Friday, July 23, 2010

Cancer Calling on Cellphone

I think it's for you, kiddo....

"Study says cell towers not tied to youth cancer" by Maria Cheng, Associated Press | June 23, 2010

LONDON — Children whose mothers lived close to a mobile phone tower while pregnant did not appear to be at any higher risk of cancer than children whose mothers lived farther away, a new study finds....

“It’s reassuring,’’ said Paul Elliott, the study’s lead author and a professor of epidemiology and public health medicine at Imperial College in London....

As cellphones have carpeted the globe and become essential to lifestyles from Africa to Asia to America, some have wondered whether the devices come with a hidden health cost.

Last month, the results of a major study on cellphones and cancer were published and largely dismissed the connection between cellphones and cancer, though it could not definitively be ruled out.

Of course, I'm believing in lying government these days, aren't you?

Ask yourself where the $$$ is and you have your answer as to who$e intere$t$ they repre$ent.

Some specialists said concerns about mobile phone towers have been driven mostly by people’s own beliefs rather than science.

Every time the MSM puts out an insult like that the first thing I think of are those three steel skyscrapers falling down because of fire against all known laws of physics.

“People don’t like these things towering over their gardens, and every time they get a headache they think it’s responsible,’’ said John Bithell, a retired research fellow at the Childhood Cancer Research Group at the University of Oxford.


Now that you mention, I never did have headaches before.

“But there’s no scientific evidence, not even in animals, to back this up.’’ Bithell was not connected to the study and wrote an accompanying editorial in the BMJ.

Doesn't seem to stop the 9/11 myths.

Still, Bithell said, any dangers of mobile phones causing cancer were dwarfed by more immediate dangers of using the devices.

“What you do while using a mobile phone during driving is more dangerous than what the phone is doing to you,’’ he said.

Oh, so he ADMITS IT and then compares it to the texting while driving!

Talk about putting up a straw man with a red herring as a diversion and distraction!!

I'm so angry I'm going to text him as I head over to the bar to watch the ball game!


Yeah, don't worry about that oil slick, either.