"The Treyvon Martin Case: Opportunists and Politicos Unleashed
Posted on March 31, 2012 by willyloman
by Scott Creighton

Upon further investigation, the Treyvon Martin case is nothing like it was presented by the MSM to start with. But then again, what is these days?
George Zimmerman isn’t some “out of control” freak running around the neighborhood spying on everyone with his pop-gun at the ready. His father isn’t a retired judge from that county using his influence to get his son off the hook. And it certainly doesn’t look like he stalked and killed Treyvon in cold blood while the kid was begging for his life.
That narrative simply isn’t true.
By all eyewitness accounts Treyvon was on top of Zimmerman in a physical confrontation when the gun went off and quite possibly it was Treyvon who approached Zimmerman as he was heading back to his car. So why the deliberate distortions of the story in the press and why is no one even curious about Al Sharpton standing around in the background as this case starts looking more and more like deliberate misinformation the likes of which we saw Sharpton peddle in the Twanna Brawley fiasco long ago?
What happened to Treyvon Martin and George Zimmerman on Feb. 26th 2012 is certainly a tragedy. But what’s been developing ever since the MSM decided to stop ignoring the case and to exploit it for various reasons is appalling to say the least.
Yes, George Zimmerman was by all accounts a wanna-be cop ( “I hold law enforcement officers in the highest regard and I hope to one day become one.” George Zimmerman) who was the official neighborhood watch officer in his middle class gated community (46 911 calls in the past year). And yes, the least reported facet of this case is the fact that his daddy, Robert Zimmerman, served as a Supreme Court magistrate in the Virginia court system.
When I first heard about the case, I figured it was yet another example of privilege rather than prejudice. Zimmerman’s father was reported as being a retired judge in the same area, so that misinformation led many to say the prosecutor was cutting his son a break as a professional courtesy. But that story doesn’t really hold up to further scrutiny. His was father was a retired magistrate which is not the same as a judge but he served in Virginia, not that county in Florida. He just happened to live there.
Zimmerman nor his father weren’t wealthy by any standard of measure. The median incomes for their respective neighborhoods are around 66k and 49k. The “gated community” was hardly an upper middle class location. His father’s home is only valued at 119,000 dollars. Not what one would call the 1%
The picture of what happened that fateful night is now becoming much clearer. Yes, they did struggle and yes it looks like Treyvon was on top of Zimmerman and the latter was calling out for help prior to the gunshot which took Treyvon’s life.
“When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point,” John said.CNN’s Anderson Cooper also reported from another witness that the two were rolling around on the ground when the gun went off and that the larger man, Zimmerman (described as “Hispanic” by the witness) was the only one to get up.
A recording of a 911 call by a neighbor who didn’t actually see the confrontation captured the cries from help which seem to have come from Zimmerman, though many people say the high pitched quality of the voice shows it was Treyvon’s voice and not Zimmerman’s but that flies in the face of the police reports and the eyewitness testimony no provided by two witnesses who saw the confrontation.
When I listened to the video it sounds like Zimmerman’s voice calling for help. It sounds like Zimmerman’s voice which you can hear in his 911 call to the cops. Just for the record, I didn’t hear Zimmerman use a racial slur during that call and neither did the audio experts hired by CNN. The racial slur angle is important because without a racism motive assigned to Zimmerman, the Obama justice department cannot get involved in the case.
Apparently what happened was Treyvon saw Zimmerman in his vehicle watching him so Treyvon decided to approach the car. Perhaps Treyvon saw Zimmerman on the phone calling the cops and Treyvon split. Zimmerman pursued on foot against the orders of the police dispatcher who clearly told him they didn’t want him to do that.
According to Zimmerman’s statement as best as we can ascertain at this point, Treyvon disappeared into a cul-de-sac of some kind and Zimmerman started to return to his vehicle having lost sight of Treyvon. But then Treyvon approached Zimmerman from behind asking if he “wanted something” from him. A verbal confrontation took place at that point but according to Zimmerman he continued toward his vehicle and a few moments later Treyvon approached again and the physical confrontation began.
This version of events is somewhat supported by the witness interviewed by Anderson Cooper who claimed he heard a loud confrontation at first, then it stopped, and then it continued a few moments later, this time closer to his window. That’s when he looked out and saw them on the ground and the gun went off.
Zimmerman should never have gotten out of his car. He should have done what the police dispatcher told him to do. But whatever one thinks about the case you have to accept at this point that there was in fact a physical confrontation between these two people and according to 100% of the witnesses, Treyvon was on top of Zimmerman while Zimmerman was calling for help.
