Monday, August 13, 2012

Fearing the New Flu Shot

You should if this story is true:

"New flu vaccine announced for winter season" by Deborah Kotz |  Globe Staff, August 13, 2012

The US Food and Drug Administration on Monday announced the new formulation of the 2012-2013 seasonal flu season based on strains currently circulating worldwide but not yet in this country.

Sigh. I just don't tru$t what's in the vial anymore. Sorry.

While the immunization will contain the same H1N1 “swine flu” strain from the previous two years, it also contains two new strains for viruses that we have no protection against.... 

I know the theory that it is supposed to build up the immunities, etc. I know it is anecdotal; however, the people I know that get the flu shot every year get the flu.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still advised everyone to get their annual vaccination since immunization can wane over time.... 

Sadly, I have come to $ee such campaigns as nothing but a boo$t to pharmaceutical profits.

Pregnant women, young children, and seniors, should make an extra effort to get immunized since they have a higher risk of developing life-threatening complications from the flu.

About 200,000 hospitalizations due to flu-related complications occur every year, and deaths from the virus range from 3,000 a year to 49,000 a year depending on the severity of the circulating strains.

“The best way to prevent influenza is by getting vaccinated each year,” said Dr. Karen Midthun, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, in a statement....

Clinics and doctors’ office throughout the state should start offering the vaccine beginning in early fall.... 


I sure hope they did not leave a certain law on the books in liberal(?) Massachusetts. 

Related(?): Contagion

That piece of propaganda following the $wine flu $windle making the CDC and WHO into heroes while ripping the internet is of some concern at the moment seeing as it is making the rounds on pay TV movie channels.

Also see: Fearing Bird Flu

I had discounted the extermination of the useless eaters scenario for a while; however, heading towards the end of 2012 I'm not so sure. The food supply has been polluted in two great patches of seafood (Pacific and Gulf of Mexico), Ebola has appeared again in deepest Africa, and now another flu fear is being fomented as the insane EUSraeli empire prepares the official unveiling of WWIII.