That's odd. My printed front page titled the article "Amid Warnings, Trump takes rosy view."
Why did they change it? Make the Democrats look good after being obstructionist (remember that word? They pre$$ never uses it when its Demorats doing the obstruction).
WASHINGTON — President Trump said Tuesday that he wants to reopen the country for business by Easter, on April 12, despite widespread warnings from public health experts that the worst effects of the coronavirus are still weeks away and that lifting the restrictions now in place will result in unnecessary deaths.
The president said he believes a crippled economy and forced social isolation would inflict more harm than the spread of the virus, but experts have warned that the spread could be slowed if businesses remain shuttered and people remain in their homes as much as possible.
Large parts of the United States and the world are moving in the opposite direction than Trump suggests: India announced a “complete lockdown” of the country’s 1.3 billion people. The Olympic Games in Tokyo were postponed for a year. Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a lockdown in Britain, and Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York said cases of COVID-19 were doubling every three days, with a peak expected in the third week of April, when an expected 140,000 New Yorkers would need to be hospitalized.
That's been rewritten from what is on the front page.
"Governor Andrew Cuomo sounded his most dire warning yet about the coronavirus pandemic Tuesday, saying the infection rate in New York is accelerating and the state could be as close as two weeks away from a crisis that sees 40,000 people in intensive care. Such a surge would overwhelm hospitals, which now have just 3,000 intensive care unit beds statewide. The rate of new infections, Cuomo said, is doubling about every three days. While officials once projected the peak in New York would come in early May, they now say it could come in two to three weeks. “We are not slowing it, and it is accelerating on its own,” he said during a briefing at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. “One of the forecasters said to me we were looking at a freight train coming across the country. We’re now looking at a bullet train.”
Too bad we didn't build a bunch of them like the Chinese.
"India’s prime minister ordered all 1.3 billion people in the country to stay inside their homes for three weeks starting Wednesday — the biggest and most severe action undertaken anywhere to stop the spread of the coronavirus. “There will be a total ban of coming out of your homes,” the prime minister, Narendra Modi, announced on television Tuesday night, giving Indians less than four hours’ notice before the order took effect at 12:01 a.m. “Every district, every lane, every village will be under lockdown,” Modi said. “If you can’t handle these 21 days, this country will go back 21 years,” he said. “The only option is social distancing, to remain away from each other. There is no way out to escape from coronavirus besides this.” Modi did not make clear how people would get food, water, and other necessities during the lock-down, or how they would maintain a safe distance from one another in the cramped spaces many now live. Nor did the prime minister make clear whether exceptions would be made for workers deemed critical to keep the country — the world’s most populous nation after China — functioning. The breadth and depth of such a challenge is staggering in a country where hundreds of millions of citizens are destitute and countless millions live in packed urban areas with poor sanitation and weak public health care. Though India’s number of reported coronavirus cases remains relatively low — around 500 — the fear is that, should the virus hit as it has in the United States, Europe, or China, the consequences would lead to a disaster far bigger than anywhere else."
Another craven politician, and a supremacist to boot, knuckling under to the sick, evil, genocidal f**ks that are behind all this, and I am sure the Indian troops will simply do what they do in Kashmir (has that ever fallen off the pre$$ radar or what?).
Let it never be said that those with totalitarian tendencies ever miss an opportunity during a crisis they have created and are foisting on their publics. For shame! The other part, the hundreds of millions and countless millions (why not counted?), makes me glad Gandhi isn't around to see it.
"Confusion rippled through Britain Tuesday, a day after Prime Minister Boris Johnson ordered a three-week halt to all nonessential activity to fight the spread of the new coronavirus. Streets were empty but some subways were full. Hairdressers were closed, but construction sites were open. Divorced parents wondered whether their children could continue to see them both. The government has ordered most stores to close, banned gatherings of three or more people who don’t live together, and told everyone apart from essential workers to leave home only to buy food and medicines or to exercise. “You must stay at home,” Johnson said in a somber address to the nation on Monday evening, but photos showed crowded trains on some London subway lines Tuesday morning amid confusion about who was still allowed to go to work. Many families were also confused by the new rules. After Johnson said people should not mingle outside of their household units, separated parents asked whether their children could still travel between their homes. In a series of television and radio interviews, Cabinet minister Michael Gove initially said children should not move between households, before clarifying that it was permitted."
Permitted, huh? The government is going to ALLOW you to see your children.
I know you Brits don't like us Yankees for events long ago; however, here is the reason why you need to oppose the lockdown -- for Liberty's sake. King Boris has replaced King George as England's most infamous tyrant (still has a way to go to approach the mass-murdering, war-mongering, Winston Churchill).
A former British colony, and once again it shows that in times of crisis, all governments will use them to suppress their citizens.
Beyond that, one can't help but notice that the ma$ters of au$terity, the International Monetary Fund, have infected the country. That's bad news for Egyptians.
There is one place you can run to, but you better bring a coat:
"One continent has not yet confirmed a case of the novel coronavirus. It’s a place of barren ice, where the all-consuming cold and darkness of winter is fast approaching. Over the past few months, some 4,000 people from around the world have watched from Antarctica as the coronavirus pandemic, which began in Wuhan, China, swept around the globe, reaching all but its southernmost reaches. ‘‘You’d better stay there; you’re safer there,’’ Alberto Della Rovere, leader of the 35th Italian expedition to Antarctica, said his colleagues at home told him via WhatsApp. For now, they appear to be right. Even in normal times, only a limited number of people are allowed in and out of Antarctica, with medical workers screening for signs of influenza and other illnesses before arrival. ‘‘Right now, this, Antarctica, is the safest place in the world,’’ Della Rovere said. ‘‘There are no outside contacts, and we’re far away from any settlement.’’
Then I would rather die than live in that kind of world, and I would encourage those sick f***s to stay there and away from the rest of us lest they infect us with their mental disease.
Related: Scientists just discovered a massive new vulnerability in the Antarctic ice sheet
Oh, no! They will be coming our way soon! Maybe the virus will meet them, huh?
"The Chinese province of Hubei, where the coronavirus first emerged, on Wednesday will begin allowing most of its 60 million residents to leave after nearly two months of lock-down, in a sign of the government’s confidence that its tough measures have worked to control the outbreak, but even as authorities announced the eased restrictions, new questions were being raised about the virus’s toll in China and whether the threat had fully passed....."
It's New York Times swill and, for good or ill, I have discounted anything they have to say about China. They never got over the Wen Ho Lee framing.
"Spanish army troops disinfecting nursing homes have found, to their horror, some residents living in squalor among the infectious bodies of people that authorities suspect have died from the new coronavirus. Prosecutors have launched a judicial probe. Defense Minister Margarita Robles said the elderly were “completely left to fend for themselves, or even dead, in their beds.” She said the discovery included several nursing homes and several bodies but did not give exact locations for the nursing homes or exactly how many bodies were found. The news came as Spain on Tuesday announced a record daily rise of 6,584 new coronavirus infections, bringing the overall total to 39,673. The number of deaths also jumped by a record number of 514 to 2,696. Madrid took over a public skating rink Tuesday after the city morgue overflowed. To date, 1,535 people have died in the hard-hit Spanish capital, more than half of the national total. The region has over 12,350 infections."
Let's hope that doesn't happen here, and no wonder the guy was flipping out. They are letting your elderly beloveds die, as per the plan, and more than that. The willful neglect is MURDER!!
Back to today's cowflop, and the turn in seems to pick up verbatim:
The president’s remarks came on a day in which top Democrats and Trump administration officials closed in on a deal for a $2 trillion economic stabilization plan. Wall Street cheered the progress on Capitol Hill, with the Dow Jones industrial average surging to its best day since 1933.
Now I am having $econd thoughts about the whole thing. They have the public over a barrel. Take the chump change and send trillions into the hands of Wall Street, or suffer and starve. Some choice from our loving, caring, benevolent leaders.
The Dow burst 11.4 percent higher, while the more closely followed S&P 500 index leapt 9.4 percent as a wave of buying around the world interrupted what has been a brutal month of nearly nonstop selling.
Like coronavirus figures cited by the agenda-pu$hing pre$$.
Economists and investors alike are still expecting to see some dire economic numbers in the days and weeks ahead.
“Today was a good day, but we would not necessarily see this as turnaround time,” said Adam Taback, chief investment officer for Wells Fargo Private Bank.
Then the article veers off again like yesterday, and I'm not doing another time-wasting search and destroy.
Trump, sitting in the Rose Garden earlier in the day for a Fox News “virtual town hall” on the coronavirus, said that “I would love to have the country opened up and just raring to go by Easter,” and that he wants to ease restrictions he said are responsible for harming a flourishing economy.
“You are going to lose a number of people to the flu, but you are going to lose more people by putting a country into a massive recession or depression,” Trump said, misidentifying the virus. “You are going to have suicides by the thousands — you are going to have all sorts of things happen. You are going to have instability. You can’t just come in and say let’s close up the United States of America, the biggest, the most successful country in the world by far.”
Public health officials were horrified by Trump’s statement, which threatened to send many Americans back into the public square just as the peak of the virus is expected. But at the briefing, Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the task force members, said that any new guidelines would not pertain to hot spots like New York and that there could be “flexibility in different areas” based on data.
“We need to know what’s going on in those areas of the country where there isn’t an obvious outbreak,” Fauci said.
That's where my front-page print turn-in was, after that Fauci flop.
Trump, however, did not budge on the April 12 date, which he said he did not arrive at by examining any data. “I just thought it was a beautiful time,” he said.
“Wouldn’t it be great to have all of the churches full?’’ Trump said. “You’ll have packed churches all over our country.”
How about sports stadiums?
