"When Tom Brady arrives in the corner of the practice field, helmet in hand, the fans, some of whom have been waiting five hours for a front-row spot, erupt in cheers. He greets them with a Pope-like wave, then immediately gets down to business. Tom Brady hero worship is off the charts. “He’s God,” said Lauren Dudley, a Patriots fan from Leominster. Not quite, but Brady has reached near-mythic superhero status, according to author Scott Allison, a professor of psychology at the University of Richmond. For many, the Patriots’ record comeback in Super Bowl LI cemented Brady’s legacy as the greatest quarterback of all time. But his entire career follows the mythic path of superheroes, according to Allison, who has studied heroism for a decade....."
Remember the controversy regarding Brady and the Trump cap?
Shouldn't Brady be taken out of the game? For safety's sake?
All is forgotten and forgiven, 'eh?
"In many ways, their passion is like what we see in Patriots fans. Here in New England, the Patriots are beloved: a team that seems to always find a way to win, with a combination of grit, strategy, and talent; a brilliant coach; the most superhuman quarterback in the history of the sport; and a set of values that puts the team first. My friend Ryan, a fan with season tickets nine rows back from the field, loves their work ethic and their commitment to Do Your Job. Ryan and his friends tailgate together, wear the shirts and caps, know every player’s stats, and are outrageously loyal. These fans have the Patriots’ backs no matter what. In fact, the hell with Spygate, Deflategate, Roger Goodell, and all of the clueless football experts who imply that the Patriots ever even considered cheating. And that includes the media, led by evil ESPN. In fact, the more others bad-mouth the Patriots, the more the fans love their winning team. Outside of New England, football fans are incredulous. Most feel that we have the worst, most immoral team in the history of any sport and that, on any given day, the Patriots will break rules and ruthlessly cheat their way to victory. Professor David DeSteno of Northeastern University, a social psychologist who has written extensively about the power of teams, explains that people who identify strongly with a particular group tend to look for anything that supports their team and will ignore the bad news......"
Globe is hoping Trump voters “have they changed their minds” and are praying for a Pence presidency.
Beyond the disgusting superficiality and the mind-manipulating elitism, the service and purpose of $ports as illuminated above, its value as an agenda-pushing propaganda outlet and the distractions it provides, is the disgusting moral relativism constantly being made between sports and war in my pre$$. Gotta be on the right team, and if so everything is awesome and you are living the dream (even losing your job? WTF are they pumping the kids full of?)!
Do you want to know who are the villains?
"“Start Throwing Rocks”: Washington Post Op-Ed Calls For More Violence In The Streets
Daniel Lang
August 16th, 2017
It’s not an exaggeration to say that battle lines are being drawn in America today. You can see it in the news everyday. As time goes on, people in this country are becoming very tribal, as Americans of different races, religions, and political persuasions turn on each other. What we saw in Charlottesville last weekend was just the latest sign that America is turning into a very dark place, where conflict between different demographics is the norm. And it probably won’t be the last indicator to emerge.
So how did we get to this place? How did we reach a point where America resembles Wiemar Germany, with white nationalists and socialist thugs battling it out on the streets and killing people?
If I were to pick one culprit for this mess, it would be the mainstream media. They’re the ones who have, for the most part, stood behind leftist ideologues for decades, and allowed them to bury public discourse under a wave of identity politics. They are at the very least, partly to blame. They’ve helped stoke divisions in this country that were once faint, or in the process of healing.
And if you don’t think the mainstream media is responsible for nudging our country towards war in the streets, then you should read this op-ed that was recently published by the Washington Post. It was written by N.D.B. Collins, an associate professor at Johns Hopkins University. In it, he appears to shamelessly call for the left to spawn more riots and violence in this country.
"“Start Throwing Rocks”: Washington Post Op-Ed Calls For More Violence In The Streets
Daniel Lang
August 16th, 2017
It’s not an exaggeration to say that battle lines are being drawn in America today. You can see it in the news everyday. As time goes on, people in this country are becoming very tribal, as Americans of different races, religions, and political persuasions turn on each other. What we saw in Charlottesville last weekend was just the latest sign that America is turning into a very dark place, where conflict between different demographics is the norm. And it probably won’t be the last indicator to emerge.
So how did we get to this place? How did we reach a point where America resembles Wiemar Germany, with white nationalists and socialist thugs battling it out on the streets and killing people?
If I were to pick one culprit for this mess, it would be the mainstream media. They’re the ones who have, for the most part, stood behind leftist ideologues for decades, and allowed them to bury public discourse under a wave of identity politics. They are at the very least, partly to blame. They’ve helped stoke divisions in this country that were once faint, or in the process of healing.
And if you don’t think the mainstream media is responsible for nudging our country towards war in the streets, then you should read this op-ed that was recently published by the Washington Post. It was written by N.D.B. Collins, an associate professor at Johns Hopkins University. In it, he appears to shamelessly call for the left to spawn more riots and violence in this country.
The white nationalist riot in Charlottesville, a city that boasts “diversity makes us stronger,” made a lot of things clear. One of them is that generic solutions to the racial problem — bland affirmations of inclusiveness, tolerance and “free speech” — will no longer work. Indeed, they have never worked, at least not on their own. …
[I]n April 1968, amid a flurry of other “rocks,” riots shook American cities following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. It took that rolling unrest, not the promise of further economic growth, to spur President Lyndon Johnson and Congress to action. Within a week they had passed the Fair Housing Act.
