Friday, July 23, 2010

Down at DEA Labs

Now I understand why the drug problem is never solved. DEA seizes the stuff and turns it over to private contractor$ who then sell it back to the drug cartels.

"DEA faulted on cleanup of illegal drug labs" by Associated Press | July 1, 2010

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department’s inspector general yesterday cited significant problems in the Drug Enforcement Administration’s cleanup of clandestine drug laboratories...

The inspector general said the shortcomings include missing documentation to confirm that hazardous waste materials were properly handled at labs formerly used by criminals to manufacture drugs such as methamphetamine.

The DEA contracts with private companies for the cleanups....

The DEA worked with companies to get other legal assurance that the hazardous waste was not diverted to produce illegal drugs nor illegally dumped....

What do you think they did with them?
