Saturday, September 24, 2011

Kicking the Tar Out of the Boston Globe

Turns out the bloggers have been right the whole time.

"Tar balls suggest BP oil slow to break down" September 21, 2011|Associated Press

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - Tar balls that were washed onto Gulf of Mexico beaches by Tropical Storm Lee earlier this month show that oil left over from last year’s BP spill is not breaking down as quickly as some scientists thought it would, university researchers said yesterday.  

Also see: Boston Globe Tar Baby

Auburn University experts who studied tar samples at the request of coastal leaders said the latest wave of gooey orbs and chunks appeared relatively fresh, smelled strongly, and were hardly changed chemically from the weathered oil that collected on Gulf beaches during the spill.

The study concluded that mats of oil - not weathered tar, which is harder and contains fewer hydrocarbons - are still submerged on the seabed and could pose a long-term risk to coastal ecosystems....  

Basically the chemical dispersant sunk the stuff, folks.


But you know what? That's not going to be a focus of news coverage here in AmeriKa.