Over the past century, liberalism, vexed by an ever-sharp, ever-cutting white supremacy, has needed these rocks. …
Segregationists have again assumed their pedestals in the Justice Department, the White House and many other American temples. Paper alone won’t drive them out. Start throwing rocks.Let that sink in. At a time when our country has never been so divided, and the proverbial smoke is still clearing from a deadly riot in Virginia, one of the most widely recognized news sources decides to post an article that calls for more rioting.
It looks an awful lot like the media is trying to foment a war on American soil. What other conclusion can you draw from this very public call to violence? They had to have vetted this piece and understood its meaning and intent, before unleashing it on the world. They have to know the consequences of that, and if they know those consequences, then we can infer their goals.
The mainstream media has just shown us all its true colors. They’ve finally revealed what many of us suspected for a long time. They appear to be trying to convince Americans that it’s okay to hurt, and possibly kill each other for political reasons.
I'm going to throw a mock their way, and you know why the pre$$ stays afloat, right?
Related: “Calling for the assassination of the President is a federal crime”
She is not apologizing and not even saying she was wrong, for you see it is okay to "believe violence is actually a pretty good tool to use against people who don’t agree with your worldview,” before walking it back and suggesting the "belief that Vice President Mike Pence will use the 25th Amendment of the Constitution to have Trump removed from office," and the EXCUSES BEING MADE for HER are ABOMINABLE!
Hail, Cesar, and beware the Ides of September.
Before beginning this morning I wanted to draw your attention to the front page, bottom-left corner:
"A note from the publisher
To our readers,
The Globe is continuing to see unexpected glitches with the production of our newspaper as we move into a new printing plant in Taunton. As a result, too many subscribers are getting late papers too often. We've missed deliveries to some subscribers entirely. Thursday was a particularly bad day for us.
By way of explanation, the new presses are operating too slowly and breaking too often. Because of this, newspapers are getting to delivery depots too late, sometimes missing our carriers entirely. An important point: your late or missed paper is not your delivery person's fault. It is ours.
We are embarrassed. We are sincerely sorry to all those affected. And we have crews working around the clock to make this right.
We hoped to have this resolved by Labor Day. Quite bluntly, we are not convinced that will be the case. But we do know that the situation is steadily improving, albeit with significant hiccups, and we vow to have sharper looking papers with later deadlines when we're done. We're well aware of your frustration. We know you depend on the Globe in print for some of the best journalism in the country -- accountability reporting that seems even more vital in the past year. Again please know that we are sorry and are working toward a better place.
John W. Henry, publisher"
It's reminiscent of the delivery debacle, and now you know why the Globe is so pro-illegal immigrant.
Beyond that let's take the statement apart piece by piece.
First I've heard of the glitches, etc, connected with the move and there is nothing about it in the web version. Apparently subscribers are once again wondering WTF, driving this statement, and awwwww the Globe had a bad day. Pffffft!
Then they offer excuses for the crap equipment they bought! It does explain why I had to drive across town a couple of times last week because deliveries were running late. Oddly, I've experienced no disruption is service at all. Globe has come every day. We must be a big part of the readership out here! Anyway, I never blame the guy driving the news van. What a crappy job. Globe taking the blame on itself means nothing to me right now. Tired of excuses.
Awwww, they embarrassed and they sorry! Ha-ha-ha-ha! When they start apologizing for the endless string of war-promoting lies and distortions I'll take notice (and not some half-hearted NYT slop that blamed the Bushies and intel agencies for their slavish conducting and front-paging of administration lies).
That takes us the the last paragraph, and please forgive me in advance. They hope to have it resolved by Labor Day? That's like three weeks away, and then they say they are not hopeful!! Uh-oh! How long then? Oh, they a making progress and improving (why did the Iraq and Afghan wars just spring to mind?) and are going to look even sharper in the future. Ha-ha-ha-ha! I'll bet they are aware of the frustration! The phone lines must be lighting up and the e-mail accounts full! As for depending on the Globe, please. Don't make yourselves out to be the boss with an ‘‘inflated sense of your own power.” The self-adulating, self-congratulating of themselves for the pos propaganda sheet for the elite they send out every day and its vital need this past year and going forward had me laughing -- as they "work toward a better place!" Ha-ha-ha-ha!
How about the recycling bin for the mostly unread pos I bought today?
And hereeeeeeeeeee it is:
Van plows into crowd in Barcelona, causes panic, injuries
It's the above-the-fold, righthand-corner lead, and sorry, but it looks like a staged and scripted crisis drill from the film and photos I have seen, and the attempt by the pre$$ to tie this to Charlottesville by saying it was a copycat crime.... a disgustingly obvious agenda-pushing coincidence! And they have the nerve to accuse others of lying!
