Friday, June 6, 2014

The Snowden Interview

I didn't see any of it.

Snowden says he worked as US spy

Still is. Once CIA....

"It's official, I have nothing but contempt for Edward Snowden. Previously the jury was out. I didn't particularly like or dislike him but after the self serving crap he recently said and his pandering for Howdy Doody, proving he's an utter moron or a tool; most likely the latter since he can't be lacking in intelligence given his former means of employment, though anything is possible... well, I've no more to say on the matter. He says he destroyed all the files. Does that make any kind of sense whatsoever? Then he mentions seeking to evade possible torture by the Russians. Were I Putin I would throw him out on his ass; ungrateful prat. Here's a steaming load of bullshit meant to fog up the mirrors about 9/11

One of the players in the Israeli orchestrated 911 attacks, Michael Bloomberg, wants Snowden prosecuted for something which, whatever it was, was nothing compared to what Bloomberg and his cronies in Israel did.


Also seeUS officials, Snowden clash over e-mail records

Just keeping the show going.