Later Tuesday, at the coronavirus task force’s daily news briefing, Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House’s coronavirus response coordinator, announced that anyone who has recently left New York City should self-quarantine for 14 days after leaving the metropolitan area. The region is where about 60 percent of all of the new cases are coming from.
She is an evil-looking bitch, and do you even know who she is?
One can't help wonder if this is not God's Judgement upon the ce$$pool that is New York City.
None of the analyses that have been publicly discussed modeling the spread of the coronavirus in the United States suggest that there will be a resolution of the pandemic anywhere close to Easter. Fauci himself has said it was possible that the country would see a peak in the number of cases around May 1, but Trump said he expects that people could return to work and still practice social distancing, which requires maintaining a separation from others of about 6 feet, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
It's a f***ing simulation, a la the Matrix!
“We can socially distance ourselves and go to work, and you’ll have to work a little bit harder,” the president said. “You can clean your hands five times more than you used to. You don’t have to shake hands anymore with people,” but if people are told they can head back to work, commuting by bus or subway while thousands of new infections are confirmed each day, “the virus will surge, many will fall ill, and there will be more deaths,” said Dr. William Schaffner, a preventive medicine expert at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.
The not shaking hands will make him (of course, now he is making a conscious effort to reach out) and Seinfeld (conversational distance! Yeah, it was all funny back then) happy at least!
Now go WORK HARDER so those getting the $5 TRILLION can get EVEN RICHER!
As a practical matter, however, Trump cannot reopen the country. He can issue guidelines, as he did last week, when he announced a 15-day plan that included closing schools and telling people to avoid groups of more than 10 as well as bars, restaurants, food courts, and discretionary travel, but the decision of whether to return to business as usual is up to the states.
Then he is sunk. It's a political $hut down!
In New York, Cuomo has already ordered all nonessential businesses to close and all nonessential workers to stay home. In Ohio, Governor Mike DeWine, a Republican, has also issued a stay-at-home order and has said he is likely to extend an order shuttering all schools, but health experts said there also needs to be a nationwide approach and that it is not clear that patchwork, state-by-state policies alone could be effective.
“This disease will not respect state borders and city borders, and will move around this country just like it’s moved around the world,” said Tom Inglesby, the director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.
But let's open the flood gates on the Southern border and let in all the immigrants.
Despite Trump’s insistence, it was unclear how serious he was about his Easter deadline. On Tuesday, Dr. Jerome Adams, the surgeon general, insisted that the president does take advice from the health experts on his task force. “He also listens to the governors,” Adams said, and later, Marc Short, Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff, described it simply as a “goal.”
Trump has long tied his own political success to the surge of the stock market, and he has been eager to send a message to the business community and to the markets that the economic standstill caused by the coronavirus and the response to it will not last forever.
Dr. Keith Martin, a physician who heads the Consortium of Universities for Global Health, said simply that if restrictions were lifted prematurely, “President Trump will have blood on his hands.”
Then he can join all the other presidents we have had.
Trump’s likely Democratic opponent joined in the criticism of the president.
NOW I'm going to be SICK!
“He should stop talking and start listening to the medical experts,” former vice president Joe Biden said in an interview with CNN. “What is going on with this man?,” but Trump again reiterated Tuesday that he does not view the highly contagious coronavirus as any more dangerous than the flu. “People die from the flu,” he said. “But we’ve never closed down the country from the flu.”
Did Joe remember that he said it or did he just trail off..... what was I, I was, What I, I what, hmmm.
The president also noted with frustration that “we lose much more than that to automobile accidents.”
While it is true that deaths resulting from those causes outnumber deaths from the virus to date, projections from the CDC estimated that deaths from COVID-19 in the United States could range from 200,000 to 1.7 million.
Looks like they are ready a giant pause in their social experiment, and they are going to jerk us around for at least the next 18 months. Letting us out, crisis, letting us out, crisis.
The printed pre$$ article said, and I quote, "More than 400,000 people worldwide have been infected and over 18,500 have died, according to a running count kept by Johns Hopkins University," while the Washington ComPost claims that some of the buying came on the heels of slim-but-positive news that parts of the world were making strides against the pandemic, which has infected nearly 410,000 people worldwide and killed more than 18,200......"
That means the death toll jumped 1,500 overnight, as calculated by the $ick in$titution that took part in Event201 and which was tasked with this role for the exercise. I found myself asking why no one bothered to keep a running tally regarding the mass-murder based on lies in Iraq (and that was in 2008) and Afghanistan -- or Palestinians, for that matter.
The print version also said the ultimate co$t of the bailout is amounting to "several hundreds of billions of dollars more than the entire US federal budget for a year, and administration officials said they hoped that its effect on a battered economy would be exponentially greater, as much as an additional $4 trillion."
I'm staggered, and the administration officials to which they are referring (brought to me via the web version)

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin arrived at the US Capitol with White House Director of Legislative Affairs Eric Ueland (center) and White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows (right) to continue negotiations on a $2 trillion economic stimulus in response to the coronavirus pandemic Tuesday. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images/Getty Images)
Look how close together they are. Social distancing is for us, not them. What a TELL!
What you are looking at, dear fellow American, is the FINAL LOOTING of AMERICA by the EVIL WITHIN! They co$t of the bailout is going to be more than the annual federal budget!
They are giving us a fal$e choice:
"In weighing safety against the economy, Trump offers a false choice, experts say; The president’s apparent focus on the stock market appears misguided, economists say, because the economic consequences of inaction are dire" by Laura Krantz and Victoria McGrane Globe Staff, March 24, 2020
As soon as I see the byline I know it's an agenda-pushing savaging.
President Trump’s call to reopen the economy would put a premature end to the nationwide social isolation efforts underway to quell the spread of the coronavirus, and could cause the entire health care system — and in turn the economy — to collapse under the weight of a crush of critically ill people, economists and public health experts said Tuesday.
So Obama's signature legacy was, in the end, a complete failure!
As the crisis rages, the president has become increasingly at odds with medical and economic experts, seemingly fixated on restoring the high-flying stock market — an oft-touted achievement of his term, but that focus appears misguided in the face of mounting death tolls and economic consequences that may be even more dire later if the country does not take immediate action to slow the pandemic.
I suppose they can write that because they are still getting paid to poop out the propaganda, and case closed on my previous observation regarding this article. Trump knows it's a live exercise, like the Marathon. In each case, I suspect that staged and scripted drills and events were piggybacked by real events. In the Marathon case, the private security guys who were in on the drill dropped the bag at the mailbox and then ran away. In this case, a biological weapon was in fact released to destabilize China, but has now come home to roost. Same as in shootings. The drill goes live. That way, truth-seekers will argue whether the event was real or not, with both having proof. It's the old divide-and conquer strategy!
At the root of the president’s rhetoric on the issue, economists across the political spectrum say, is a false choice between economic growth and protecting public health.
“The loss of life we’re talking about exceeds wars we’ve been in,” said Diane Swonk, chief economist at the accounting firm Grant Thornton in Chicago, projecting the potential death toll if the virus were allowed to spread unchecked. The permanent damage that could inflict on the US economy “would be hard to ever recover from. As hard as all of this is, the cost-benefit is pretty easy,” she said of the current restrictions on American life.
It's Chicken Little with the modeling hyperbole and worst-case scenario!
Run to the Hills!
Medical experts, many of whom are coordinating the response at Boston’s top hospitals, agreed.
Former vice president Joe Biden, the leading contender for the Democratic nomination to take on Trump in the November election, poked fun at Trump’s notion of bringing the economy back from the grave by Easter. “That would be a real resurrection if that could happen," Biden said in an interview on MSNBC.
That senile, perverted, demented old fossil said that?
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who is managing the state with the largest caseload thus far and has sharply criticized the federal government for its response, said in his daily press conference on Tuesday that, “If you ask the American people to choose between public health and the economy, then it’s no contest. No American is going to say accelerate the economy at the cost of human life.”
All the poisonous products we buy, etc, cigarettes, alcohol, etc, along with the contaminated water that washes over the fresh vegetables.
WTF is he talking about?
We accept it every damn day as the corporate machine rolls on, leaving destruction and pollution in its wake.
Even with eased restrictions, the pandemic would continue to roil our daily economy. Some businesses would struggle to operate as their employees got sick en masse, with some dying. Other countries, still committed to the measures public health experts recommend, might bar Americans from entry, hampering international business and trade. Many Americans would remain afraid of the virulent virus, and those with financial means would likely continue to self-isolate. Many consumers would continue to avoid crowded restaurants, stores, and theaters.
What about those without financial means? What happens to them?
This abhorrent and awful agenda is starting to look like one GIANT CULL, with the resulting $ociety some sort of Ely$ium for the ruling cla$$.
“A warning to the president: Trying and failing to reopen the economy before economic activity is organically ready to resume could have dire economic consequences,” Michael R. Strain, the director of economic policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, a leading conservative think tank, wrote in an opinion piece for Bloomberg Tuesday.
Mayor Mike felling the pinch?
“We can’t just go back to normal tomorrow,” said Betsey Stevenson, an economist at the University of Michigan who advised former president Barack Obama.
Stevenson said the White House narrative is misleading by making people think that somehow they have to choose between a high standard of living or their health.
“There is no such thing as ‘the economy.’ We are a group of people who get together and trade in order to improve our own well-being and welfare," she said.....
You mean, like Jews, while we are all forced to "social distancing?"

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, listened to President Trump during a briefing on the coronavirus pandemic. (Drew Angerer/Getty)
That's the devil offering the false choice.
No, not Trump. The short f*** with the Napoleonic complex in the background.
