Sunday, January 4, 2009

Thank You, Israel

The MSM Monitor just wanted to take a minute and thank Israel for turning my blogs and attention solely to the issue of Israel and Palestine. It would not have happened had they not launched this current aggression and assault on Gaza.

As upset and angry as I am about the loss of precious Palestinian life -- the most precious in the world -- I am happy that my blog's focus will be exclusively on the lying, land-stealing, mass-murdering, genocidal, NaZionist regime from Iz-ray-HELL! I had been struggling for months with what to do about my blog's focus, but Israel has done it for me.

Thanks, Israel! Now I will be downing you at every turn, in every conversation I have with anybody.
Whenever anyone engages me in conversation from now on, I am going to turn the topic to Israel's war-criminal regime and the U.S. support of it -- just as the Zionist papers always turn the conversation to the poor, suffering, ZioNazis of Iz-ray-HELL!!

And not only that, you have energized my activism; this weekend was the first time I've attended protests in months, if not years.
After 2006, I gave up on the Iraq war protests and the locals, and although they never like me and my mouth advancing on the Common, they have NO CHOICE NOW! See you next week, guys!!!


Thanks again, Israel!!

I love it when your god-damned evil plans backfire on you!

No one deserves it more!