Sunday, April 1, 2012

Avalanches in Afghanistan

As I prepare an avalanche of posts from there:

"Afghan authorities reported yesterday that avalanches have killed at least 29 people in the country’s mountainous northeast.


"Afghan avalanche kills 37 in north

KAB­UL - Res­cuers shov­eled through deep snow Tuesday search­ing for victims of an avalanche that de­stroyed a village of 200 people in north­east­ern Afghanistan, au­thor­ities said. Thirty-sev­en people have been confirmed dead, but au­thor­ities fear the death toll will rise.

“It is a mountain­ous area with so much snow,’’ said Shams Ul Rahman, the deputy gover­nor of Badakhshan Province, where the avalanche occurred on Sunday night. “My concern is that many more people were killed.’’

People from a nearby village were the first to reach the site. They were joined on Tuesday by res­cue workers from Darwaz dis­trict, who walked for two days to reach the re­mote area.

About 100 res­cuers equipped only with shov­els were digging through mounds of snow looking for anyone who might have survived, Rahman said. He said initial reports were that only three women and one child survived. They were not in the village of Dasty at the time.

Mohammad Daim Kakar, general di­rector of the Afghanistan National Disas­ter Man­age­ment Au­thor­ity, said au­thor­ities were trying to find two he­licopters that can be sent to ferry blan­kets, food, and medicine to the site.


"45 feared trapped in Afghan avalanche" Associated Press" March 13, 2012

KABUL - An avalanche struck two remote villages in northeast Afghanistan on Monday and 45 people were feared trapped in the snow, authorities said.

The avalanche hit the villages of Poshan and Ghadoor in Mondol district of Nuristan province, said provincial spokesman Mohammad Zareen.

“We are not sure how many died and how many survived,’’ he said. “There is no rescue team there yet.’’

Avalanches are common in the mountainous northern provinces, but extremely heavy snowfall this year has resulted in more than normal. At least 50 people died March 4 in a snowslide in Badakhshan province.  

Tell them about global pfffft.

Zareen said that nearby villagers were working to try to locate victims and survivors in Monday’s avalanche. “It’s not enough,’’ he said. “We are calling for more help.’’

He said it is not possible to access the villages from Nuristan - that rescuers would have to go through neighboring Kunar or Laghman provinces to get to the area.