(flip to below fold)
Controversial BU lab is only one in New England with live coronavirus
I'm told the "high security South End laboratory is the only one in New England with a specimen of the virus that is sweeping the globe, according to Ronald B. Corley, director of the facility. Called the National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories, or NEIDL, the lab won final approval in 2017 to research the world’s most lethal microbes after more than a decade of controversy and failed lawsuits by neighbors who feared an escape of dangerous germs."
Can't imagine WHY they would be WORRIED about THAT, and here is a look inside:
"After a decade of squabbles, BU’s biolab is in business" by Felice J. Freyer Globe Staff August 20, 2018
The package that Elke Mühlberger had been waiting a decade to receive — a gray hard-plastic case a little bigger than a microwave oven — arrived in Boston earlier this month, after traveling nearly 2,000 miles from Montana. The cargo was so prized it required two carefully vetted drivers and GPS tracking on both the truck and the box.
Dressed in spacesuit-like protective garb in her laboratory, Mühlberger, a microbiologist, dug through several layers of packing materials and dry ice until she found a small, shatterproof plastic box, in which several tiny tubes nestled among paper towels.
Those tubes contained frozen samples of the deadly Ebola virus and its cousin, Marburg virus, and their arrival launched, at long last, the research program within the Biosafety Level 4 laboratory at Boston University. Level 4 labs are authorized to do research on disease-causing microbes for which there is no treatment or vaccine.
“It was a great day for us,” Mühlberger said. “It sounds weird — it’s a package full of deadly viruses — but it was like Christmas.”
Such a sick mindset.
So when are they set for release?
The seven-story laboratory in the South End, built in 2008, has been — until now — unable to fulfill its original purpose amid neighbors’ fears of contamination, failed lawsuits to prevent it, and study after study of its safety. The prolonged approval process ended in December with the final thumbs-up from the Boston Public Health Commission.
Called the National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories, the facility is one of 11 Biosafety Level 4 laboratories in the country.
How safe would you feel with one in your neighborhood, and would you even know it was there?
For Mühlberger, the package’s arrival means she can finally advance the research she had come from Germany to conduct: study how the Ebola virus damages cells, in the hope of finding a way to stop it. When she arrived from the University of Marburg in 2008, she had been told the lab would be approved in six months.
“It’s a big moment, but it’s about time,” said Dr. Ronald B. Corley, the laboratories’ director, who also has been involved with the effort for about a decade. “You learn patience, opening up a facility like this.”
That is their advantage.
The building hasn’t been standing idle all these years, however. Since 2011 it has housed a Biosafety Level 2 laboratory and since 2013 a Level 3 lab, both certified to study disease-causing microbes that are less dangerous than Ebola.
Even the Level 4 lab has not lain vacant. For the past two years, researchers have been studying Level 2 pathogens there as if they were as dangerous as Level 4, for practice and to validate all the equipment and procedures.
Who knows what they f*** they were cooking up in there.
Coronavirus, perhaps, to be let loose at a Biogen meeting?
The Level 4 lab takes extraordinary steps to ensure that no pathogens can escape. It occupies a separate earthquake-proof structure within the building, encased in 12-inch-thick walls. Workers must don protective overalls, boots, and mask. The air-handling system creates negative pressure to prevent any airborne germs from leaving, among many other redundant safety measures.
Boston University’s laboratory is one of only two Biosafety Level 4 labs in the country based at academic institutions, and the only one at a research-focused university, Corley said. That means it offers opportunities to work across disciplines.
“We now have access to collaborators that would not normally think about working on pathogens: engineers, biostatisticians, people in fields such as degenerative medicine,” he said.
For example, many of the deadliest disease-causing microbes hurt only humans and don’t make other animals sick. That makes it very difficult to study these pathogens, because researchers can’t ethically induce severe illness in people and then try to treat it, but they can infect lab-grown tissue.
They have done it anyway!
That’s why Mühlberger, despite the long wait, is happy to be in Boston, a center for tissue engineers who propagate human cells in the laboratory.
One reason why Ebola is so devastating to humans is because it destroys liver cells. Working with Gustavo Mostoslavsky, a stem cell biologist and tissue engineer at BU’s Center for Regenerative Medicine, Mühlberger and her team will infect these lab-grown liver cells with Ebola and study what happens.
“If we know what Ebola virus does to these cells, we can find countermeasures,” she said.
Ebola, which causes bleeding throughout the body, killed more than 11,000 people in West Africa in a 2014–16 outbreak, and 29 in an outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo this past May.
I will be getting to some of that below.
With Marburg virus, which produces similar symptoms, Mühlberger plans to study the cells of a species of bat that harbors the virus but is unaffected by it, to figure out what protects the bats.
Yeah, all this crap came from animals event though the viruses are not naturally crossing over. That's the cover story they think you will buy. What looks increasingly likely is all these viruses have been created in labs like this one!
Her research is funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which also provides more than $10 million a year toward the cost of operating the Level 4 lab.
That is Fauci's department!
The first task is to propagate the Ebola and Marburg viruses that came in the many-layered box, infect cells with them, and then deactivate the virus to study it further in a Level 2 lab. Before, members of Mühlberger’s lab had to travel to the Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Montana to work on live Ebola. “It slowed us down dramatically,” she said.
“The lab is just so beautiful. I’m so excited to be here,” she said.
Here is an earlier diagnosis:
"BU study raises prospect of earlier diagnosis of deadly Ebola virus" by Martin Finucane Globe Staff March 28, 2018
Researchers at Boston University say they have detected signs that the deadly Ebola virus causes an immune response in monkeys four days before they begin exhibiting symptoms.
More research is needed, but the discovery raises the prospect of diagnosing the disease earlier in humans, allowing earlier treatment to help patients and earlier quarantine to control breakouts, the university said in a statement Wednesday.
“Right now, we wait for diagnosis until the virus spills out of primary infection sites into the blood,” says Emily Speranza, who recently received her doctorate from Boston University’s bioinformatics program and is one of the first authors on the paper.
The research was led by John Connor, a professor at Boston University School of Medicine and a researcher at the university’s National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories, a biolab built on the BU medical campus in the South End.
The US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, or USAMRIID, collaborated with the BU researchers. The study was published Wednesday in the journal Science Translational Medicine, the university said.
Woah, woah, woah, what!??
Speranza looked at a massive trove of data collected from a group of monkeys that had been infected with Ebola at the USAMRIID biolab at Fort Detrick in Maryland.
That's where the 9/11 anthrax and AIDS came from!
Of course, the Raw Story claims that it is Russia and China that are putting out bizarre-conspiracy theories, exposing them as either a disinformation site or a front for government trolls. Sad.
Of course, methinks they doth protest too much!
Connor said in a telephone interview that more research is needed into whether in humans, as in the monkeys, the changes begin four days before symptoms appear. “That’s our hypothesis going forward, that it would be an excellent thing to investigate,” he said.
Keep the funding flowing, right?!!
Connor noted that still more research would be needed to sort out the specific markers of the human response to Ebola — and then create some kind of easily administered test, he said.
Was Ebola practice for Corona?
Such a test could be a boon to people who have been exposed to Ebola, including doctors treating Ebola patients. Even if a test could only indicate the onset of a viral infection, it could be a good thing to have, he said.
Why didn't they mention the company that would get the patent and make them?
Until now, the only option for treating those who have been in contact with the terrible disease but aren’t sick yet has been: “Let’s just watch them and see if they spike a fever,” he said. By then, for many, it’s already too late.
Andrew Pekosz, a professor of molecular microbiology and immunology at Johns Hopkins University, said in an e-mail that the BU researchers’ study was interesting, contained some surprising findings, and could prove valuable.....
Johns Hopkins again, the hosts of Event201.
Going back two years ago we find that a new outbreak of Ebola in the Congo’s rural northwest led to the approved use of experimental Ebola vaccine, developed by the Canadian government and now licensed to the Merck, as fears of larger contagion spread and a "bustling port city became a "game changer" as border surveillance was strengthened and medical team operations provide a basis for a vaccination campaign.
There was no global emergency at the time, even as a nurse died and heath officials were scrambling to deploy an experimental vaccine. Once begun, the countdown toward the end of the outbreak began and soon after the Congo confirmed the end of latest deadly Ebola outbreak.
By August, though, they had announced 4 new Ebola cases in country’s northeast so vaccinations began again in Congo’s latest deadly outbreak and the health ministry said Ebola had spread to second province (at least the Congo does not have an HIV problem and the need for safe injection sites). That led to insurrection, and a purge of infected carcasses; therefore, rallies banned before presidential vote (think November 2020, Americans) as the top archbishop pleaded for peace.
Now, the Ebola is now looking like what we thought all along. It was something that was leading up to this point, only being run on the most vulnerable population on the planet with some of the most corrupt governments. Evil!
With all due respect, time to shut them down!!
"A former director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was accused of improperly touching a woman and was arrested Friday on a sex abuse charge, police said. Dr. Thomas Frieden was charged in connection with an incident Oct. 20, 2017, at his Brooklyn home, police said. A woman Frieden knows reported it to police in July, and he was taken into custody after an investigation. WABC said it is alleged that Frieden grabbed the woman’s buttocks against her will. Frieden, who also is a former New York City health commissioner, is charged with forcible touching, sex abuse, and harassment. In 2009, Barack Obama’s administration picked Frieden to head the CDC. Frieden led US public health efforts during a range of high-profile national and international health crises, including pandemic flu, Ebola, and Zika."
What whistle was he going to blow?
Body of Missing C.D.C. Employee Found in Atlanta River
The police said there were no signs of foul play in the death of Timothy J. Cunningham, who they say likely drowned. His body was spotted on Tuesday in a remote area of the Chattahoochee River by a group of fishermen who called 911, and that the circumstances of his death might never be known.