Had his neighbors responded, perhaps Treyvon wouldn’t be dead. That’s a harsh statement, but it’s true. That scuffle seems to have gone on long enough for someone to have gotten out there and helped out rather than hiding behind their locked doors calling the cops.
As far as I can tell, this is what happened that night.
As tragic as it is for the Martin family and the Zimmerman family both, the tragedy has continued and been exasperated by anyone and everyone looking to make this case into something that it isn’t.
Spike Lee tweeted an address of some elderly couple claiming that is where Zimmerman was in a clear effort to mobilize people down in that area to harass that household, or worse. Turns out it was some elderly couple who had to live in abject fear for a couple of days until Lee apologized publicly for giving out the wrong address.
Lee should be charged for that. If I or you or anyone else put out what is effectively a call to cause harm to someone on the internet or in tweets, we would be arrested. Not someone as famous as Spike Lee though.
The fake “New Black Panthers” group put out a bounty on George Zimmerman.
Why Eric Holder hasn’t arrested them at this point only goes to show they are taking their orders from the same sources. Putting out a hit on someone is clearly against the law and they should be arrested. If you want to find them, try looking at the nearest FBI or NSA office.
I watched a couple of Keith Olbermann’s segments about this story just before he was fired from Current TV and to be honest, I’m glad he was fired.
You could not present a more one-sided view of this case if you were paid a million dollars by Obama himself for doing it. There was no mention of eye-witnesses, there was no evaluation of the cries for help in the audio recording, and the only thing he seemed interested in doing was justifying a seated president for exploiting a tragic shooting incident for his own political gain, which I tell you right now, no one can convince me his administration is not doing. Not only does he associate himself with Treyvon claiming his son would look like him, the White House website offers a hoodie for sale with the tag line “Show everyone which side you are on”
That is a despicable intrusion into an ongoing case which as you can plainly see, is far from as open and shut as the MSM and the White House would have you believe.
But perhaps most despicable of all (and that includes the fact that they are biasing the general public by using out of date photos of the perp and the victim to make the differences seem much larger than they really are) is the fact that the “Rev” Al Sharpton is advising the family of Treyvon Martin through all of this.
For those of you who don’t remember, Sharpton got involved with a little story some years back where a young girl claimed to have been kidnapped and raped by police officers and others in the woods for a couple of days. It never happened. Neighbors of the family claimed they heard the mother of the girl talking to Sharpton saying things like he should have taken the settlement before the truth came out. A security guard also reported something similar. They even at one point accused the prosecutor of raping her til that fell through then they changed the story again.
In the end the grand jury decided they hathe lawsuit even though Sharpton did everything he could to derail the case including shouting “racism” at the judge and storming out of the courtroom nearly everyday.
Sharpton was a sleaze then and he’s a sleaze now. If anything is disrespecting the memory of Treyvon Martin like his father said, it’s not someone looking into his criminal background, it’s associating his death with a shyster and blatant opportunistic liar like Al Sharpton. How MSNBC gave him a show of his own is beyond me. You would expect that kind of thing from Fox.
My heart goes out to the families involved. Especially to the mother and father of Treyvon.
There is no indication that they believe anything any different than what they say on tv and in various interviews that they have given so to that end, there really is no comparison between this case and that of Twanna Brawley. My guess is they are being intentionally misled by Sharpton and others who have a stake in making this a big story and a racially based hotbed of controversy.
Even I had fallen for some of the early misinformation surrounding the coverage of this case (some of it on MSM and some on alternative sights like Jack Blood’s show). But now I think it’s starting to look a lot different than originally presented.
Fact is, as the official neighborhood watch officer, Zimmerman was doing what he was supposed to do when he called in the suspicious person standing around looking at houses that night. Whether or not we THINK he was suspicious looking to Zimmerman because he was a young black male wearing a “hoodie” is an assumption. For the most part, his neighbors and his black family members wouldn’t agree with that assessment.
From all of the witness reports and the audio recording of the 911 call, there in fact WAS a physical confrontation and no matter how many times Keith Olbermann claims Zimmerman didn’t have ENOUGH wounds on his head in that processing video, the fact is, the police report shows that his wounds were treated prior to returning to processing and again, the witness reports DO corroborate his story of a fight between him and Treyvon.
The media has clearly been presenting a biased view of this case, even going so far as presenting old middle school pictures of Treyvon next to arrest photos of Zimmerman from 2005… 7 years ago. They certainly want to present a marked difference in these two that doesn’t exist now and didn’t exist when they met on Feb 26th 2012.
Also of note, the autopsy report is not going to be released nor has the phone records in which “Dee Dee’ claims to have been on the phone with Treyvon during some of the first part of this conflict.
