Tuesday, January 6, 2009

No More Newspapers For MSM Monitor

I won't be buying them anymore, readers. I never even looked at the Globe's website yesterday, and I've already previewed the paper for today and there is no reason to rush out and purchase one: it's full of the same lies and bullshit, and is nowhere near worth its cost.

Honestly, it has been a relief to my stress level not to have read them the last two days. I think you can tell from the posts below I was getting pretty darn sick of Zionist propaganda, obfuscation, and outright lies.

Well, MSM, you did it again. You've taken a dedicated purchaser and consumer and turned them off, too. Nice going. No wonder your industry (and its affiliated web sites) are dying.

For more of my work, readers can see
Rock the Truth and Truth Rocker.

Last Day For MSM Monitor?