Cops not interested in investigating, huh?
"The United States saw a record number of cases of sexually transmitted diseases in 2017, marking the fourth straight year of sharp increases in gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia, according to preliminary data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The trend is exacerbated by the fact that gonorrhea could soon become resistant to antibiotic treatment, the CDC said in a statement Tuesday. Prevention efforts have also stagnated, and people are using condoms less frequently, said one expert. ‘‘We are sliding backward,’’ Jonathan Mermin, director of the agency’s national STD center, said in a statement....."
Now if that isn't an argument for "social distancing," I don't know what is.
Maybe this will convince you youngsters:
"HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection, and is usually eliminated by the immune system within a year or two years, but when an infection persists, it can cause cellular changes that develop into precancerous lesions and, eventually, malignancies....."
The vaccines kill, kids.
Time to jump head first
Mosquito pond in Jamaica Plain tests positive for West Nile virus
Second Boston resident diagnosed with West Nile virus
10th case of West Nile found in Mass.
Statewide West Nile risk level is raised to moderate
Bad season predicted for West Nile virus
Suffolk woman is state’s 13th case of West Nile
Record-breaking number of West Nile cases reported in Mass.
First human case of West Nile virus confirmed in Mass
Releasing more mosquitoes might actually curb the number of mosquitoes
That was elephant logic to make Trump squeak, and you've were warned.
All that print for something that didn't even kill anyone. Fear.
After N.H. outbreak, a primer on Legionnaires’ disease
The disease is a form of pneumonia caused by inhaling mist or small drops of water contaminated with Legionella bacteria. This pathogen was discovered in 1976 when it infected 200 people and killed 34 because air conditioning vents spread the pathogen throughout the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia during an American Legion convention. The disease cannot be spread through person-to-person contact, nor by drinking contaminated water.
Let's call it coronavirus now, right?
Legionnaires’ cases in Hampton, N.H., rise to 14; two unrelated cases in Nashua
Some guests say N.H. hotel tied to Legionnaires’ did not reveal outbreak
Two Mass. women sue N.H. hotel after contracting Legionnaires’ disease
They contracted the green apple splatters:
"A ninth person has died at a pediatric rehabilitation center amid an outbreak of a respiratory virus, New Jersey health officials said. An additional ‘‘medically fragile child’’ who had a confirmed case of adenovirus at the Wanaque Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation died Saturday night, the state’s health department said. Adenovirus usually poses little risk for healthy people and typically causes mild cold or flu symptoms. Some strains also cause diarrhea and conjunctivitis. The strain found in the rehab center outbreak is among the more potent types and sometimes causes more serious respiratory illness, especially among those with weak immune systems....."
That virus came along with the immigrants that poured in under Obama. You know, the ones that were dropped off in your town in the middle of the night without you knowing? Trump is doing the same thing.
"New Jersey health officials said Monday they are sending infection-control teams to four long-term pediatric centers and a hospital to assist with training amid viral and bacterial outbreaks that have left a combined 10 people dead. The teams will assess infection prevention practices and deploy beginning in November, according to health Commissioner Dr. Shereef Elnahal. The response comes amid a fatal adenovirus outbreak at the Wanaque Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation that left 9 people dead, most under age 18....."
Measles case confirmed in Lowell, public health warning issued
Second case of measles confirmed at Lowell facility
Antivaccination stronghold in N.C. hit with state’s worst chickenpox outbreak in 2 decades
As the fight against malaria has reached a standstill, Partners HealthCare is requiring all employees get flu shots because you can’t be pro-vaccinations and skip a flu shot.
Somerville Mayor Joseph Curtatone is hospitalized with severe case of shingles
The Globe gave him a primer on shingles, but now there is a vaccine shortage?
At least you can still go outside:
"A new invasive tick species capable of transmitting several severe diseases is spreading in the United States, posing an emerging threat to human and animal health, according to a pair of reports issued Thursday. The Asian longhorned tick is the first invasive tick to arrive in the United States in about 80 years. It’s native to eastern China, Japan, the Russian Far East, and the Korean Peninsula, and is now also established in Australia and New Zealand. So far, though, there is no evidence that the tick has spread pathogens to humans, domestic animals, or wildlife in the United States, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but....."
Those damn Chinese and Russians!
Actually, the ticks came from Plum Island, the place with the biological weapons factory (pretty much confirms it when you think about it) that produced Lyme disease and then lost it and told the sickness was because of ticks!
US sees most flu deaths in decades
They even want to get a needle into your pet.
Well, it’s ‘Outbreak Week’ at Harvard as they celebrate some of history’s notable pandemics (puke).
Time to end this:
"Suicides and drug overdoses pushed up US deaths last year. The increase partly reflects the nation’s growing and aging population, but it’s deaths in younger age groups — particularly middle-aged people — that have had the largest impact on calculations of life expectancy, experts said. ‘‘These sobering statistics are a wake-up call that we are losing too many Americans, too early and too often, to conditions that are preventable,’’ Dr. Robert Redfield, the CDC’s director, said in a statement. The suicide death rate last year was the highest it’s been in at least 50 years, according to US government records......"
Also see: Controversy shadows Trump’s pick as CDC director
I can't imagine why.
Back to today:
Homeless shelters work to stay afloat as coronavirus worries increase
They will be left to die after they get sick.
Hospitals race to get enough ventilators
I'm told they "seek to avoid the heartbreaking ethical dilemma: Who gets one if there’s not enough?"
Maybe they can convene a death panel. Sure LOOKS LIKE RATIONING to me, but that couldn't be the case, not with ObummerCare still in place.
They Globe is advising that we allow panic to change us for the better by taking time to reflect on who you really are and asking what "life lessons" have you learned?
Apparently none, as I am still purcha$ing and reading a Bo$ton Globe.
Makes one want to move to Florida:
"Governor Ron DeSantis has refused to follow the lead of other states that have issued broad shutdowns to control the spread of the coronavirus, instead shifting the onus to outside travelers whom he blames for bringing COVID-19 into Florida. DeSantis issued an executive order Monday requiring anyone arriving on a flight from New York City and New Jersey to self-quarantine for two weeks. On Tuesday, he extended that order to anyone who had arrived by flight or by car within the past three weeks. The governor order’s came after cities in the tourism-dependent state had closed beaches to throngs of spring breakers and more than a week after Disney World, Universal Studios, and other attractions popular with out-of-state visitors closed their gates. State officials have not responded to a request from The Associated Press for information on how many people diagnosed in Florida recently arrived from New York or had contact with someone who did. Officials from New York and New Jersey did not immediately comment on DeSantis’ order....."
I applaud the governor for resisting the herd and staying open.
Speaking of which:
"Three of America’s most well-known national parks — Yellowstone, Grand Teton, and Great Smoky Mountains — closed their gates Tuesday as people shut in because of the coronavirus lost more options for recreation. They join a growing list of National Parks sites from New York to California that have closed, including the Statue of Liberty and Alcatraz. The decision to close Yellowstone came after Montana Governor Steve Bullock, Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon, and local officials urged the park to keep visitors out to prevent the spread of the coronavirus....."
Trump is obviously not in charge of country even at the federal level, he is at mercy of them as well as the rest of us, and WTF? Parks are wide open spaces!
That is just cruel, heartless, and evil! They are trying to extinguish our souls and all the beauty around us that makes us part of this world! They want us in their dystopian trans-human digital space with the Matrix they have created. Sick!
"President Trump’s message that he wants the country to get back to work sooner rather than later has hit home with at least one senior state official — Dan Patrick, the Texas lieutenant governor. Patrick, the Texas chairman of the president’s campaign, appeared on Fox News on Monday and said that he was not only ready for the country and the economy to get moving again amid the coronavirus pandemic, but also that he and other grandparents might be willing to die for that to happen. “My message is that let’s get back to work,” Patrick, 69, said on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” “Let’s get back to living. Let’s be smart about it, and those of us who are 70-plus, we’ll take care of ourselves, but don’t sacrifice the country.” He added: “I’m not living in fear of COVID-19. What I’m living in fear of is what’s happening to this country. And you know, Tucker, no one reached out to me and said, ‘As a senior citizen, are you willing to take a chance on your survival, in exchange for keeping the America that all America loves for your children and grandchildren?’ And if that’s the exchange, I’m all in.” Patrick’s comments set off a backlash online but were also met with some approval, with the reaction often splitting along Democratic and Republican lines. On social media, humorous GIFs about whether the old should sacrifice themselves for the young spread like wildfire, and #NotDying4WallStreet began trending on Twitter. One woman used the hashtag to comment: “Not one single human being deserves to die for somebody else’s stock portfolio.” In New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo appeared to mock the idea. “Well, we’ll just sacrifice old people. They’re old people anyway. And the old get left behind,” he said at a news briefing on that state’s explosive number of coronavirus cases. “What is this, some modern Darwinian theory of natural selection? You can’t keep up, so the band’s going to leave you behind.”
I saw one guy who reacted, and Tucker didn't even bat an eye at what that monster was suggesting. I'm sure Patrick will be well taken care of if he gets sick. He's been sucking on government test his whole rotten existence.
Calif. in all-out effort to obtain protective gear
They are still waiting for the shipment:
"Malaysia’s medical glove factories, which make most of the world’s critical hand protection, are operating at half capacity, just when they’re most needed. Health care workers snap gloves on as the first line of protection against catching COVID-19 from patients, and they’re crucial to protecting patients, as well, but medical-grade glove supplies are running low globally, even as more feverish, sweating and coughing patients arrive in hospitals by the day....."
It is Trump to the rescue!