Jessie Jackson is out there calling Treyvon a “martyr”. That’s going a bit far in my opinion.
While the Supreme Court is evaluating the case of the insurance industry bailout law and the economy is slowly sinking back into further decline, this case is providing a certain measure of distraction from the otherwise incendiary news which should be grabbing headlines.
I thought I understood this case from the start, but I didn’t. You’re not going to find the solution to it from one side of the fake left/right divide or the other. Everyone has an agenda in this matter.
Is it race baiting on the part of the White House? Yes.
Should George Zimmerman be prosecuted for involuntary manslaughter? Yes. He should have done what the cops told him to do and stayed in his car.
And if you can’t take a little 170 pound 17-year-old kid (140 pounds my ass… he was 6′-2″ tall) in a street fight without whipping out your gat, you got no business trying to be a cop in the first place.
So yes, George should be charged with involuntary manslaughter regardless of the “stand your ground” law.
But is Zimmerman some out of control racist running around shooting black kids and getting away with it because he’s white and living in Florida with a retired judge as a father? Absolutely not.
People are being manipulated just like they were in the Kony 2012 campaign. That’s easy to see. What the desired effect is, I cannot tell.
Do they want race riots to distract the people from the wholesale theft of the country? Do they want to explain Obama’s reelection by claiming the black population finally came back to support him because of this case? I don’t know.
But using this kid’s death in this way is deplorable.
Related: Treyvon Martin Case: NBC Edited Zimmerman’s 911 Call to Make Him Look Racist
And the fog comes rolling in:
The Fee For Fascism in Florida
"New allegations complicate Fla. slaying case; Teen’s suspension, police report filed by shooter cited" by Curt Anderson | Associated Press, March 27, 2012
SANFORD, Fla. - The family and supporters of slain Florida teenager Trayvon Martin found themselves on the defensive Monday after revelations that he had been suspended from school for marijuana possession before he was shot to death by a neighborhood watch volunteer.
Police also confirmed a report that the watch volunteer claimed Martin was the aggressor, punching him in the nose and smacking his head on a sidewalk.
Martin, 17, was suspended by Miami-Dade County schools because traces of marijuana were found in a plastic baggie in his book bag, family spokesman Ryan Julison said. Martin was serving the suspension when he was shot Feb. 26 by George Zimmerman, who was patrolling the neighborhood that Martin was visiting with his father.
“They killed my son and now they’re trying to kill his reputation,’’ Fulton told reporters.
Sanford police insisted there was no authorized release of the new information but acknowledged there may have been a leak. Norton Bonaparte Jr., the city manager, said it would be investigated and the person responsible could be fired.
Benjamin Crump, the Martin family attorney, said the link between the youth and marijuana should have no bearing on the investigation into his shooting death. State and federal agencies are investigating, with a grand jury set to convene April 10.
“If he and his friends experimented with marijuana, that is completely irrelevant,’’ Crump said. “What does it have to do with killing their son?’’
Crump said the amount of marijuana found was not enough to bring a criminal charge.
The state Department of Juvenile Justice confirmed Monday that Martin does not have a juvenile offender record. The information came after a public records request by the Associated Press.
Zimmerman, 28, who said he shot Martin in self-defense, has not been arrested. Because Martin was black and Zimmerman has a white father and Hispanic mother, the case has become a racial flashpoint that has civil rights leaders and others leading a series of protests in Sanford and around the country.
Meanwhile, the Orlando Sentinel reported that Zimmerman told police he lost sight of Martin in the neighborhood he regularly patrolled and was walking back to his vehicle when the youth approached him from behind.
The two exchanged words, Zimmerman said, and Martin then punched him in the nose, jumped on top of him, and began banging his head on a sidewalk. Zimmerman said he began crying for help; Martin’s family thinks it was their son who was crying out. Witness accounts differ and 911 tapes in which the voices are heard are not clear.
The Sanford police statement said the newspaper story was consistent with evidence turned over to prosecutors.
Earlier, city officials named a 23-year veteran of the Sanford Police Department as acting chief. The appointment of Captain Darren Scott, who is African-American, came days after Chief Bill Lee, who is white, temporarily stepped down as the agency endured withering criticism over its handling of the case....
Civil rights leader Al Sharpton warned commissioners that Sanford risked becoming a 21st-century version of civil rights struggle in the South during the 1960s. He said Martin’s parents endured “insults and lies’’ Monday over reports that their son attacked Zimmerman.
When I saw that charlatan getting involved I became suspicious.
