Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bye-Bye, Bushie!

I felt the same way they did.

"'The time has come'; Before vast crowd, Obama takes office with call to remake nation" by Scott Helman and Michael Kranish, Globe Staff | January 21, 2009

WASHINGTON - .... After Obama's speech, he and his wife, Michelle, escorted Bush and his wife, Laura, to their waiting helicopter, and many in the crowd reacted with glee at the sight of the 43d president climbing aboard and leaving the White House for good. "Close the door!" one woman yelled. The crowd waved and cheered madly as the helicopter departed west over the Capitol grounds.

DAMN RIGHT, that shit-bag war criminal!!


"Bush makes his exit, disenchantment in his wake" by Maura Reynolds, Los Angeles Times | January 21, 2009

WASHINGTON - The choreography was smooth, the smiles were gracious, but all the same, George W. Bush's exit from Washington yesterday still carried a measure of pain.

Not for me or the crowds!

To be sure, the now former president fulfilled his role flawlessly....

Yeah, ADVANCING the New World Order AGENDA!!!!


On the drive to Capitol Hill, the once and future presidents passed protesters carrying signs reading, "Arrest Bush." When Bush made his entrance onto the grandstand with the orchestra playing "Hail to the Chief" for the last time, the crowd below began singing a different refrain: "hey, hey, hey - goodbye." One man waved his shoe.

Bush is famously thick-skinned. But as the morning wore on, his smile appeared to grow more strained.

GOOD!!! That shit-bag should be tarred and feathered, then tortured and executed for what he has done!

Perhaps one reason was the unmistakable enthusiasm for his successor, who drew far larger crowds than Bush did to either of his two inaugurations. Or perhaps it was that despite Obama's repeated thanks to Bush, many of the words of the inauguration speech must have stung.

Ah, Obama hugged the guy going away, so the words ring hollow.

"On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas that for far too long have strangled our politics," Obama said. "Our time of standing pat, of protecting narrow interests and putting off unpleasant decisions - that time has surely passed." Several dozen White House staff members organized a private send-off for the Bushes in a closed hangar at Andrews Air Force Base, according to sources. Bush then took off for his childhood home of Midland on the way to their ranch in Crawford. A crowd of nearly 20,000 welcomed the Bushes.

They can KEEP HIM -- in leg irons in a prison!!!

"The presidency was a joyous experience, but as great as it was, nothing compares with Texas at sunset," Bush said. "Tonight I have the privilege of saying six words that I have been waiting to say for a while: 'It is good to be home.' "

First time I've agreed with you in a long, long, time, Georgie-boy!


"I never took an opinion poll to tell me what to think," he said, "and I'm coming home with my head held high and a sense of accomplishment."

Head high, ass dragging.