To left of that(??):
Under fire — from GOP — Trump digs in on Confederate icons
Now"prominent Republicans [are] openly questioning his competence and moral leadership," because he "lashed out" at them. It's having an effect on Trump's business at Mar-a-Lago, but
Trump was in good spirits on Thursday as he continued a working vacation at his estate in Bedminster, N.J., meeting with Governor Rick Scott, a Florida Republican, and Linda McMahon, the head of the Small Business Administration. Within his administration, his chief of staff, John F. Kelly, was said to be deeply frustrated and unsure how to contain his boss, and pressure mounted on Gary D. Cohn, the director of the White House National Economic Council, who is Jewish and had privately expressed dismay about the president’s remarks. Not all of Trump’s aides were unhappy with his performance. Adviser Steve Bannon’s job security in the White House has become tenuous — Trump offered only a ‘‘we’ll see’’ on Tuesday when asked if his chief strategist would remain in his post — but Bannon has been telling allies that the president’s news conference would electrify the GOP base. And in a pair of interviews Wednesday, Bannon cheered on the president’s nationalist tendencies and suggested that a fight over Confederate monuments was a political fight he welcomes. ‘‘The race-identity politics of the left wants to say it’s all racist,’’ Bannon told The New York Times. ‘‘Just give me more. Tear down more statues. Say the revolution is coming. I can’t get enough of it.’’
Yeah, you can ask the Philippines about AmeriKan racism, and we will get to Bannon a little later.
You know, when you think about it, all the statues, memorials, and monuments will need to be removed or renamed. Street names will have to change. History will have to be completely erased. Is that the point of all this? A memory wipe and in its place nothing but official dogma from on high?
If only you had elected Mitt in 2012, America!
How many black Mormons are there, anyway?
Outed online, a local man is now tied to Charlottesville rally
When his face was recognized in the torch-lit crowd at the Charlottesville rally, a local man was outed as a notorious Nazi apologist, another anonymous Internet troll, spreading hate without consequences and saying increasingly outrageous things to get a rise out of people. Not long after I reached out to him for this column, he tweeted that he had received death threats police deemed credible, and wrote that his family was in danger. Then he abruptly deleted his Twitter account. Publicly, at least, it was the first true thing he’d said in a long time.
Now come the Nuremberg laws, and it's all tacitly excused if not endorsed by the Globe.
So when is the Globe going to say something true?
Below the fold we find:
Shock, then resolve for ‘67 Red Sox after Tony Conigliaro beaned
OMG, the publisher puts his own ball team on the front page.
Same with the B-section:
Red Sox owner wants to rename Yawkey Way
Why did he not say anything until now, especially after the earlier signaling?
Suffolk Register of Probate to return from suspension
I'm going to parole him.
Settlement reached in CIA torture case
A settlement in the lawsuit against two psychologists who helped devise the CIA’s brutal interrogation program was announced Thursday, bringing to an end an unusual effort to hold individuals accountable for the techniques the agency adopted after the Sept. 11 attacks.
Lawyers for the three plaintiffs in the suit, filed in 2015 in US District Court in Spokane, Wash., said the former prisoners were tortured at secret CIA detention sites. The settlement with the psychologists, Dr. Bruce Jessen and Dr. James Mitchell, came after a judge last month urged resolving the case before it headed to a jury trial in early September.
Don't shrink from it.
The plaintiffs — two former detainees and the family of a third who died in custody — had sought unspecified punitive and compensatory damages. The terms of the settlement are confidential, and it is unclear whether a financial payout was involved. The parties agreed to a joint statement in which the psychologists said that they had advised the CIA and that the plaintiffs had suffered abuses, but that they were not responsible.
Why should taxpayers have to pay for it? I never approved of it! Make the agents that tortured people do it!!
So when are all the CIA monuments, memorials, and statues coming down anyway? The amount of damage they have done across this planet over the decades has certainly offended millions if not billions. What about their feelings?
The case against the psychologists proceeded despite multiple attempts by their lawyers to have it dismissed. They argued that the men acted solely under the authority of the government and were entitled to the same immunity as government officials.
And they got a big fat contract, too!
The plaintiffs and some of their experiences are described in the executive summary of the 6,700-page Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Torture. The report, published in December 2014 and based on a five-year review of more than 6 million pages of documents, lists 38 men known to have been subjected to the techniques in CIA prisons. It denounced the methods as brutal and criticized the CIA for providing false and misleading information to federal officials about the interrogation program’s effectiveness.....
That last part looks like a CRIME to me!
Related: Senate Torture Report
Bet they were happy to get out of there. Some never will, and there will be no war crimes charges.
Ex-NY governor hopeful who insulted Obamas kicked off board
That theme will permeate each page of the paper.
Top two officers on Navy ship in deadly collision off Japan to be relieved of duties
I didn't read because the military lies about such things.
3 arrested after drone drops cellphone, drugs to prison yard
Suspect falls to death from atop crane at Los Angeles port
A suspected car thief drove through a security gate and into a container terminal at the vast Port of Los Angeles property, circling back and forth under giant loading cranes and next to a docked ship before jumping out of the still-moving SUV and racing up the stairs of the crane. He broke a window and climbed into the crane cab, then climbed out and walked to the end of the crane over water as darkness fell. As news helicopters hovered above, Llamas shed his Lakers jersey and shoes, then later took off the rest of his clothes. He dangled and nearly fell several times before eventually plunging to the ground.....
Another car chase/crash something, huh?
Does any of that sound plausible or make sense to you?
Drug addict? Mentally ill? Or another staged crisis and event (news helicopters hovering over, huh? How horrifying to have seen this if true).
