Friday, November 15, 2013

Six Pages Are Sufficient

That is even less than the other day, and all I can say is I'm sorry for failing you, dear readers. I began with the best of intentions, and was in fact elated with the front-page lead. Nothing like being proved right time and again. I was looking forward to do a week's worth of articles wrapping up the issue, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting if I were you.

As for the rest, I supposed I'm all burned out because I only made a paragraph before I gave up on that story, and as for Bulger and his sentence, I stopped covering the trial after the jury foreman spoke. I disregard the conviction because of the old maxim "If the government is shit you must acquit," and FBI enabling and involvement spoiled that case even if the judge disallowed its admission into evidence.

I know I have been begging for more substantial stories, but I'm finding such things offensive in the propaganda pre$$. 21st-century corporate feudalism is the new normal for you kids so enjoy it. That is if you can get past the hoaxes and hypocrisy of it all. The fact is I am numb to the Globe by now, and no amount of mercy can cure the sourness that has spoiled it all.

I see that the question I was curious about regarding the Philippines has not only been answered, but confirmed! Now the British have moved an aircraft carrier into the region, and one can only wonder when World War III will be fully engaged and declared official -- especially in light of recent developments in Syria and Egypt! Another EUSraeli satellite lost! Of course, it is the destruction of the rainforest and not the EUSraeli Empire and its war machine that is responsible for increasing carbon emissions that causes typhoons.

I suppose we can only pray for the Pope and the French priest, as attacks continue in Iraq and a children's agency is set ablaze in El Salvador to cover up war crimes. Oddly, a child porn ring was busted in Toronto as Mayor Rob Ford fights back (looks like his head is bobbling today) -- although I would think Canada had more important concerns as the agenda for pipelines is advanced. Regarding for Sri Lanka, the pressure is only being kept up to secure shipping lanes. Tamils are long forgotten.

That gets me to page six and the catalyst for scrapping today's piece of shit Boston Globe after six pages:

"China lags far behind the United States in the sphere of soft power — the winning of hearts and minds through culture, education, and other non-traditional forms of diplomacy, of which emergency assistance is a major component. 

And if the United States government can't win them that way, they will bomb your country into submission to do it!

Despite Chinese academics’ frequent promotion of soft power, Chinese leaders don’t really get it, said Zheng. Instead, they continue to rely on the levers of major-nation diplomacy based on economic and military might. ‘‘They still think they can get their way through coercion,’’ Zheng said....


Yeah, tell it to the Africans they build infrastructure for while the U.S. flattens nations and relies on special forces raids into allegedly sovereign nations.

Related: Kerry says Iran deal would be fail-safe

Well, there is coercion, and then there is coercion. Know what I mean?

Beijing’s tepid response to the disaster shows how its feud with Manila over territory — fed by a constant drumbeat of invective from the government and state media — is metastasizing to all areas of its interactions with the Philippines."


Yes, folks, I'm SOUR as SHIT on my pot-hollering-kettle piece of cooked crap!!!!

As I finishing up by flipping through the rest of my Globe, it seems the Globe has gone to the cats and dogs, and that is where I set the blue and red pens down.  Oh, I know I marked check and read to the other sections I used to read, but I do that every day about this time and hardly ever do. Into the half-read, quarter-read, unread pile it goes, awaiting its placement in the recycling bag. I just don't want to blog about the Boston Globe anymore. I'm tired of the mouthpiece of elitist insult and it's mind manipulating garbage. I'm tired of having typed the same things over and over for five years now. Enough is enough. Think I made my point. It is undeniable.

I'm sorry I failed you, dearly beloved readers. I'm sorry I can no longer stand reading the mouthpiece of eliti$m in so many forms. It is tough reading agenda-pushing distortions at best, lies at worst, every single day with endless contradictions, obfuscations, and omissions -- and those are only the articles to which I am not totally indifferent with a complete lack of concern.

Where this blog goes now, I don't know. Monitoring the propaganda pre$$ was the whole point of this blog. It was meant to give you a look at what a concerned citizen was receiving for news as he searched out the tools available to him. It was meant to show you, the world citizen, what I was receiving as news, and meant to show fellow citizens from different regions of the nation what slop the Globe was feeding us here. I'm sorry I failed to stay current and keep pace, dear readers. I'm sorry my enthusiasm waned and my disgust rose. I'm sorry I'm sick of the Boston Globe, the flagshit of the region. I have tried to be faithful, but it is just not giving me what I want anymore.

It will always be there for you even if I am not. I'm sorry.