Outside the commission meeting, several thousand people carried signs, rallied, and marched in Martin’s support. Organizers said some 2 million signatures had been collected on an online petition demanding Zimmerman’s arrest....
Also Monday, an attorney for Martin’s mother confirmed that she filed trademark applications for two slogans: “Justice for Trayvon’’ and “I Am Trayvon.’’ The attorney, Kimra Major-Morris, said in an e-mail that Fulton wants to protect intellectual property rights for “projects that will assist other families who experience similar tragedies.’’ Asked if Fulton had any profit motive, the attorney replied: “None.’’
Related: Internet powers killing of Fla. teen into brand
That's disgusting.
"Florida victim’s parents backed on Capitol Hill" Associated Press, March 28, 2012
WASHINGTON - In a packed forum on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, the parents of Trayvon Martin found support among members of Congress who turned the death of their 17-year-old son into a rallying cry against racial profiling.
Martin’s parents spoke briefly before a Democrats-only congressional panel as cameras clicked in front of them. During the two-hour forum, the lawmakers and witnesses criticized the police investigation of the shooting and their failure to arrest the admitted shooter, George Zimmerman. Zimmerman, 28, has said he acted in self-defense. Federal and state officials are investigating.
“It is very important that we have independent eyes on this situation,’’ said Representative Corrine Brown, a Democrat whose district includes Sanford. “I am hoping we take this as a teachable moment. I am looking forward to how the Justice Department handles their independent investigation.’’
Whenever you see that phrase used it means an agenda is being pushed.
At a news conference after the forum, Martin’s father, Tracy, and mother, Fulton, renewed their calls for justice in their son’s death. When asked whether he thought his son’s death was a hate crime, Martin said, “Yes, I believe he was racially profiled.’’ The family’s lawyer, Benjamin Crump, said racial profiling also was a factor in the way the police conducted their investigation.
"Few speaking up for Florida shooter
Trayvon Martin’s supporters pack churches, swarm rallies, and wear hooded sweat shirts in solidarity while friends and family of George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who shot the unarmed teen to death, remain largely out of sight. The few who have defended Zimmerman have done so reluctantly, most fearing public backlash.
Zimmerman, 28, has gone into hiding. His version of what happened on the rainy night of Feb. 26 has only trickled out from police and his attorney. Zimmerman said he was pursuing Martin, 17, because Martin was acting suspiciously. He said that he lost sight of the teen and that Martin then attacked him.
Zimmerman told police he fired in self-defense, and police did not arrest him, touching off widespread public outrage and protests across the country.
Martin’s supporters believe race played a role in the shooting. Martin was black; Zimmerman’s father is white and his mother is Hispanic.
“The family has had death threats, the father and mother, George has had death threats,’’ said Miguel Meza, who said he is Zimmerman’s cousin. “Anything related to George is a target.’’
George Hall, a retired Presbyterian minister, said he was Zimmerman’s neighbor for 20 years in Manassas, Va., until about 2001. Hall said Zimmerman and his brother attended church, and he wrote a recommendation for Zimmerman for a police academy in 2004.
“Their parents taught them to treat everybody with respect. I’m tired of hearing about this race thing,’’ Hall said. “It could be an element in it … but I never would have thought of him as being a racist.’’
Zimmerman’s attorney, Craig Sonner, has said in more than one interview that his client’s nose was broken during the fight with Martin.
The Orlando Sentinel, citing anonymous sources, has reported that Martin grabbed Zimmerman’s head and banged it several times against the sidewalk. A statement from Sanford police said the newspaper’s story was “consistent’’ with evidence turned over to prosecutors.
Sonner said the gash on the back of Zimmerman’s head probably was serious enough for stitches, but he waited too long for treatment so the wound was already healing.
Zimmerman said he cried for help; Martin’s family thinks it was their son crying out.
Speaking Monday on ABC’s “Good Morning America,’’ a friend of Zimmerman’s, Joe Oliver, said Zimmerman is not a racist and has virtually lost his own life since the shooting.
“This is a guy who thought he was doing the right thing at the time, and it’s turned out horribly wrong,’’ said Oliver, one of the few black people to come forward in support of Zimmerman.
Also see:
Video shows police cuffed shooter of Trayvon Martin
Harvard vigil marks life of slain Florida teen
Opinion: No more ‘yes, sir’
In Heat photo, Trayvon Martin mourned with eloquence beyond words
Mass. must stand against 'stand your ground' law
Patrick questions Fla. police response
Trayvon Martin: 'he's Just Like Us'
Marchers demand justice for teenager
After Trayvon Martin, it’s time for ‘the talk’
Why is the AmeriKan media such a rank piece of lying, agenda-pushing s***, daddy?