The one article in the printed paper that I did read:
"Contradictory remarks by Bannon and Dunford deepen confusion over US strategy for North Korea" by Jane Perlez and Choe Sang-Hun New York Times August 17, 2017
BEIJING — President Trump’s administration plunged the United States’ Asian alliances into new confusion Thursday with conflicting signals over how to counter North Korea’s nuclear threat, as the chief White House strategist said a military solution was impossible.
Three other leading officials of the administration — its top military general on a visit to China, and its defense secretary and secretary of state in Washington — effectively contradicted him, emphasizing that Trump was prepared to take military action if necessary.
The mixed messages about North Korea policy added to the sense of disarray coming from the White House, where Trump appeared to have all but forgotten the crisis.
Well, he's been preoccupied with the one-track pre$$.
Stephen Bannon, the nationalist ideologue who is Trump’s chief strategist, said in an interview that there was “no military solution” in the Korean Peninsula, and that he might consider a deal in which US troops withdrew from South Korea in exchange for a verifiable freeze in the North’s nuclear program.
Now we can see why the pre$$ has been pushing to get rid of him!
But General Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who was concluding a three-day visit to Beijing, dismissed the possibility of a US troop withdrawal. Speaking to reporters, he repeated the administration’s earlier position that military action was not preferable but still possible.
Dunford also said there were no plans to cancel US military exercises with South Korea scheduled to start Monday — drills that North Korea could interpret as a new provocation. He called the exercises “very important to maintaining the ability of the alliance to defend itself.”
Later in the day, after a meeting in Washington with Japan’s defense and foreign ministers that was aimed partly at reassuring them, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson expressed support for Dunford’s statements.
“Our approach has been endorsed by the president,” Tillerson told reporters.
That doesn't mean he won't do what Bannon said, and this whole interrelation of the Trump Cabinet in the media is interesting.
What we are told is McMaster is anti-Zionist and cleaned out some of Bannon's Iran war hawks. Now Bannon is arguing to restrain the generals in Korea.
What I think is going on here is them playing themselves off against each other. It's brilliant. You blame the other faction for why you couldn't go to war! It keeps you in good, and it allows all sides in the Trump administration to tap the brakes on more wars.
He said the United States and its allies would further intensify economic and diplomatic pressures on North Korea, and he praised China for its increased cooperation in those efforts.
Tillerson said he had read Bannon’s remarks, but declined to respond directly to them. However, he said the diplomatic campaign against North Korea must be backed by the threat of “a strong military consequence if North Korea chooses wrongly.”
The deal Bannon suggested, however unlikely, would be a stunning departure from decades of US policy. Its mere mention astonished analysts in a region still grappling with the implications of Trump’s impromptu tirade against North Korea last week.
I was told it was China that was preventing peace and unification. Apparently not.
The conflicting statements compounded confusion at a time when the United States’ allies in East Asia are already nervous about its commitment to defend them, should Pyongyang acquire the ability to strike US cities with nuclear-armed ballistic missiles.
In his meetings in Beijing, Dunford has been trying to persuade the Chinese leadership, including President Xi Jinping, to get tough on North Korea.
“We have a long-term alliance commitment with South Korea,” Dunford said.
Referring to Bannon’s quoted remarks, he said: “I’ve not been involved in any discussions associated with reducing or removing our presence in South Korea. If that was said, I don’t know about it.”
President Moon Jae-in of South Korea, continuing to try to assure his public over Washington’s strategy, said Thursday that Trump had agreed to seek his consent before taking any military action against North Korea.
He just put on the emergency brake!!!!!
In his interview with the magazine The American Prospect, Bannon said the fact that Seoul, South Korea’s capital, lies in range of the North’s conventional weapons ruled out a military solution.
I think he also saw what Russia and China had to say.
Right next to that article is this:
Joshua Wong, 2 others jailed in Hong Kong over pro-democracy protest
Gotcha. China bad.
Berliners gather at Brandenburg Gate to denounce Charlottesville Nazis
Now ‘‘this is not an American problem, this is a worldwide problem’’ as hundreds of protesters gathered at Berlin’s iconic Brandenburg Gate on Wednesday to denounce white supremacy and express support for victims of the recent violence in Charlottesville, Va. More than a dozen German and international groups attended the rally, with speeches in English and German. The crowd chanted ‘‘Nazi scum go away,’’ and volunteers collected donations for the victims of Charlottesville. Attendees later turned to face the American Embassy and shouted, ‘‘Hey Trump, we see you, your daddy was a racist too.’’ Protesters held signs that read ‘‘Black Lives Matter’’ and had President Trump’s name crossed out.
The controlled left won't save you. Maybe put a club in your head, but..... that's self defense.
Btw, did those protesters know that H.W.'s daddy was a Nazi enabler.
Malala Yousafzai, Shot by the Taliban, Is Going to Oxford
Yeah, got a letter from Afghanistan:
US soldier killed in battle with Islamic State in Afghanistan
The rub is "Trump has so far resisted the Pentagon’s recommendations to send almost 4,000 more to expand training of Afghan military forces and bolster US counterterrorism operations. The deployment has been held up amid broader strategy questions, including how to engage regional powers in an effort to stabilize Afghanistan.
And there it is. Now you understand the campaign to associate him with "white nationalists," call him a racist and a fascist and all that.