Trump values economy over lives
"Doctors are hoarding medications touted as possible coronavirus treatments by writing prescriptions for themselves and family members, according to pharmacy boards in states across the country. The stockpiling has become so worrisome in Idaho, Kentucky, Ohio, Nevada, Oklahoma, North Carolina, and Texas that the boards in those states have issued emergency restrictions or guidelines on how the drugs can be dispensed at pharmacies. More states are expected to follow suit. “This is a real issue, and it is not some product of a few isolated bad apples,” said Jay Campbell, executive director of the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy....."
The article comes from the New York Times, and it is obviously EVERY ENTITY FOR THEMSELVES!!
MAN, 'er, uh, person the, 'er, lifeboats?
The Great Divide | Race, Class, and Opportunity in our Schools
Still waiting for laptops, some Boston students struggle to stay connected to teachers, school
This crisis is going to make things much worse between haves and have-nots, and why not buy the kid a hazmat suit instead so they can at least go to school?
Teachers, parents urge state to cancel MCAS testing
Never mind.
From the Middlesex Fells to the Esplanade, stir-crazy people take to the outdoors

People enjoyed Jamaica Pond on a pleasant day on Tuesday. (Lane Turner/Globe Staff)
Where, oh, where, is the social distancing, right?
Harvard president tests positive for coronavirus
He's a real Prince and thinks we are all jackasses as he preaches that gospel, and the new leader is the son of Jewish immigrants.
Teachers’ love for their kids on parade in Clinton
It felt like a family that was together again briefly — if at a distance:

Clinton middle-schooler Bryce O'Malley, with his mother, Colleen, and sister, Amaya, waved as the teachers drove by. (Suzanne Kreiter/Globe staff)
I'm told it was a 40-vehicle caravan that snaked its way through the old mill town, and all I can say is THANKS FOR CONTRIBUTING to CLIMATE CHANGE!
Maybe they SHOULD HAVE RAN instead (and does that song ever seem prophetic now, huh?)!
"Four years after becoming the state’s first municipality to ban the use of plastic bags and impose fees for acquiring others at grocery stores, Cambridge this week issued an emergency order temporarily forbidding the use of reusable bags at retail stores, reflecting a growing fear they could be spreading the coronavirus. “While we understand how strongly the Cambridge community cares about recycling items whenever possible, reusable checkout bags that have not been sufficiently disinfected could potentially contribute to the spread of COVID-19 among staff and customers at these establishments,” Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui of Cambridge said in a statement, adding that the order also eliminates fees for bags. “This immediate action is necessary to prevent and minimize the spread of COVID-19.”
You do the f***ing right thing, do what they tell you, and it is never good enough. They always want more!
Think of where that is leading: You can't carry your food away with the bag you bought and paid for, and there are no more plastic bags. They have gone to paper (that really helps the environment!).
I can already hear them now: Better yet, we will DELIVER YOUR GROCERIES TO YOU! You NEVER HAVE TO LEAVE THE HOUSE! You will TAKE WHAT THEY SELECT FOR YOU, no more looking over the produce!
Here is something for you to read while waiting in line:
"Grocery stores a lifeline but also a place of anxiety, especially for workers; Supermarkets add protections, but employees worry about risk of exposure" by Katie Johnston Globe Staff, March 25, 2020
As the Hyde Park Stop & Shop came to life on a recent morning, a number of customers and workers wore gloves and face masks. Shoppers avoided eye contact and steered their carts in wide arcs around each other, changing course if they saw someone in the aisle ahead of them. In the checkout line, clear pieces of plexiglass separated the cashiers from the customers.
Related: Local grocery stores install plexiglass guards at registers as part of safety initiatives
They will never be taken down as you are one further step removed from human contact.
One clerk, concerned the plastic barriers didn’t extend far enough, told her manager she was going out to her car to get a mask. “I’m not taking any chances,” she said.
I'm not afraid of you.
Outside, the mood was lighter. A woman heading out warned a man walking in that there still wasn’t any toilet paper, but he wasn’t worried.
“I’ve never run out of toilet paper, even in an emergency,” he said, laughing. “I’ve run out of milk and bread, but never toilet paper.”
I am just surprisingly pleasant and positive to anyone I interact with now.
As nonessential businesses shut down and people have been instructed to keep their distance from one another to slow the spread of the highly contagious coronavirus, the supermarket remains a lifeline, one of the few places where people can not only buy food, but also see one another and even share a lighthearted moment, albeit from a safe distance.
Take your sick, misanthropic, psychopathic attitude and insulting "journali$m"and shove it!
Grocery stores are also places of great distress, especially for those who work there, many of them people of color making close to minimum wage who suddenly find themselves working six or seven days a week on the front lines of a public health crisis. Customers are flocking in, panic-buying toilet paper and dried beans and hand sanitizer, and creating checkout lines stretching from the front of the store to the back. Many grocery stores are giving out temporary raises, but a few extra dollars doesn’t change the workers’ fear that they’re putting themselves in harm’s way every time they report to work.
They are lucky to be having a job!! Many won't have one to go back to!
I wonder what this will do to their union. Time to junk that!
Nationwide, a handful of workers at grocery stores in other states, including Whole Foods in New York, have tested positive for COVID-19, according to news reports. The United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 1445, which represents more than 8,000 Stop & Shop and bfresh workers in Massachusetts, said none of its members had tested positive.
That reminds me, I need salt.
Workers know they’re lucky to have jobs at a time when millions of others have lost theirs, and companies are making strides to protect their employees, including providing gloves, marking off 6-foot intervals in checkout lines, erecting sneeze-guard barriers at registers, and deep-cleaning stores. Many workers aren’t being given face masks but are allowed to bring in their own, though some say they are discouraged from wearing them so customers won’t think they’re sick. Some stores are giving workers frequent breaks to wash their hands and banning reusable bags, or requiring customers using them to bag their own groceries. A few are limiting the number of shoppers allowed inside at any given time.
That's the same thing they said to people working on the toxic dust pile in new York after 9/11. Take the mask off, show 'em it's safe because it is! EVIL!
Still, anxieties are running high.
Then put down the paper and turn off the TeeVee.
Amid the growing anxieties, there have been some small steps taken to boost morale. Last week, Cynthia Smith said, management told workers "as a thank you for your service you guys can wear jeans for the next few weeks.”
Smith and her siblings are terrified their mother is going to get sick, and sorry she can no longer help care for her five grandchildren, in case she’s been exposed to the virus. “She’s heartbroken she’s not able to see them every day,” Smith said.
Aren't we all?
It’s not all grim. There is laughter as people try to maneuver around each other, according to an employee, and people are proud to be contributing to society in such a meaningful way, but more than anything, workers are worried about exposure to COVID-19, the worker said — from other people as well as from all the products they handle and surfaces they touch.
This is becoming really rotten.
Yeah, the self-censoring tyranny is FUNNY, ha-ha-ha, and you are making a contribution to society!
The flood of suddenly available high school workers with no classes to attend has helped deal with the demand, the employee said, but he worries about their health. Same with older workers, including a 70-something man who cleans the floors and bathrooms, and the many developmentally disabled employees.
“I do not think they have any idea what’s going on,” he said.....
OMG, how f***ing condescending to his fellow employees!!
I think we all know jerks like that.
That's the worker the Globe talked to, huh??
I wonder if the "worker" exists at all!
What's next, a face shield?
Dorchester minister hands out $800 to ‘people in need’ while East Boston soup kitchen provides vouchers
The Bo$ton Globe is promoting some sap handing out $10 to you while Wall Street is set to receive $5 trillion.

Pastor Miniard Culpepper gave a $10 bill to a woman in Roxbury. (Jonathan Wiggs/Globe Staff)
Oh, the local pastor, working hand-in-glove with authority lest his tax-exempt status be taken away.
With courts closed, pressure grows to release many prisoners
You have to let all the criminals out because it’s “virtually impossible” to stop coronavirus inside jails -- as they turn the law-abiding citizens into prisoners in their own homes!
So WhereTF are they going to go anyway?
James and Kim Taylor donate $1 million to Massachusetts General Hospital to fight coronavirus
I never liked his music.
In Boston, more first responders sidelined by the coronavirus pandemic as 2 firefighters test positive, 17 in isolation
They ain't coming when you call 9-1-1.
Saxophonist Manu Dibango; brought African pop music to the West
Not anymore. The New York Times says he was 86 and his Facebook page said the cause was COVID-19 but did not say where in France he died. Dibango had lived in France for some time.
Now to the bu$ine$$ in $ports:
Small businesses plead for government help at all levels to stay afloat
The latest potential lifesaver is a $350 billion loan. How piling more debt on people is going to solve thi$ is beyond me.
Baker wants construction work to continue, despite the pandemic
Yup, the $ick richers are going to build the $ociety they want while you cower in fear in your home.
Tying the knot in a time of social distancing is complicated, or impossible
These monsters are taking love out of life!
They are taking the most basic human connection and basis for family away from us while taking over the role of benign parent.
What evil f***s!
What will happen to Boston’s wedding season? Unusual solutions are taking shape
The article is by the skank Meredith Goldstein (what is with the deceptive look anyway?), and she will pop up below a bit later.
Dean of HBS to stay until the end of the year
That would be the Harvard Business School, people.
CLF dealt setback in suit against ExxonMobil
Who cares?
BJ’s to boost pay of workers as they cope with extra workload
Amazon favoring Prime members during virus crisis
Those working from home crave a comfortable chair
Netflix bests Disney during pandemic
Disney, you say?
Turns out Netflix is no better.
The nation has 500,000 fewer millionaires due to market crash, health crisis
Awwwwwwww, I feel $o $orry for them!
YouTube lowering the quality of videos to ease Internet traffic during virus crisis
That's an excuse to censor!
