part of society and our economy.
As a futurist who believes in the power of human agency to make the world a better place, there are a couple of bright spots.
This people make me sick when they find a $ilver lining in all this.
We will come to appreciate the truly critical bits of infrastructure that modern life depends on — the food supply chain, the medical supply chain, and the logistical complexity of supplying stuff.
I think the whole “the kids aren’t going to school” thing might end up on the plus side. One, parents will now have to get involved in their kids’ education. Two, because the parents are working at home they might actually spend some time with the kids. Three, curricula for students will be customized and augmented. So in addition to following whatever online programs the local educational authorities come up with, parents and children will be able to take advantage of a rapidly growing array of online teaching resources.
WTF world do these eliti$t $cumbags live in anyway?
The world where it is asked "Is it petty to gossip about your husband during a pandemic? Technically, yes, but with the whole family home all day, every day, for every meal, and with some people talking very loudly on conference calls, and every day both a weekend and a workday, and restaurants closed, and the sudden mandate to home-school, many moms are so burdened they can’t help themselves. A mere few days into the great shut-in, the whispered gripes were flooding in.....?"
A world where such mon$ters say grandparents won’t listen to their kids’ coronavirus lectures, and are lying about going to the grocery store and pretending they weren’t playing bridge as the original helicopter parents won’t be grounded, calling them Boomer Teenagers or Disobedient Parents or Senior Delinquents because they are proving ungovernable, as they sling such sh!t as the mask is on and don't happy, be worry (be afraid of your own children, folks)?
That kind of world?
There are big opportunities for the tech industry to step up and start bridging the digital divide. In the Los Angeles Unified — the nation’s second-largest school district, with about 670,000 students — 80 percent of its students come from families living in poverty. This amount of poverty — independent of the virus — is a crisis.
Not an actual $$$ crisis though!
During the Great Depression, the government created the Civilian Conservation Corps, which created/cleaned up the National Park System. Could we find a way of repurposing all the folks put out of work by the closure of all the bars and restaurants?
That means those institutions are never coming back, American, and now he turns it into a political tool:
The biggest impact of all this will be political. George H.W. Bush failed in his second bid for the presidency because he did not understand the workings of the grocery checkout line [and was portrayed as being out of touch]. The electorate — faced with empty shelves and orchestrated visiting rights to grocery stores — will be no less kind to our 45th president.
By September 2020 we will have health forecasts, including the number of people who are infected; the number of people who have died; the number of people likely to be infected; and the number of people who were infected and who are now virus free. This will be accomplished via a mobile phone app.
That is straight out of the MIT playbook, and think of it as the new $ports $ection.
JEREMY GUTSCHE, Trendhunter CEO and author of “Create the Future”
In all likelihood, we've emerged from the most intense period of this chaos and uncertainty, but restaurants, dentists, nail salons — everything is under incredible pressure, and small businesses are being crushed. The relief efforts are not really adequate.
We're going to have a really weird different world, in the middle of an election — a combination of finger-pointing and messages of unity. Who navigated the chaos better?
A different perspective is going to be Gen Z. They have an increased awareness of all things eco, and a desire for sustainability. They’re going to look at this and think about it as another example of the older gen messing the world up. They will compare the number of casualties to the number of people dying from environmental threats.
In the entrepreneurial world, small- and medium-size businesses will be under a lot of pressure, but we’re also seeing a trend called instant entrepreneurship. It has never been easier to instantly become an entrepreneur. Start a website on Wix, go to 99 Design and have a logo made, go to Thingiverse, make a 3-D product, and then put it on Kickstarter and sell something. We’ll have a lot of people working from home, or laid off, and thinking about the businesses they could actually create, and looking for next steps.
Yup, we all can be entrepreneurs if you have the ingenuity and desire!
There's going to be a dramatic remapping of the stores in your neighborhood. That will create new opportunities, and some new beginnings, but it will be a painful time of evolution.
Sick f***.
From a business perspective, people are still going to have a fear of flying, and big meetings. You will think twice about having your lunch in the office fridge, and you will feel different about that high-five.
He wouldn't be getting one anyway, and I suppose this all means no more recreational team sports. No more pick-up basketball, football, or baseball.
ANNALEE NEWITZ, science-fiction and nonfiction author, podcaster
I have a couple of scenarios I've been batting around in my head, which both feel equally plausible at this point.
Scenario One: As more people hunker down at home, more of our most vital and personal activities will have to go online. Lots of people are learning how to have serious meetings remotely, and how to work as teams in group chat.
Then there’s the arguably more psychologically vital stuff: I’ve been playing Dungeons & Dragons with my gamer group using videoconferencing, and watching TV with a housebound, high-risk loved one by hitting play at the same time on a TV episode and videochatting with him at the same time.
