Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska campaigned yesterday at a rally at Capital University in Bexley, Ohio. (Mark Lyons/Getty Images)
I must admit, the lady grows on you. I despise McCain now because he is such a liar; I've swung from support for Sarah to vitriolic opposition to a more nuanced, in-favor position. So be it.
"Palin says she's ready for debate with Biden
Amid growing doubts about her readiness, Sarah Palin said yesterday she is looking forward to the one and only vice presidential debate on Thursday night with Democratic rival Joe Biden.
"I have to admit, though, he's a great debater, and he looks pretty doggone confident, like he's sure he's going to win," she told voters in Columbus, Ohio. "But then again, this is the same Senator Biden who said the other day that University of Delaware would trounce the Ohio State Buckeyes. Wrong!"
You know, the EVERYMAN thing must be rubbing off on me because I am not offended by the ditzy and vacuous response. She's kinda cute, even though I don't like the idea of comparing the debate to a football game.
Given her already-mocked interview with Katie Couric of CBS News last week, some Republicans fear how she will fare in the unscripted forum of a debate. Palin answered her critics, saying on CBS last night that "not only am I ready, I'm willing and able (AP)."
Oh, yeah, so am I! Come on and bring it, girl!!
Hey, there is a precedent!