"Jewish leaders protest German ruling against circumcision" by Stefan Nicola | Bloomberg News, July 11, 2012
BERLIN — The ruling may spark political tension between Israel and Germany. An Israeli parliamentary committee denounced the ruling on Monday after it met with Andreas Michaelis, the German ambassador to Israel.
Germany, home to about 4 million Muslims and 110,000 Jews, is working to resolve the issue, Michaelis told the panel....
The decision ‘‘is a frontal attack on Jewish life in Europe,’’ Pinchas Goldschmidt, who leads the European rabbis emergency meeting conference, said in a phone interview....
Those damn Nazis!
Related: Germany reacts to circumcision case
Also see:
"The silver was recovered from the SS Gairsoppa, which was carrying the riches to England from India in 1941 when a Nazi torpedo struck."
Related: Sunken German submarine is found off Nantucket
"Hungarian authorities accused a 97-year-old alleged Nazi-era war criminal of torturing deportees before they were sent to death camps."
Is it wrong to say I'm sick of seeing Nazis in my newspaper when there are a bunch of current war criminals walking around now?
Also see: Germany’s ‘nonsensical’ voting laws need reforming, court says
So does my f***ing newspaper.