Actually, I have STOPPED WATCHING TV! It seems UNREAL and TRITE given what has happened and where we are going. Can't relate to any of the repeats at all, and to watch them going forward is surreal.
I’m not alone. A lot of us are cut off from our loved ones right now, and online connection is all we have. Suddenly “online” doesn’t feel like a fantasy realm. It’s our social fabric. The online world is going to become a fully robust public space, and we won’t want to see garbage and detritus everywhere. We will finally start to see social media companies taking responsibility for what’s on their platforms — information will need to be accurate, or people will die.
Aaaaah, the GREAT CULL will be applied to TRUTH-TELLERS and WHISTLE-BLOWERS on the INTERNET!
All I can say is, you can suppress us, you can kill us if you like, but we will not capitulate. We will struggle and fight, and never slacken, and never tire, and never lose courage, and never despair (man, truth can bring a tear to your eye no matter who tells it).
An Internet focused on maintaining connections with real-life loved ones and colleagues, as well as accurate information, might form the bedrock for a public sphere oriented toward stability and social welfare. We might see an election in the US where people vote for candidates who promise a government focused on social assistance, and have science-based approaches toward catastrophes.
Looks like CENSORSHIP and BRAIN-WASHING to me, and not a world I would want to live in.
Scenario Two: The pandemic rips through the population, aided in part by contradictory messages from state and federal governments, as well as misinformation online. As social groups and families are torn apart by disease and unemployment, people look increasingly to social media for radical solutions: violent uprisings, internment camps for immigrants and other "suspicious" groups, and off-the-grid cults that promise sanctuary from death.
That scenario seems way more likely at this stage. Then the first scenario will be implemented.
[Social networks and message boards like] 4chan, white supremacist Discords, and Gab become the norm, as well as their left-wing counterparts. Having lost faith in the government and social welfare institutions, people embrace authoritarianism as a palliative. The White House blames liberal immigration policies for the pandemic, and a nation seeking radical disruption re-elects Trump, who promises to drain the swamp further.
Who is this skank?
My educated guess is that we'll see a little of both things, depending on where people live, especially because the pandemic is going to hit local communities unevenly.
That should cover her ass either way, huh?
Btw, she/they is a contributing opinion writer at The New York Times.
The agenda-pushing never stops.
SEABY BROWN, science-fiction author and entrepreneur
(Brown chose to write about the world she envisions at the start of 2021.)
It’s winter break 2021, just after New Year’s. Very few went to any in-person parties, but lots of folks used apps to participate in virtual parties. Families spend more time together at home since the second, and more deadly, wave of COVID-19 struck in October, spreading through young people returning from summer and back to school, falsely lulled into believing it was safe to do so by the waning numbers of new infections during the summer. Now it is the young people who are getting hit the hardest, since the virus mutated to be more aggressive in those young people who had viewed the virus as the “Boomer Remover” and ignored the social distancing directives. Like the 1918 flu, the second wave is the really deadly one.
An October surprise for the President of the United States, huh?
With many parents out of work due to layoffs, more families are keeping their children at home and homeschooling in numbers higher than ever. School districts are looking to contract, with new homeschooling and distance schooling companies offering better ebook texts and Hollywood production style educational video series. Teachers are retooling to work as online tutors.
Cui Bono?
Unemployment in young people is soaring, leading them to boomerang back to their parents’ homes, relieving some of the housing shortages. Homeless people are being housed in hotels, motels, etc. that are now vacant due to restrictions on tourist travel.
That has been happening for years now due to student loan debt and lack of jobs!
Funny how that cri$i$ is now forgotten as well, $ub$umed by COVID-19!
Contact sports at schools and universities have been completely suspended. However, professional sports have resumed with mandatory testing and social distancing of athletes strictly enforced. The games are televised, but no crowds are allowed to watch it live. Since the economy is hurting and not everyone can truly be productive at home, factories and offices are open again. The saving grace is fast and inexpensive testing. Workers are spot-tested daily by many employers, others must test themselves each morning before commuting. Public transit is avoided, clogging the streets once again with private cars. Carpooling has become very unpopular. Ride-sharing apps are considered so last year, as fear of contaminated cars or sick drivers keeps users away.
F*** THAT!
Grocery stores and many other outlets have remodeled, and no longer allow customers to walk aisles and touch shelves that might harbor and transfer the virus. One shops online or at the counter, placing orders for goods for pick-up or delivery. Certain items are limited in the number that may be bought at any one time to reduce panic stock-piling.
Yes, indeed, we are looking at COMMUNISM as it existed in the SOVIET UNION!
Shopping and strip malls are ghost towns, and city planners are waking up to the fact that they were never good for cities to begin with. Researchers have failed to develop effective vaccines and shortages of vital proven retroviral drugs have led to a burgeoning black market, while pharmaceutical companies scramble to increase supply. Conspiracy theories abound.....