L.L. Bean’s shipping hub packing food for pantries across Maine
And when he got there, the cupboard was.....
"New toilets on the Navy’s two newest aircraft carriers clog so frequently that the ships’ sewage systems must be cleaned periodically with specialized acids costing about $400,000 a flush, according to a new congressional audit outlining $130 billion in underestimated long-term maintenance costs. The Navy isn’t sure the toilet systems on the USS Gerald R. Ford and the USS George H. W. Bush can withstand the demand without failing frequently, according to the watchdog agency’s report on service sustainment costs released Tuesday. The report comes amid a debate in Congress, the Pentagon and the White House over expanding the current 293-ship Navy to 355 by the mid-2030, a Trump administration goal."
More theft from the DoD with this literal shit as the cover story.
Online video gaming just became the latest victim of COVID-19
Shady e-commerce sites exploiting pandemic paranoia
That's what the hypocritical New York Times is doing, and right next to that was this:
"Taking Care with Meredith Goldstein Thursday, March 26, 2020 10:00am — 11:00am RSVPS CLOSED About the Virtual Event Want some support … from a distance? Join Boston Globe Love Letters advice columnist Meredith Goldstein in conversation with Dr. Monica O'Neal, a Harvard-trained relationships expert. They’ll talk about coping in the time of coronavirus – how couples living in close quarters can deal, how singles can avoid loneliness, and how all of us can find moments of joy during this difficult time. Wear your WFH clothes. Get your own questions ready....."
That will get you into your ComfortZone:
Tatte founder Tzurit Or talks about supporting her team — and the community — in uncertain times
‘BSO at Home’ serves up concerts and self-produced videos
“Real Housewives of New York City” star Bethenny Frankel has donated or allocated over 1 million masks to hospitals across the country to help protect those fighting the spread of the virus. Among the first hospitals to be serviced by donations are Massachusetts General Hospital and Newton-Wellesley Hospital. “They are like the firefighters of 9/11,” Frankel said. “They are walking into a situation where they’re risking their lives for other people and they are unprotected.”
Oh look, another elite skank, and who told them it was safe to go back on that smoldering pile, as well as telling citizens that the toxic dust covering things in your apartment could be wiped down with a wet rag?
Meanwhile, in "other news," this was my page A2 upper-half lead:
"Likud members urge speaker to defy Israeli high court order" by Aron Heller Associated Press, March 24, 2020
JERUSALEM — Israel appeared on the verge of a constitutional crisis Tuesday as top members of Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud urged their party colleague and parliament speaker to defy a Supreme Court order to let lawmakers hold a vote for his successor.
Who really gives a f*** about Israel's constitutional crisis at a time like this?
The fact that this is covering the upper half of the page shows how blatantly Zioni$t is my pre$$, so much so they they have elevated the chosen tribe above all else in their coverage -- and why wouldn't they? The pre$$ is written of and for the ruling cla$$, by those wannabes who will never truly be part of the club (or they probably are but unequal in the $ and kept at a distance because, you know, pre$$. Pre$$ likes to think to themselves in their self-inflated, egotistical way that they are part of the club. I suppose that helps sustain them as they trowel out the fertilizer for them). It's a totally $upremaci$t, agenda-pu$hing pre$$.
After suspending parliamentary activities last week, citing procedural issues and restrictions on large gatherings due to the spread of the coronavirus, Yuli Edelstein on Monday dismissed the court’s call to explain his delay in convening the Israeli Knesset, or parliament.
It sparked an unprecedented judicial rebuttal, with Supreme Court Chief Justice Esther Hayut ordering him to hold a vote by Wednesday and ruling that “the continued refusal to allow the vote in the Knesset plenum on the election of a permanent speaker is undermining the foundations of the democratic process.”
Even after that, at least two Likud Cabinet ministers, including Netanyahu’s surrogate interim justice minister, called on Edelstein to defy the order, deeming it a judicial “coup” against Israel’s elected officials. Cabinet Minister Yariv Levin led the charge, accusing the court of trampling the principle of separation of powers. He said it was creating “anarchy” and acting as if it “owned the country.”
The developments marked the apex of an ever-deepening standoff between Netanyahu’s opponents and supporters following the country’s third inconclusive election in less than a year and against the backdrop of a series of emergency executive measures enacted to quell the spread of the new virus.
The opposition Blue and White party, which is backed by a slim majority in the newly elected Knesset, said the country’s legislature must continue to function at such a critical time to provide oversight of the government. The party accuses Netanyahu and his caretaker government of carrying out undemocratic measures amid the crisis, and using it as cover to cling to power.
“We cannot allow Israeli democracy to be trampled upon. Not on my watch,” Blue and White leader Benny Gantz posted on Facebook.
With the country in near-shutdown mode, Netanyahu has already managed to postpone his own pending criminal trial on serious corruption charges and authorize unprecedented electronic surveillance of Israeli citizens.
Even amid the health scare, Israelis have taken to the streets to protest what they consider an assault on Israeli democracy.
Yeah, I saw that.

Supporters of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud party staged a rally in front of the Knesset, or parliament, in Jerusalem on Tuesday. (Emmanuel Dunand/AFP via Getty Images)
On Tuesday, amid the uproar, Netanyahu seemed to tone down his rhetoric, repeating a call for his rivals to join him in an emergency unity government to combat the global pandemic, but in Israel, daily life has largely shut down with tens of thousands out of work and all but essential movement out of the home restricted. Cases have been multiplying over the past week, with more than 1,650 people testing positive for the new virus and fears that the spread will soon overwhelm the health system. One patient has died, and 31 are in serious condition.
Looks like some blowback, and why are n't they being vaccinated?
Pretty much had it ready to go, huh?
Gantz has pledged to support the government in its effort to combat the virus, but he and his allies have been skeptical about Netanyahu’s power-sharing overtures, concerned that he will not follow through on his promises to cede power in 18 months.
If no compromise or alternative government is found, Israel could once again find itself faced with the prospect of yet another unfathomable election. Given the current state of lock-down and fear of contagion, it’s not clear whether that would even be possible.....
Then Netanyahu stays as a dictator. Cut bono?
Maybe Israeli politics are interesting to some who read the Globe; however, I could really care less which blood-pouring-from-the-fangs Zioni$t heads up Israel at this point.
The lower lefthand quadrant:
"Despite almost two decades of war and $900 billion in spending by the United States, the Taliban are at their strongest since being ousted by American forces....."
The web version included a photograph:

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with Afghanistan's President Ashraf Ghani during an urgent visit to Kabul Monday aimed at saving the fragile US-engineered peace deal with the Taliban.Press Office of President of Afghanistan/AFP
Is he doing better on the social distancing?
Btw, as much as I despise neocons like pompey, I want to thank him for dropping the oopsie last Friday, intentional or not.
The lower righthand quadrant:
"As Americans stockpiled and retreated indoors and businesses shuttered in hopes of riding out COVID-19, the Trump administration is rejecting appeals to slow its deregulatory drive....."
B2 Briefs:
Large fire hits wood processing plant in Northbridge
It was located on Purgatory Road, which is where we all are right now. In purgatory.
New England Aquarium debuts improved right whale catalog
Who is going to be around to care, just richers and the chosen few? Or will the whales be extinct before then?
State flags to fly at half staff to honor former first lady
And that's all for other news, folks.
These days the Globe leaves me wondering what is going on in the rest of the world because they are telling me nothing. It's endless pages of the COVID-19 spy op.
Not hungry for it anymore, even with the comics(!) and crossword at the bottom of the page.
Not worth it, either, and it may $oon come to the point where I quit coffee and no longer make a run. I've done it before, I can do it again. I drink coffee because I like it. I don't need it. In the Globe's case, I neither need it or like it -- although they did have one full-page ad today for a door and window company. My $en$e is the Globe has forgone ad revenue for now in full devotion the the agenda as they megaphone it.
I guess it is wait for the Cheka to come to the door for wrong thinking as they take me away to the FEMA quarantine camp where you will be treated worse than a leper if these sick fu**s have their way.
Baker extends statewide school closure until early May, as coronavirus death toll rises to 15
Ready for a Bo$ton Globe guilt trip?
Here’s what’s in the new $2 trillion coronavirus aid bill
It's not $2 trillion, it's more like $6 trillion according to Larry Kudlow, and the Globe also omits the hundreds of billions of dollars in buffer capital for the Treasury Department will allow the Fed to hand out an additional $4 trillion in loans to distressed companies such as U.S. airlines and Boeing, along with the $500 billion for a major corporate liquidity program through the Federal Reserve that is included in the $2 trillion they are talking about.
You just got fleeced! How does it feel?
Oh, and look at all the influencers and important people that are claiming to be infected. Starting to smell like a staged production, folks!
With states moving primaries due to coronavirus, Joe Biden may not be the presumptive Democratic nominee until June
Or at all, for that matter, I mean, how long can he last? Bernie was smart to stay in.
Ed Markey still fund-raising during coronavirus crisis
The "crisis" is real, right?
Did he sell his stock, too?
As coronavirus spreads, medical examiner tells staff to take ‘bare minimum’ of cases
The medical examiner is usually MIA anyway:
"After ‘temporary’ performance slip, medical examiner’s office to keep accreditation" by Matt Stout Globe Staff, June 5, 2019
The decision came after NAME officials had warned the state’s chief medical examiner, Dr. Mindy J. Hull, in January that her office would “most likely” be downgraded. The agency had reported that it was unable to complete 90 percent of its autopsy reports within 90 days — a key standard set by NAME — during an annual review late last year.
