Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Rabbi's Road Rage

"Rabbi accused of impersonating officer" Associated Press, July 16, 2013

MAMARONECK, N.Y. — Some drivers in the suburbs north of New York City were startled when they saw a man waving his arms, honking his horn, and flashing a silver badge in a frantic effort to get them to pull over in traffic.

Even more surprising was who was suspected of doing it: a respected rabbi.

Rabbi Alfredo Borodowski has been arrested in one case and is being investigated in at least two more in which authorities say the apparent reason for trying to pull people over was to rage at them for cutting him off or driving too slowly.

Yeah, Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac? I so miss his wisdom.

‘‘That girl was driving too slow, and I hate when people do this,’’ Borodowski, 49, told investigators after he was charged with impersonating a police officer in June, when he allegedly pulled his Camry alongside a woman’s car in Mamaroneck, flashed a badge, and shouted: ‘‘Police! Police! Pull over!’’

That seems like an odd feeling coming from a Jew, doesn't it? I mean, the way my media and papers tell it.

The woman, whose name has not been made public, did not pull over. According to her lawyer, Richard Clifford, the rabbi ‘‘just laid on the horn and started screaming at her’’ as she obeyed a 20-mile-per-hour limit in a school zone. ‘‘She was so freaked out with the horn honking and the screaming that she called police immediately. . . . I believe my client was in danger with this guy and if she had gotten out of her car it could have escalated.’’

Borodowski denied to police he was trying to impersonate an officer, saying he was telling the woman only that he would be ‘‘calling the police.’’

Then what was with the BADGE?

Police confiscated the badge, which read: ‘‘Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority Officer 1338.’’ Judie Glave, a spokeswoman for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which oversees the bridge and tunnel authority, said the badge is ‘‘totally fake.’’ 

One wonders how many Mossad operatives are out there with such things. Where did he get it?

Borodowski’s lawyer, Andrew Rubin, acknowledged the rabbi’s behavior has been ‘‘manic’’ and said he suffers from bipolar disorder.


He said the rabbi will plead not guilty.

Thanks for wasting taxpayer time and money.

The rabbi has been fired from a position at prestigious Temple Emanu-El in Manhattan, one of the world’s largest Jewish houses of worship. He also leads a congregation in Larchmont.

Oooh, a very well-to-do neighborhood.

After his arrest, others came forward saying he had tried to pull them over, too.


I'm sorry, and I know I'll be labeled anti-semitic for it, but Zionists really do have a supreme attitude. 


Zahau Murder Mystery
A Tale of Two Jails
Jewish Media Protects Jewish Philanderer 

One now wonders if it was Kraft.