That last one literally scares the sh*t out of her!
FYI, the strip malls are perfect for "repurposing." The stores even have metal gates to lock you in.
Well, it actually may be the end of the world as we know it, but I feel fine and at least they are keeping the power on.
Just waiting for my delivery now:
"About 100 Amazon employees at a New York fulfillment center plan to go on strike at noon Monday, saying management has been unresponsive to safety concerns and the spread of the coronavirus at the facility. Employees are demanding that the Staten Island site be closed for at least two weeks and sanitized. The e-commerce giant closed a warehouse in Queens for cleaning after an employee tested positive, as reported by The Atlantic. They’re asking for workers to be paid during this time and for retroactive compensation for those who had already stayed home out of fear for their health and safety. Chris Smalls, a management assistant at the site known as JFK8 and lead organizer of the strike, has worked at Amazon for five years at three buildings in the New York tri-state area. Colleagues began falling ill after Amazon managers came back from a trip to Seattle, the initial epicenter of the virus in the U.S., according to Smalls. He left work in the second week of March out of concern for his health. Smalls returned last week to rally support for a work stoppage among the building's 4,500 employees and reiterate his concerns and recommendations to management. "What are we waiting for?" he said he told the site's general manager and head of human resources. "Someone to die?" He says the company has not been transparent about how many employees at the Staten Island location have tested positive for covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, and have taken insufficient safety precautions, including allowing one of his colleagues to return to work while awaiting her test results. News of the planned strike was first reported by CNBC. Amazon did not immediately reply to an emailed request for comment. "People need to be held accountable, even [Amazon owner] Jeff Bezos himself," Smalls said in a telephone interview. "These buildings all across the globe need to be shut down. We are the breeding ground for the coronavirus." Employees have taken to Facebook and Instagram groups to organize the details of the work stoppage and share stories of working conditions, he said."
They have robots ready to replace them, so..... might as well head back to Seattle where the models are predicting a flame out.
Btw, the breeding ground was the US bioweapons lab at Fort Detrick.
FDA to telework until at least May
That report came from Arkansas.
Top Places to Work nominations now open
Not the health field, that's for sure, as the eliti$t's laugh while $hitting in your face!
Providence biotech firm is working on a coronavirus vaccine
Oh, you can trust her, right?
Time to retreat into your ComfortZone and await the slaughter.
In addition to the New York Times false reporting, now comes word that CBS falsely presented a video regarding a New York City hospital room (against the HIPPA law if an actual piece of claimed footage, btw). As the citizen journalist noted, this is hardly the first time the pre$$ has been caught doing such a thing, in fact, it's happened more times than one cares to count.
"Trust Fauci? Trump’s ‘Science Expert’ Now Claims 200,000 May Die from Coronavirus" by , March 30, 2020

IN FAUCI WE TRUST: Dr. Anthony Fauci at press conference with President Trump.
It should be noted that we are now 10 weeks into the current global coronavirus ‘pandemic’ crisis, and still hugely conflicting rumors continue to circulate through the halls of government and mainstream media as to true nature of the threat posed to public health. Is the government’s ‘cure’ worse than the disease? Are government estimates completely overblown?
Thanks to a number of wildly exaggerated ‘official’ doomsday predictions like those made by my favored British ‘expert’ Dr. Neil Ferguson, conflicting theoretical guesses as to the UK’s ‘death rate’ have thrown the exercise into disarray, leaving many members of the public confused as to the actual nature of the threat posed by the novel coronavirus and COVID 19, along with many also asking whether sweeping government policy will implode the real economy and move half the nation’s workers and businesses on to the government welfare rolls is really justified.
This week, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, spoke with CNN’s Jake Tapper claiming that his computer models were now telling him that the coronavirus will ‘infect’ millions of Americans, and that the new government death toll guess for the US has now suddenly been raised to anywhere between 100,000 or 200,000 people.
Meanwhile in China, a country with a population of 1.4 billion and with some of the world’s largest and most densely populated cities, fatalities appear to have tapered off to somewhere around 3,500. So how is the US government coming up with such astronomical numbers?
To cover himself from any scrutiny, Dr. Fauci inserted a caveat which seems to allege that the behavior of the coronavirus can never really be known because it is “such a moving target.”
Again, all of this begs the question: is the Coronavirus really as deadly as they say? Not according to a number of top scientists and medical experts.
Two weeks ago, Dr Fauci claimed that COVID-19 is at least 10 times “more lethal” than the seasonal flu, but the data shows that this isn’t even remotely possible.