Hull argued that the performance, which put the office’s turnaround time at 84 percent since it was last reviewed, was due to “unforeseen” personal issues involving two medical examiners and the performance of a part-time contractor.
Are you tired of the lack of accountability and excuses coming from corrupt and incompetent government yet?
I mean, this is LITERALLY a LIFE and DEATH issue here!
Dr. Jonathan Arden, the organization’s president, said that inspectors felt the problems in the Massachusetts office were “relatively speaking, temporary” and that Hull was actively working to address them.
“That’s why they weren’t summarily demoted or had their accreditation removed,” he said of the Massachusetts office, noting that NAME inspectors are allowed discretion when weighing the office’s performance against the association’s standards.
“The accreditation process is meant to be rigorous,” Arden said, “but it’s not meant to be punitive.”
Dr. Barbara C. Wolf, who chairs the NAME committee tasked with reviewing accreditations, said in an e-mail last week that the panel decided the Massachusetts office “should maintain” its fully accredited status.
She did not say when the committee made its decision, nor did she respond to further questions. Arden said he was unsure of the timing of the decision.
A spokesman for Hull’s office declined to comment.
Gaining the accreditation has been a long-time goal of the chief medical examiner’s office, which has long grappled with completing autopsy reports in a timely manner. For example, it completed them within the 90-day window just 58 percent of the time in the two years before Hull took over in October 2017.
Let me put it this way, it ain't Quincy!
Last August, however, it finally earned full accreditation. That review was based, in part, on data detailing the office’s turnaround time over a three-month period between the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018.
The list the office submitted, which the Globe obtained through a public records request, included 787 cases, 94 percent of which the office reported completing within 90 days, but less than half of them were labeled as being an autopsy. Under Hull, the office has regularly forgone autopsies in favor of less-rigorous tests known as external examinations, which generally take one-third the time.
"After years of trying, and failing, to turn out timely reports explaining how people died, the state’s chief medical examiner’s office had good news to report last month: Dr. Mindy J. Hull said her office is now completing more than 90 percent of its collective autopsy reports and death certificates within 90 days, meeting a long-elusive standard. “That actually hasn’t been that hard,” Hull, tapped to lead the office in October 2017, told a state commission. One difference, she said: She’s “taking a strong management eyeball” to it. Left unsaid, however, was another crucial factor: Under Hull, the office has routinely forgone autopsies in favor of less-rigorous testing to investigate deaths, including some of the hundreds of suspected fatal overdoses across the state. It’s a shift that Hull’s office acknowledges and defends. With fewer autopsies being performed, turnaround times have improved, according to agency data. The Massachusetts office has long been marked by turmoil, from efforts to cut a backlog of years-old paperwork to struggling to hire new pathologists. It began the current fiscal year with 88 employees, and officials said they were in the process of making 12 hires. The office is recruiting to fill seven other spots, said Felix Browne, an agency spokesman....."
Yeah, the reason they look better is because they are doing fewer autopsies.
It's called moving the goalposts, and it brings to mind the old saying "figures lie, and liars figure."
Your government is based on illusion and imagery, people, as the bureaucracies are staffed with political patronage for the purpose of looting taxpayers at the expense of the ruling cla$$. There is no explanation for this level of negligence and incompetence.
The Globe also requested the application — essentially a checklist of standards it must meet — that the medical examiner’s office submitted as part of its initial, successful review, but the agency said it couldn’t produce it. Officials said the application was submitted online, where it’s no longer available since it’s been overwritten in NAME’s database by a subsequent application for renewal in December.
“Therefore, due to the computerized NAME database and online submission process, the OCME is not in possession of the original application,” Eric B. Hogberg, the office’s general counsel, wrote in a letter to the Globe.
It's excuse after excuse after excuse, and they get away with it.
That's your state government, fellow citizen.
The accreditation program is not a requirement for public medical examiner offices. Instead, it’s an endorsement that an office is meeting the “minimum standards for an adequate medicolegal system,” according to the association’s website.
The potential of losing it had rattled the office. Hull became so concerned about the threat to the office’s reputation earlier this year that she actively sought help from officials at NAME when she thought a local TV station would report on the developments, according to e-mails reviewed by the Globe.
So she is more concerned about the image of the office and whether it stays out of the media than she is about the corpses piling up!
At the time, Hull staunchly defended the office, saying it was “in good shape, and cleaning up many old messes.”
“This should be vetted by NAME not the media,” Hull wrote in one e-mail to Arden.
Hull has touted the office’s efforts to bring in more full-time staff to address its rising caseload — moves that she argued earlier last month were the basis for phasing out her predecessor from a part-time contractor’s position.
The agency had promoted two part-time assistant medical examiners to full-time status in February and April, and added a new staff medical examiner in May. Officials have said that two fellows, whose work is currently supervised, will also become full-time employees on July 1.
The office is slated to undergo another annual review from NAME this year.
More wheel-spinning illusion and imagery then.
Here are a couple more files for you to look at:
"State medical examiner’s office in danger of losing accreditation, records show" by Matt Stout Globe Staff, March 20, 2019
The state’s chief medical examiner’s office is in danger of losing the accreditation it received just months ago, a potential black eye that its leader — fearful it could be made public — told officials should not be scrutinized by the media.
They never threw the punch!
In late January, the National Association of Medical Examiners told chief medical examiner Dr. Mindy J. Hull that her office will “most likely” lose its fully accredited status after it reported it was unable to complete 90 percent of its autopsy reports within 90 days — a key standard — during an annual review late last year.
Hull argued that the slipping performance, which dropped the office’s turnaround time to 84 percent since it was last reviewed, is largely tied to “unforeseen” personal issues involving two medical examiners and the performance of a part-time worker, according to a letter she sent the association, known as NAME, on Feb. 14. The Globe obtained the letter and other records through a public records request.
In a separate e-mail to the organization’s president, Hull charged that her staff — which then had 19 full- or part-time examiners — would in fact be meeting the 90 percent threshold “if you exclude the 2 problem employees.”
Oh, yeah, who?
Association officials told Hull that they would delay a decision on the office’s status, including whether to downgrade it to a provisional accreditation, so Hull could submit more information.
The NAME committee tasked with reviewing accreditations has yet to discuss the case, according to its chairwoman, Dr. Barbara Wolf. A spokesman for Hull said the office has not received any update on its status and defended its progress.
The medical examiner’s office “has implemented a number of operational and investigative improvements over the last year and remains focused on its mission to deliver timely information to citizens of the Commonwealth,” said Brian Merrick, a spokesman for the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.
Did he say that with a straight face?
So if you shovel BS, you can become a spokesman for the state.
The accreditation program is not a requirement for public medical examiner offices; instead, it’s an endorsement that an office is meeting the “minimum standards for an adequate medicolegal system,” according to the association’s website, but last month, Hull became so concerned about the threat to her office’s accreditation and reputation that she actively sought help from officials at the accrediting agency when she thought a local TV station would report on the developments.
Isn't that something only bad guys we must regime change do?
I mean, they Globe and government are constantly complaining about that designated enemies must be hated or attacked.
Dr. Jonathan Arden, the organization’s president, e-mailed Hull on Feb. 6 to tell her that he was doing an on-camera interview with Boston 25 News, the local Fox affiliate, which ran a segment days later about families who have waited months, if not years, for the medical examiner’s office to produce death certificates for their children.
That same morning, Hull sent an e-mail to two NAME officials, seeking help. Arden told the Globe that he notifiedHull about the interview as a professional courtesy and that he did not feel pressured by her to keep information from the TV station.
“She wanted to make sure I knew her side of the story,” Arden said. “Dr. Hull is a strong leader and a strong personality. She’s not shy. But at no time did she pressure me or threaten me or try to tell me what I could or couldn’t say.
“I don’t go to the chief medical examiner and say, ‘What do you want me to say?’ ” he said.
They are ALL IN IT TOGETHER, folks, and the Globe is doing nothing but running cover for them with this shell game!
Merrick, the chief medical examiner’s spokesman, did not address questions about Hull’s exchange with Arden but touted efforts to improve the office, including earning full accreditation last year for the first time. The agency is also planning to hire three additional medical examiners by July 1 and elevate a part-time worker to full-time status to help turn cases around more quickly, officials said. The office reported at the end of last year having 10 full-time pathologists and nine pathologists working part time, on contract, or as fellows to perform autopsies.
Promises, promises, and more well-connected family and friends to add to the payroll.
Gaining the accreditation has been a years-long goal of the chief medical examiner’s office, which has historically struggled to complete timely autopsy reports. The office completed them within the 90-day window just 58 percent of the time in the two years before Hull took over.
$ee what I mean?
When the office finally earned “full accreditation through December 16, 2022,” according to a press release, Governor Charlie Baker called it a “milestone.” That review was based, in part, on data detailing its turnaround time over three months at the end of 2017 and the beginning 2018.
“My goal now,” Hull said at the time, “is to showcase the world-class forensic pathology institution that we are.”
The woman is delusional and insane!
The office, however, has helped improve its performance by routinely forgoing autopsies in favor of less-rigorous testing to investigate deaths, including some of the hundreds of suspected fatal overdoses across the state, and when the office came up for an annual review in December, the news was mixed at best.
Dr. Edward Mazuchowski — who sits on NAME’s Inspection and Accreditation committee and, with Wolf, was one of the officials from whom Hull sought help — wrote in a Jan. 21 e-mail to Hull that the office would “most likely” lose its status as a result, though it could be restored once the problems were “rectified.”
The possibility appeared to catch Hull off guard.
“I did not at all realize our full accreditation would be in jeopardy so early in this process, particularly with the remarkable demonstrable process we have made,” Hull said.
In praising Hull for the “hard work” she had done, Mazuchowski said he was fine with delaying any decision and requested additional documents, including the office’s 2017 annual report.