You know, it's been over six months and its become clear the Deep State and the pre$$ mouthpieces that front for it and other related interests aren't going to stop until this guy is removed. It's not that hard to understand. I know there will be people out there saying Trump, too, is all part of the plan but there are competing interests here. That's been true among the elite throughout history.
That becomes clear when you sift through the war propaganda pre$$. What we are seeing here is a guy who has been doing his best to live up to campaign promises (for a change, huh?). He's been getting stymied, and I'm not saying I agree with much or any of it. I'm an outside observer commenting on what I see in my pos pre$$, but think about it.
He's resisting a surge in Afghanistan; he raised the white flag in Syria; he allowed Obama's Mosul operation to come to completion, ousting the U.S.-backed terrorists and pissing off the CIA; after an initial foray into Yemen he has allowed the Saudis to handle that war crime butchery; he's made cursory increases in Africa but has yet to bomb Libya more than a handful of times; he has threatened Venezuela and North Korea but done nothing yet; hasn't bitten after Pentagon provocations of Iran, even certifying their compliance with the nuke deal); and he was actually making progress in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute -- which was then blunted by the Al Aqsa crisis (where does demolishing homes fit in the supremacist scale?).
I'm not trying to turn the guy into a hero. He has a repulsive personality and he is not the most tactful or smoothest operator; however, why would he be? That doesn't help you in the rough-and-tumble world of N.Y. real estate, and like it or not we are all victims of our own personality. He is who he is. What I see is a guy trying at every turn to put the brakes on the ravenous war machine while throwing them chunks of red meat (bombing Syria, for example). I know the U.S. military is bombing someone every day. The beast is beyond control, as other presidents have found. To order a halt to all U.S. operations across the globe would bring forth such a crescendo of criticism it would make Charlottesville look like a cookout.
Ivanka Trump’s rabbi denounces her father
He is ‘‘deeply troubled by the moral equivalency and equivocation’’ of Trump’s reaction. Just don't mention the treatment of Palestinians to him.
Yup, "moral equivalency" is going to be used by the most immoral souls walking the Earth to stamp out all dissent.
"Israel’s prime minister faced growing calls on Thursday to denounce President Trump’s response to the racially charged violence and anti-Semitic displays in Charlottesville, Va., even at the risk of angering the American leader. Benjamin Netanyahu has remained largely silent during the unfolding crisis in Virginia. While issuing a terse condemnation of neo-Nazis and racists, he has said nothing about Trump’s apparent defense of the actions of white supremacists during last weekend’s deadly violence. The muted response has upset a growing number of Israelis, who believe that Netanyahu has a special role to play on behalf of Jews overseas. Some have warned that it could cause further damage to an already strained relationship with American Jews. ‘‘We must set a clear boundary against anti-Semitism and protect the Jewish people wherever they may be. There are no gray areas when it comes to these issues, and this doesn’t jeopardize our relationship with the US or with any other partners around the world,’’ Stav Shaffir, an opposition lawmaker, wrote in the liberal daily Haaretz. She said Netanyahu has lost ‘‘any semblance of a moral compass.’’ Though Netanyahu is ordinarily quick to rail against anti-Semitism, he waited three days to react to the violence in Charlottesville with a relatively tepid statement on Twitter. ‘‘Outraged by expressions of anti-Semitism, neo-Nazism, and racism. Everyone should oppose this hatred,’’ he tweeted, avoiding any mention of the president or Charlottesville. Netanyahu’s spokesman, David Keyes, said there were no plans to comment further, saying the statement was ‘‘unequivocal.’’
At the bottom of it all is the corruption charges, and one has to wonder if Bibi also is being pushed out of office to make way for a new Israeli hero.
Racists’ under-the-radar recruitment
They are then turned into front-men infiltrators and agent provocateurs.
No tolerance for intimidation or violence here
Unless it's Teamster thugs or antifas, 'eh?
When Harry Potter robes are preferable to white sheets
I'm going to ignore that.
State officials still undecided about fate of Boston’s only Confederate memorial
It commemorates the 13 Confederate soldiers who died while imprisoned at Fort Warren during the Civil War (????? They died in government custody?) and:
Questions about the memorial in Boston Harbor come as Confederate statues around the country have become a flashpoint for violence and unrest, and as President Trump took criticism for his comments on the planned removal in Charlottesville, Va., of a statue of Civil War General Robert E. Lee. Before dawn Wednesday, officials in Baltimore whisked off four Confederate statues, loading them onto flatbed trucks and driving them away. The city had reportedly been studying the removal of the statues since 2015. It is unclear where, or if, they will be relocated. A similar question swirls around the memorial at Fort Warren. Nina Silber, a professor of history and American studies at Boston University, said she’s become more sympathetic to the view that these sculptures should be removed from public spaces. “There is now a sense that a Confederate monument represents the movement that converged on Charlottesville this past weekend,” Silber said. “So a Confederate monument now bears that weight of what happened there, and what alt-right, white supremacist groups did.” Historian Barbara Berenson, author of “Boston in the Civil War: Hub of the Second Revolution,” said context and historical background must be considered if the Boston Harbor memorial is to be relocated. She points out, for example, that the memorial references the “War Between the States” rather than the Civil War. The “War Between the States” is one of several terms for the Civil War used by some in the South. Berenson said the marker was erected in an attempt to perpetuate an incorrect view of history during the Civil War centennial in the 1960s. “I think museums, with accompanying proper contextual explanations, are in general the best place for Confederate war monuments,” Berenson said. “The contextual information should explain both historical inaccuracies on the monument and the story behind the erection of the monument.”
