Wednesday, January 14, 2009

U.S. Justice Department Endorses Lying Under Oath

There is the law for THEM -- the political and criminal elite of our country -- and then there is the law for me and you.

What would happen to you if you lied under oath, readers?

"Report says ideology was major factor in Justice Dept. hiring" by Carrie Johnson, Washington Post | January 14, 2009

WASHINGTON - .... The report's release was delayed by more than six months after inspector general agents referred the case for possible prosecution by authorities in the District. But prosecutors in the US attorney's office declined to pursue the matter last week, according to lawyers involved in the case.

The decision means that Schlozman, who went on to serve as an acting US attorney in Missouri, will not face criminal sanctions for testimony he provided to Congress two years ago. Internal Justice Department investigators determined that Schlozman had made "false statements" to lawmakers about his role in the affair, they said in yesterday's report....


Of course, they are perfectly happy to have false-flagging FBI informants and instigators lie on the stand, too!