Hull provided it, and in the letter to NAME last month, also asked for another chance.....
Also see: Former chief medical examiner being phased out
"Director in medical examiner’s office appears to have fabricated credentials" by Matt Stout Globe Correspondent, May 30, 2018
A top official at the taxpayer-funded agency responsible for investigating violent and unexplained deaths asserts she has a master's degree from Northeastern University, but the school says it has no record of her earning a graduate degree.
Lisa Riccobene, who's worked in the state's Office of the Chief Medical Examiner since 2005 and was recently chosen to serve as its $112,000-a-year chief of staff, said she earned the degree in psychology, according to information provided by the agency.
The university's Office of the Registrar, however, has no record of that, raising major questions about a key member of the long-embattled agency.
I expect there to be ramifications, like a firing -- for lying, if nothing else.
Neither Dr. Mindy J. Hull, the state's chief medical examiner who promoted Riccobene, nor officials at the Executive Office of Public Safety, who oversee the agency, have answered repeated questions since Friday about Riccobene, how her background was vetted, or whether it has verified that she has the degree.
"Our human resources department is looking into this matter," said Felix Browne, an agency spokesman. "This is a personnel issue, and we will provide an update at the appropriate time."
Looks like a stonewall.
Browne declined to say what Riccobene's current employment status is with the agency.
Hull, tapped last fall as the office's new $375,000-a-year chief, elevated Riccobene as the office's director of administrative services and her chief of staff earlier this year, according to payroll records. In that position, Riccobene directly oversees 17 people and is one of three people who fall directly under Hull in the hierarchy of the 93-person office.
That's a lot of $nowflakes!
Hull's office last week refused a Globe request for Riccobene's resume, but an agency spokesman, via phone, provided her educational credentials, saying she earned an undergraduate degree in criminal justice and a master's in psychology, both from Northeastern.
The school confirmed Riccobene earned the bachelor's degree after graduating in September 1988, but it said it had no records of awarding her a graduate degree, under her current name or a previous married name.
Riccobene has not responded to multiple requests for comment since last week. A woman who answered a personal phone number listed for her Tuesday said she was unavailable.
She asked who is calling, and then said I'm sorry, she's not here right now can I take a message? The Globe then hung up.
Riccobene has helped oversee an office that, amid a rising caseload, is working to regain its national accreditationand has faced criticism over a backlog processing death certificates and autopsy reports.
State Auditor Suzanne Bump released a report in August faulting the office for regularly failing to process toxicology examinations or to complete autopsy reports on time between 2013 and 2016. The delays, she said, could slow court cases and prevent families from receiving insurance proceeds when needed.
When are you going to learn that this government doesn't give a damn about you, dear fellow citizen?
All they care about is in your wallet!
At the time, state officials said the findings didn't address reforms they've since put in place, but the office is still struggling to finish reports on time, according to its most recent annual report released in February.
The National Association of Medical Examiners requires that medical examiners complete autopsy reports within 90 days, but in the nearly two years between October 2015, when the office implemented a new organizational approach, and September 2017, the agency processed just 58 percent of autopsies and 78 percent of death certificates in the 90-day time frame, according to the report.
The agency has attributed the struggles to an ever-increasing caseload, which jumped more than 10 percent between fiscal years 2015 and 2017, to 5,920 cases. The number was on pace to top 6,000 through the first half of this fiscal year.
The office holds a "provisional" accreditation from the association, but it is still working toward full accreditation, according to state officials.
It's also faced heat over its handling of infant deaths. In three cases involving babies in recent years, the office first ruled that their deaths were the result of abusive head trauma, triggering criminal charges. Then, many months later, the medical examiners revised the manner of death to "undetermined" — following the intervention of defense attorneys.....
Can you believe it?
It took defense attorneys to draw attention to the problems!
At least she was demoted, right?
"Chief of staff in medical examiner’s office demoted amid questions about degree" by Matt Stout Globe Correspondent, June 1, 2018
A top official in the taxpayer-funded agency responsible for investigating the state’s violent and unexplained deaths will be suspended and have her pay cut after her claim that she had a master’s degree from Northeastern University was disputed by school records.
Lisa Riccobene will be allowed to remain in the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, but she will be demoted from her $112,000-a-year post after state officials confirmed they closed an internal review into her background.
You see the loot they are pulling down, right?
Currently the director of administrative services and the medical examiner’s hand-picked chief of staff, Riccobene will be suspended for two weeks without pay and reassigned as an “office support liaison,” a nonsupervisory role.
She’ll make $90,000 a year in the new position, officials said.
Riccobene’s credentials came into question after the Globe reported this week that she, through information provided by the agency, said she had a master’s degree in psychology from Northeastern, but the university’s Office of the Registrar said it had no record of her earning a graduate degree from the school.
Hull had elevated Riccobene earlier this year to a director’s position, where she oversaw 17 people and was one of three people who fell directly under Hull in the 93-person office.
The revelations about her background come as the office has faced other criticisms over a backlog processing autopsy reports and its handling of infant deaths.....
Yeah, this timely scandal took all the attention away from those!
She fell on her sword.
Just waiting for the autopsy now:
"Duties of demoted executive in medical examiner’s office ‘remain largely the same’" by Matt Stout Globe Correspondent, July 8, 2018
When Lisa Riccobene was suspended last month following a probe of her credentials, state officials said that when she did return to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, she would no longer be its chief of staff. Instead, a spokesman said, she would be demoted to a newly created nonsupervisory role, but a day after Riccobene reported to work, Dr. Mindy Hull, Massachusetts’ chief medical examiner, told administrative staffers whom Riccobene had overseen that her duties would “remain largely the same,” according to an e-mail obtained by the Globe, and for now, Hull said, she planned to delegate certain responsibilities to Riccobene, who had been her handpicked chief of staff and administrative services director.
“Please try to field your questions through Lisa,” Hull told staffers.
That's called passing the buck, and I'm surprised when she is “a strong leader, strong personality, and not shy.”
The comments raise further questions both about Riccobene’s role at the long-troubled agency and the fallout from its handling of the episode surrounding her. Riccobene was suspended in early June, following a Globe report that school records disputed her claim she had earned a master’s degree at Northeastern University.
Felix Browne, an agency spokesman, reiterated Thursday that Riccobene was demoted and is no longer directly supervising any staff, including the legal department, which once fell under her purview in her previous $112,000-a-year position.
She is still reporting directly to Hull, however, and as an “office support liaison” — a title that hadn’t existed — she serves as a point of contact for other state agencies and grieving families, responsibilities she had previously held, according to her office. She is approving time sheets of administrative staff and setting schedules and is designated as a nonunion manager. As of Thursday, a new chief of staff had not been hired.
All they did was change her title.
You happy?
At the time of Riccobene’s suspension, Browne said that an employee’s educational credentials are typically verified as part of a background check if they are required for the position. In Riccobene’s case, that was not done, he said.
According to a management questionnaire Riccobene signed in December, a graduate degree was among the “preferred qualifications” for the dual position of chief of staff and director of administrative services.
Once promoted, Riccobene directly managed $1.8 million in public funds and oversaw 17 staffers. She also served as the primary contact for law enforcement for the taxpayer-funded agency, which is responsible for investigating violent and unexplained deaths.
WhereTF is all the money going, and why isn't the work being done?
Browne said many of Riccobene’s current duties are similar to what she did even before she was a chief of staff, and that her designation as manager is to ensure that she is salaried and not part of the union or eligible for overtime pay.
As it has worked to regain its national accreditation, Hull’s office has faced other challenges, including a rising caseload and past criticism over a backlog in processing death certificates and autopsy reports.
In the nearly two years between October 2015, when the office implemented a new organizational approach, and September 2017, the agency processed just 58 percent of autopsies and 78 percent of death certificates within 90 days. The National Association of Medical Examiners requires that medical examiners complete reports within that timeframe.
Hull was tapped to lead the office in October, with a $375,000 salary — a nearly $100,000 increase over what her predecessor made annually.....
Do you think she is worth it?
I gue$$ she is if she can keep that corrupt and incompetent agency out of the public eye, 'eh?
"Baker defends medical examiner for keeping top aide who ‘misrepresented’ resume" by Matt Stout Globe Correspondent, July 9, 2018
Governor Charlie Baker on Monday said he has “full confidence” in the state’s chief medical examiner and defended her decision to keep her former chief of staff on the payroll despite the fact she misrepresented her resumé to officials.
Despite the reputation and poll numbers, this guy sucks as a governor. He serves the elite, and why wouldn't he? He is one of them!
Baker said he believes Dr. Mindy Hull, selected by his administration to lead the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in October, made the right call in suspending, cutting the pay, and removing Lisa Riccobene from the role of chief of staff, just months after Hull picked her for the position.
State officials later said she would be demoted from her $112,000-a-year position and return under a different title, with a $90,000 salary, but after Riccobene returned from a two-week suspension, Hull told administrative staffers who Riccobene had once overseen that her duties would “remain largely the same” as an office support liaison, a newly created role.
Baker said he thinks Hull handled the situation appropriately.
“First of all, we have full confidence in the chief medical examiner,” Baker told reporters Monday. “We believe she is the right person for the job.”
He also defended Riccobene, saying the medical examiner’s office and the district attorneys to whom she has served as a liaison vouch for her work.
“She’s a valued member of the team,” Baker said.....
So fabricating the resume means nothing.
Yup, some people can lie, lie right to your face, and get away with it.
That is what passes for accountability in Ma$$achu$etts!
Also see: Despite fabricating degree, top official in medical examiner’s office promoted back into management
That was dated December 4 of last year, and you had forgotten all about it!