The thing has been boarded up since June so what's the big deal?
Going to have to get rid of the Jefferson Memorial then. And the Washington monument. Or rename them.
As for historical inaccuracies, I had an epiphany long ago.
Tens of thousands of counterdemonstrators may turn out to protest rally
With days to go before the rally, police are also investigating reports that some radical counterprotesters are planning to bring acid to throw at rally-goers.
Talk about “exuding hate!”
That is the kind of thing Islamist extremists do, we are told!
Solar eclipse viewing events to be held around Boston
Let's hope it isn't blocked by a nuclear winter, 'eh?
"The town’s highway superintendent has been placed on administrative leave after allegedly posting a racist slur after the violence at a white nationalist rally in Virginia. Daniel Gion will be on paid leave at least until selectmen meet Monday, the town administrator said (AP)."
At least he didn't attack his wife like the cop.
Two men want to spend 8 hours on the T — on purpose
May have no choice with the rally this weekend.
500 oysters seized and destroyed for being grown illegally
Arlington bids farewell to K9 Dasty
It's time to bid farewell to the Globe.
Here is one guy who won't be making this weekend:
He is listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an “anti-Semitic, ‘alt-right’ shock jock and an unapologetic fascist who spews white nationalist propaganda,” but was crying upon hearing of arrest warrants against him and "said that he relocated to Keene as part of the “free state” movement, which seeks to draw libertarians to New Hampshire, known as the “Live Free or Die” state. When he first moved to New Hampshire, Cantwell was “just an angry libertarian comedian who had a major hatred for the police,” according to a blog post this week on FreeKeene.com, which is affiliated with the free-state movement. The post noted that while such views are not uncommon among libertarians, “they were voiced by him loudly enough to get him kicked out of the Free State Project and ostracized by a bunch of people.” Then, “A couple of years ago, he began down this road to his current skinhead-racist form,” the blog post said. In addition to the warrants, Cantwell also ran into trouble this week on social media, where he used several platforms to promote his views, including a podcast. Cantwell told the Associated Press that since his appearance in the Vice News documentary, where he blasted President Trump for allowing his daughter, Ivanka, to marry Jared Kushner, who is Jewish, his Facebook and Instagram accounts were deactivated. He claimed that his PayPal account was also shut down, although the company would not confirm it, the report said. In a blog post apparently authored by Cantwell on Thursday, on ChristopherCantwell.com, the Keene resident references his participation in the Charlottesville protests. “Depending on who you listen to, I’m either a hero, a terrorist, or a crybaby, which should tell you something about the reliability of the media,” the post said. “In reality, I’m just a guy who wants to save his country from communism, and is often quite terrified at how much resistance he meets in doing so.”
That guy absolutely reeks of an agent provocateur like all the rest, and let's face it, his presence in the paper confirms it! Yeah, DRAW ATTENTION to YOURSELF!
Now about the SPLC.....
State leaders condemn white nationalism, neo-Nazism
At this point it occurred to me that maybe the Globe should focus more on its printing and distribution problems and less on some 150-year-old war and the statues around the country.
So far, compromise eludes Mass. alcohol task force
Happy hour on Thursday.
Wegmans moves ahead with two suburban stores, while plans for Boston market are on hold
The booze ruined my appetite.
UMass Memorial pulls out of state Medicaid overhaul
Mass. unemployment rate evens out with national average
Jack Ma-backed Yunfeng to buy MassMutual unit for $1.7 billion
L.L. Bean boosting production of iconic boot
Let's kick that around for a minute:
L.L. Bean pleads: Don’t boycott us over Trump donation
Election commission eyes spending by group backing Trump
FEC questions other spending by Linda Bean PAC backing Trump
Linda Bean once hoped to be to lobster what Perdue is to chicken. What happened?
An L.L. Bean boycott is not the way to go
The $tench of hypocri$y is overwhelming!
Walmart’s online sales soar as it seeks to catch Amazon
Now getting back to Virginia:
"A Virginia woman has been sentenced to more than three years in prison for poisoning her coworkers’ coffee with Windex and dish soap. Loudoun County Commonwealth’s Attorney Jim Plowman announced the sentence Thursday for 33-year-old Mayda Rivera Juarez of Sterling. She pleaded guilty in February to adulteration of food with intent to injure. Prosecutors say co-workers at JAS Forwarding Worldwide in Sterling began experiencing stomach pain and vomiting beginning in January 2016. In October, a victim began to suspect someone was tampering with the coffee. Prosecutors say a supervisor then found security footage showing Rivera Juarez pouring Windex into the breakroom coffee maker. Authorities say Rivera Juarez was trying to make her boss sick. She also admitted putting soap into the coffee machine and once directly into her boss’s cup."
She must not like her boss, and that's all that is worth talking about there.
I hope Trump has a food taster he can trust.
