Sunday, December 28, 2008

Women Are Responsible For All the Wars

I'm offended and I'm not even a woman.

I noticed that the ONE THING that NEVER GETS MENTIONED for blame regarding violence is the contribution of THIS NATION'S MILITARISTIC CULTURE!!!

Never anything about LYING US INTO MASS-MURDERING WARS and OCCUPATIONS!! Hell, we will TRAIN the KIDS for THAT!!!!!

This REALLY PUT ME OVER the TOP today, folks!

"Girl power; Campaign urges young women to assess role in starting, combating violence" by Maria Cramer, Globe Staff | December 28, 2008

When it comes to youth violence, there are few strategies that city leaders haven't tried. They have flooded dangerous streets with mounted patrols and officers on motorcycles. They have proposed entering teenagers' homes and taking away their guns. And they have met with feuding gangs in the hopes of striking a truce.

Now one organization is targeting a population that often is overlooked in the fight against youth crime: the girls who date, befriend, and go to school with the teenage boys driving the violence.

Members of the Boston TenPoint Coalition, along with Boston School Police, are visiting the city's high schools with a message aimed at getting these girls to realize the power they wield over boyfriends, brothers, and friends who may be tempted to use a gun.

You mean, like in Iraq or Afghanistan?

The campaign's approach is designed to appeal to the teenage girl, with organizers making their point through poetry, a short play featuring actresses in Ugg boots and puffy jackets, and the distribution of purple rubber bracelets that bear the slogan "I Choose Me" in bubble and block letters.

Their message, however, is not sugary and raises a provocative question: How much power does a girl have to stop what a boy is doing?

During school assemblies, the girls are told to realize that fights among themselves, spats with their boyfriends, even idle gossip or a dirty look can spark a chain reaction that leads to bloodshed. The campaign asks young women to acknowledge the part they play in a culture of violence. It is a marked shift from the traditional calls for peace that usually ask young men to put down their guns....

Unless we are TRAINING THEM to PICK ONE UP and KILL MUSLIMS for Iz-ray-HELL!!!!!! Of course, the WOMEN are to blame for that, too!!!!!


But some who work to prevent violence against women questioned whether the effort skirts close to blaming women or places a large burden on people who often are victims themselves.

That was MY REACTION!!!!

"There is a fine line that we ask everybody to be mindful of, between empowering victims and placing the responsibility on them to end the violence," said Toni Troop, spokeswoman for Jane Doe Inc., a statewide coalition of organizations that combat domestic violence. "Ultimately that responsibility is on the entire community. Raising awareness, empowering young girls to believe in themselves, in each other, has to go hand in hand with . . . talking to the young boys who are primarily the perpetrators of this violence."

When you consider the fact that THIS NATION and its MSM are waging MASS-MURDERING WARS and OCCUPATIONS based on lies and PROPMOTES WARS at5 every turn, this kind of MORALIZING HYPOCRISY is DOWNRIGHT SICKENING!

.... The Rev. Jeffrey Brown, cofounder of the TenPoint coalition, said another goal of the campaign is for young women to reconsider their relationships with violent men and send the message that a gun-wielding man will be a lonely one.

What is it they say about sleeping with your gun? Never complain and never get pregnant? What if they want to be alone?

How about sending that SAME MESSAGE to the GOVERNMENT, Rev?

Black Ministers of Boston, Massachusetts, Want to Keep Black Youth Down


That point is clear in the poem "I Choose Me," which was written by one of the campaign's organizers and encourages girls to dump boyfriends who would rather carry weapons and deal drugs than get their life together and treat their girlfriends well.....

Yeah, ONLY the GOVERNMENT and ITS TYRANNICAL AGENTS are allowed to do that!

As for TREATING WOMEN WELL, I'd feel a lot better about the lecture if AmeriKa did not lead the world in domestic violence and rapes!!!