As the public begin to realize that the coronavirus will not claim as many lives as the annual seasonal flu, more questions and challenges are going to be leveled at government officials as to why they opted to destroy their economies, societies and shut down their democracies – in order to “fight this invisible enemy.”
Despite all of this, the mainstream media are still pressing on with their campaign of fear, which continues to drive mass panic.
How much longer can the US President trust in Fauci?
That would make President Trump a conspiracy theorist then.
Of course, every cloud has a silver lining:
Israeli PM Netanyahu self-isolating after aide tests positive for coronavirus
That brings us back to the region and these lovely morsels:
Macy’s to furlough 130,000 people;
Tokyo Olympics rescheduled for July 23-Aug. 8, 2021
We will be in Phase 4 by then, and I will no longer be a part of this Earth:
"A new ‘roadmap’ lays out how we might emerge from coronavirus crisis" by Martin Finucane Globe Staff, March 30, 2020
How do we get out of this coronavirus pandemic nightmare? A new paper suggests the road we should take and the signposts we should look for on the way.
The 20-page report, published on the American Enterprise Institute website, comes from a group of public health experts led by former US Food and Drug Administration commissioner Scott Gottlieb. Gottlieb, now a fellow at AEI, is one of the experts on the advisory group guiding Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker.
The Globe is now taking advice from the far-right AEI?
These must be the end times.
The report envisions four phases:
Phase 1 is the current phase, when the pandemic is growing, there is community transmission in every state and social distancing measures are in place, causing massive disruption to everyday life. “These measures will need to be in place in each state until transmission has measurably slowed down and health infrastructure can be scaled up to safely manage the outbreak and care for the sick,” the report said.
In Phase 2, schools and businesses can reopen, and much of normal life can begin to resume “in a phased approach,” but there will still be various restrictions, the report said. In Phase 3, with widespread testing and a vaccine or a treatment available, physical distancing and other restrictions can be lifted. In Phase 4, the authors recommend, we should prepare for the next pandemic.
For many cooped-up people now, the biggest question is how we get from Phase 1 to Phase 2. The report suggests the signposts that will indicate when it’s safe to move to Phase 2....
By the time your are finished reading the article you totally forgot about Phase 3 and 4.
How about that, huh?
US and J & J commit $1b to coronavirus vaccine codeveloped by Beth Israel
The Globe says clinical trials are set to start by September, and if all goes well, it could be ready for emergency use early next year.
J & J, of course, is the company facing multiple lawsuits for not telling women the talc baby powder causing uterine cancer over the last 40 years or so. So glad they are leading the vaxxing effort!
Also see:
Justice Dept. investigates at least one lawmaker’s stock trades before coronavirus spike in US
It's a Washington ComPost piece, and you see who is going to be the scapegoat.
You know, this would be a good time to release the findings on the Red Sox and Patriots investigations.
Speaking of sports:
"Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh also delivered an update on the city’s coronavirus response at an afternoon news conference at City Hall. Due to concerns that people are still congregating to play sports in city parks, he said, zip ties would be placed on basketball hoops, hockey and tennis nets were being removed, and new signs were being put up. He urged people to maintain social distancing to slow the spread of the epidemic, saying, “These are extremely difficult times. These adjustments are all hard and these decisions we’re making are not easy,” and said he was concerned about the arrival soon of warm weather. “People need to understand that if we get a 60- or 70-degree day, that doesn’t mean you hang out with each other, that doesn’t mean you have a cookout,” he said. “For the foreseeable future, it’s a very different life we have to lead right now....."
You got that, folks. No more sports, no more cookouts, nothing.
Of course, he isn't leading that different a life at all, and still has all his taxpayer perks. I hope the daily police escort of SUVs are keeping their social distance. At least the traffic is lighter.
Bakers says "models show that a surge in coronavirus cases is expected to arrive sometime between April 7 and April 17," (models say!) so will likely be extending the shutdown "advisory" -- or is it an order by now? -- and Walsh also says “I’m going to be completely honest with you. If we think that May 4 the coronavirus is going to be gone, it’s not. I think that we’re in this for the long haul,” as the virus has caused a global pandemic that has sickened more than 745,000 people and killed more than 35,000 worldwide.
Somehow the alleged total deaths here are up to 56 now and alleged cases rose nearly 800 (that's what the model says, I'm sure), "as the state entered its second week under a stay-at-home advisory that has emptied busy highways and turned the typical workday rush into an eerie calm. A video on Twitter showed an empty Green Line train rolling past an empty platform in mid-morning, and the usually packed Alewife MBTA parking garage was 4 percent full."
Why are the trains even running, and how is that helping the environment?
Weather is already getting hotter (pfft), and you know what comes with that: terrorists!
Officers help women find their way on N.H. mountain after hiking app failed
WTF was she doing hiking a mountain at this time?