"A sense of growing unease gripped financial markets Thursday as President Trump exacerbated the controversy sparked by a racist rally in Virginia and terrorists struck a crowded street in Barcelona. US stocks retreated, with the S&P 500 index posting its second biggest one-day decline of the year, and a measure of market volatility spiked higher. Treasuries rose with the yen as investors sought havens. Gold jumped. Stocks began the day lower on speculation that Trump’s policy agenda was increasingly imperiled after he disbanded two advisory councils staffed by CEOs and slammed Republican members of Congress who were critical of his remarks on race. Rumors that former Goldman Sachs president Gary Cohn would resign as head of the national economic council added to the selling until reports that he’d opted to stay momentarily buoyed the market. Cohn has been leading the president’s efforts on tax reform. ‘‘Certainly the Cohn stuff started it and while there isn’t much out there yet about what’s happening now in Barcelona, it’s also adding to it,’’ Robert Parks, managing director in equity derivatives at RJ O’Brien and Associates LLC, said."
Now they can blame the white supremacists for the collapse of the economy rather than the North Koreans!
I guess Cohn won't be nominated to Yellen's job after all.
What crap that is, as if Barcelona, Charlottesville, and the Koreans could impact the massive global economy in such a way. It's scapegoating to excuse the bankers and other elite $cum that have looted us dry as the planned economic destruction continues.
HBO resolves latest hack
How convenient, and they are starting to cheapen the Star Wars movies by treating them as a cash cow.
Celts take kids to Canobie Lake Park
Isaiah Thomas won’t be taking a knee during the national anthem
Now that is RIGHT THINKING, unlike that other guy who can't get a job now.
Come to think of it, isn't the commissioner excusing discrimination and racism there?
And oh, yeah, the name Redskins (appropriate apologies issued) has GOT TO GO NOW!
Bosstones’ anti-bigotry anthem ‘Let’s Face It’ is resurgent
That has been the tone of the whole paper.
Dropkick Murphys reenact Malcolm Butler’s goal line INT
New track from Wopat has been subliminally inserted, and don't you have to boycott him?
"American Insanity by Publius Tacitus
I understand why some people dislike Donald Trump. He certainly says intemperate things, appears to have no deeply intelligent governing philosophy and is at the extreme end of the narcissist spectrum. That said, the media/punditry meltdown over his alleged "ambiguous" "inadequate" statement in the immediate aftermath of a crazed rightwing extremist 20 year old running over a bunch of lefty radicals on Saturday in Charlottesville has taken this country beyond satire. We are on the brink of something very dangerous.
Here was Trump's initial statement:
“We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides — on many sides,”
When I heard this on Saturday I was still waiting for news about who was responsible for the so-called attack. I thought this was a very reasonable, responsible comment from Trump. Unlike Barack Obama, who frequently jumped to incorrect conclusions (condemning police in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for instance), Trump was very clear about condemning hatred, bigotry and violence.
Then ensuing firestorm of faux outraged, especially from despicable pols like Mitt Romney, John Kasich and Marco Rubio, forced me to go back and listen again to what Trump said. Trump was (and is) being accused of embracing the KKK and neo-Nazis. What the hell?
Various other Republican senators also criticized Trump, including Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), second ranking Senate Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).
I have one phrase fro these Republican hypocrites--Go Have Sexual Congress with yourself. I challenge anyone to provide me with a statement, written or verbal, where Donald Trump embraces racism, anti-semitism or radical right ideology. Just one damn quote. I dare you.
We can point to several failure on the part of Trump's communications team over the last eight months, but I can empathize with their confusion over the claims that Trump was going soft on extremism. On Monday Trump made and even stronger statement:
"Racism is evil," the president said, "and anyone who causes violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans."
Still not good enough for those bent on destroying Donald Trump. When I hear so-called political and business leaders describe this as "an ambiguous" statement I then realize that this is not a fair game. This is political propaganda at its worst. But it ain't the President who is doing the propaganda. The media and political and business elite have banded together to push a lie.
But that is not all. Creeping out of the sewers are the radical ideologues keen on eradicating any vestige of American history. These are rebels keen on reinventing the past. The calls to erase all statues associated with anyone who fought for the Confederacy or was a slave owner has gone beyond the absurd. We now are confronting a rabble possessed of a mindset akin to the blood lust of the Khmer Rouge of Cambodia and the fanaticism of ISIS jihadis, who destroyed ancient historical monuments because they claimed those pieces of stone were idols. These are radicals convinced in their truth and their vision who are willing to do whatever it takes to promote their twisted vision of perfection.
These crazies, I believe, are overplaying their hand. Enough Americans understand and grasp how bizarre and unfair their rantings are and will in turn start pushing back. There is a danger here, however. The Americans being labeled as racists are more likely to own guns than those lefty cretins who arrogantly insist that Trump supporters are in-bred morons. That is a recipe for real conflict and is the kind of tension that triggered the Civil War of 1860.
Important to remember, however, that the crazed kid mowing down lefties on Saturday was not an organized effort. Just compare the lethality achieved today in Barcelona, Spain by a committed jihadi. He left at least 13 dead and more than a 100 wounded. The right wing nut in Charlottesville only killed one and his effort was not part of an organized plan to wreak mayhem.
There may be a silver lining in all of this for Donald Trump. He now will have no illusion about who his enemies are. They have jumped out of the closet and revealed themselves. This information in the hands of a Machiavellian ruler would be potent. Remains to be seen if Donald Trump actually knows how to play such a game or is just a pretender.
Maybe love can save us:
Maybe not.
"Charlottesville Attack: Uniformity of the Nazi Message
August 18, 2017
by Scott Creighton
This morning the message about Trump’s “support” of Nazis has died down a bit. Now they have something NEW to attack him on and that is the mass casualty event in Barcelona. Barcelona just recently decided to support the boycotting of Israeli products made in occupied West Bank by the way (April 20, 2017)
This morning, MSNBC decided to break up their latest Trump-bashing orgy with a flashback to last night’s Trump-bashing orgy by showing an interview with some poorly informed Trump supporter who was spoken to like an ignorant child by the interviewer. The whole point the guy was trying to make was that violence was committed by and planned for by BOTH SIDES which is hardly a point that can be argued by any rational adult. But, of course, who says MSNBC is staffed by rational adults?
The arrogant and misinformed host of the show decided to “show him the facts” and played A CLIP of the press conference given by Chief of Police Al Thomas, who I wrote about yesterday. The clip he played was Thomas’ response to a similar question about violence being conducted by BOTH SIDES… something the president rightly pointed out.
The condescending and dishonest host played the first half of the police chief’s response:
“This was an alt-right rally.” Al ThomasAnd then the host sat there with a smug look on his face.
What he left out was this:
We did have mutually combative individuals in the crowd.” Al ThomasThat was the very next sentence and in fact, the answer to the reporter’s question.
We all know the media lies constantly. We know that. But this is just so blatant. Just so fucking obvious. What are they going to do next? Just make up whatever quotes serve their purpose?

After the sheep-dipped military assets running the honeypots like Vanguard America put out a national call to arms to get folks to show up at that stupid rally, only 200 people showed and most of them were on the payroll. 200 fucking people out of nation of 330,000,000 or so. 200. What is that? o.oooooo6% or something? I don’t even have a calculator to do that kind of theoretical math.
Let me share a couple relevant Tweets with you and talk a little about how dangerous it is when we see the uniformity of the distorted message we are seeing right now. We’ve seen it before.
Yesterday the president was answering questions from the press and he was asked about his statement about violence coming from both sides of the event. Trump said “Yes. I think there is blame on both sides. There is blame on both sides. I don’t have any doubt about it and you don’t have any doubt about it.”
Jim Acosta then says to Trump something about how the “neo-Nazis started this. They showed in Charlottesville to protest the removal of the statue” and apparently he thinks that’s all it takes to justify violence being leveled against them: thinking they had a right to free speech and assembly.
Of course, there are others in history who also shared that opinion:

In 2016 a bunch of young neo-Nazis attacked retired people holding a peaceful protest in Ukraine. The fascist neoliberal government imposed there, backed by the Nazis, and John McCain, AND HILLARY CLINTON, have been cutting pensions for retired people, basically leaving them them to starve to death so Big Business can steal their retirement money. These OLD PEOPLE were holding a sad little protest demonstration hoping the media would show up in the fascist country and cover their pitiful plight.
Instead, the Brown Shirts stopped by to silence their cries for help.
Eventually, after many old people are beaten and taught their lesson about speaking out in a newly Nazified country, the police stopped by and helped some of the injured old people… a little.
If you go to this video, you will see another attack from 2016 carried out by the fascist Brown Shirts in Ukraine, again, supported by BOTH John McCain and Hillary Clinton (both opponents of Donald Trump) attacked a social center in Prague. The guy circled had just met with and coordinated with the police.

Here’s Antifa.

Here’s a little sample of what John McCain’s friends did back in 2013 and 2014 to destabilize Ukraine when that country had a president our glorious leaders didn’t like.
While all of this was going on under the Obama administration, the media covered almost none of it because it was our government, the government of President Peace Prize, that instigated it and sanctioned it.
The American media was complicit in the Nazi violence just three short years ago.
When the media now lies so blatantly in SUPPORT of one violent faction OVER the other, it should give you pause.
When they attack a president they are paid to dislike and liken all those who support him to “deplorables” and “Nazis” we are in deep shit.
And then, when they openly call for more violence as was the case in an Op-Ed yesterday and suggest anyone with opposing viewpoints is to blame when they are attacked simply because they showed up, we are well past the “deep shit” stage.
And all of this has happened in the past week. One short week.
[I]n April 1968, amid a flurry of other “rocks,” riots shook American cities following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. It took that rolling unrest, not the promise of further economic growth, to spur President Lyndon Johnson and Congress to action. Within a week they had passed the Fair Housing Act…
Segregationists have again assumed their pedestals in the Justice Department, the White House and many other American temples. Paper alone won’t drive them out. Start throwing rocks. Washington Post (via Daily Wire)Violence from any side of this manufactured conflict is unjustifiable. Now that the press has to admit it happened, they are desperate to cloak one side’s behavior in shining armor as if they are defending us from something. From 2oo assholes who were mostly PAID to be there.
As we learned in the run-up to the illegal Iraq invasion, the MSM’s uniformity of the message in SPITE of ALL PREVAILING EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY is a very dangerous sign.
I’ve said it before, I will say it again… STAY AWAY FROM THESE GLADIO EVENTS… no matter which side you come down on. There will be more violence because they WANT more violence.....
Speaking of such types, I have disabled them from my blog roll (and thank you for the tip). No heroes they.
Well, this blog is now history.
Have a good weekend, readers.