“The United States does not recognize spheres of influence’’
She must have been drunk!

President Mikheil Saakashvili of Georgia toasted Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at a cafe in Tbilisi yesterday. On her visit, Clinton affirmed US support of Georgia’s sovereignty. (Irakli Gedenidze/Reuters/Pool)
Here, Hil, blow.
"Clinton says nations crushing activists; Warns that some democracies also being repressive" by Robert Burns, Associated Press | July 4, 2010
KRAKOW, Poland — Intolerant governments across the globe are “slowly crushing’’ activist and advocacy groups that play an essential role in the development of democracy, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said yesterday.
My first thought was Israel, Palestine, and the election of Hamas. That's what she means, right?
She cited a broad range of countries where “the walls are closing in’’ on civic organizations such as unions, religious groups, rights advocates, and other nongovernmental organizations that press for social change and shine a light on governments’ shortcomings.
She even uses the words of a drunk.
Among those she named were Zimbabwe, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Cuba, Egypt, Iran, Venezuela, China, and Russia....
So stinking drunk she can't even see her own nation in the mirror behind the bar.
Before an audience of several hundred senior government officials, Clinton recalled Winston Churchill’s warning 60 years ago at Fulton, Mo., that an iron curtain was descending across Europe. She noted that with the collapse of the Soviet Union, that curtain no longer remains.
Actually, it's a veil now.
“But we must be wary of the steel vise in which governments around the world are slowly crushing civil society and the human spirit,’’ she said....
She is right about that. It is their function, after all.
She recommended that the organization set up an independent means of monitoring repressive measures against social advocacy groups, and that the UN Human Rights Council do more to protect civil society. She announced that the United States would contribute $2 million to support the work of embattled nongovernmental groups.
Do we really have the change to spare for this empire-building, agenda-pushing s***?
Poland was a fitting setting for Clinton’s address. The country escaped from decades of totalitarianism in the downfall of the Soviet Union and the collapse of communism across Eastern Europe in the early 1990s — due largely to the efforts of the Polish labor movement, Solidarity — whose founder, Lech Walesa, was in the audience for the speech. Poland was holding a presidential runoff election today.
Earlier yesterday, Clinton expressed hope that Russia would drop its opposition to a US missile defense system in Europe and accept an offer to cooperate in developing technologies for shooting down hostile weapons.
“The offer stands,’’ Clinton told a news conference after witnessing the signing of an amendment to a US-Polish agreement on the basing of US missile interceptors in Poland.
Repeating a theme the Russians consistently have rejected, Clinton said Moscow has nothing to fear from a NATO-endorsed missile defense system based in Europe because it will be aimed at Iran’s missile arsenal.
“This is a purely defensive system,’’ she said, with her Polish counterpart, Radek Sikorski, at her side. “It does not threaten Russia.’’
Acting just like a drunk, isn't she?
They also like to cozy up to you as if you were there best friend.
"Clinton reassures Azerbaijan" by Mary Beth Sheridan, Washington Post | July 5, 2010
BAKU, Azerbaijan — Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton became the second US Cabinet secretary in a month to visit Azerbaijan yesterday, seeking to improve a rocky relationship with an authoritarian government that has provided a key transit route to Afghanistan.
And is right next to Iran.
For Clinton, the trip was a diplomatic balancing act: her four-day swing through former Soviet bloc countries has emphasized the promotion of democracy.
She fails the "walk-a-straight-line" test!
But Azerbaijan has been ruled for 17 years by a father-son duo and has a poor human rights record, according to the State Department’s published profile of the country.
President Ilham Aliyev greeted Clinton warmly in his seaside palace. “I’m sure your visit will strengthen this partnership,’’ he said.
Azerbaijan government officials have complained they have been ignored by the Obama administration, according to US authorities. The country has had no US ambassador for more than a year, and Azerbaijan was not invited to Obama’s Nuclear Security Summit last spring, while its rival Armenia was.
To patch things up, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates visited this small, oil-rich country in June, carrying a letter from Obama urging closer partnership.
Another reason it is such a concern!
Clinton followed up yesterday, telling Aliyev she was “very committed to our relationship.’’ She treaded gingerly on the democracy issue, saying she hoped to see more progress, and did not meet with opposition politicians as she had done on other stops on her trip.
Just as a drunk would.
Asked at a news conference about the human-rights situation, she said, “We’ve seen a lot of progress in Azerbaijan in the last 18 years’’ since it split from the Soviet Union.
That prompted an Azerbaijani journalist to ask Clinton: What progress? Clinton cited business and energy reform.Did she slur the answer when she spoke 'cause she drunk!!!!!
That's a drunk for you; always thinking of themselves.
And the more they drink, the worse they get.
"Clinton rebukes ‘occupier’ Russia; US wants troops to leave Georgia" by Robert Burns, Associated Press | July 6, 2010
TBILISI, Georgia — Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton rebuked Russia yesterday for failing to live up to the cease-fire agreement it signed nearly two years ago to end the fighting in this small former Soviet state.
How come she never says such things to Israel?
She asserted that Russia is occupying parts of Georgia and building permanent military bases in contravention of the truce....
But it's OKAY for AmeriKa to occupy Afghanistan and build permanent bases in Iraq.
She is shit-faced, folks!
Several times Clinton pointedly referred to Russian troops as occupiers of the breakaway Georgian territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
Even though the South Ossetians and Abkhazians have requested they stay to protect them.
Related: Russia Recognizes Countries of South Ossetia, Abkhazia
The Abkhazian Holocaust
Of course, if it were Karzai making the request it would be no problem.
She said the United States “totally rejected’’ Russia’s rationale for the invasion, which prompted NATO to suspend cooperation with Moscow.
Well, they DID NOT INVADE they RESPONDED to invasion, but she's so blasted out of her mind the best thing to do is let her go.
Ever try to stop a rambling drunk?
A European Union commission concluded last year that Russian troops were responding to Georgia’s artillery barrage against South Ossetia.
“The United States is steadfast in its commitment to Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,’’ Clinton said. “The United States does not recognize spheres of influence,’’ she added, referring to a statement by President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia that his country has “privileged interests’’ and special influence in Georgia and other former Soviet states....
Russia wants to retain clout in the region as a counterweight to the eastward march of NATO, which in recent years has expanded its frontiers to include the former Soviet states of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.
Can you imagine how the U.S. would react were Moscow to form a "security partnership" with Mexico?
The newspapers would be screaming Russian invasion!
Ukraine also had been pursuing membership but reversed course this year with the election of a more Moscow-friendly government.
See: Ukranian Revolution Runs Red
Yeah, people REJECTING AmeriKan-style government and rulers all over the planet -- when they get a fair election!
Clinton said she and President Obama raised the Georgia issues with Medvedev when he was in Washington last month.
Related: Slow Saturday Special: Stupid Spy Stories
Didn't raise that ruse, did ya?
The 2008 war with Georgia remains a major point of contention between Washington and Moscow. It complicates US relations with Georgia, which has been skeptical of the Obama administration’s policy of adopting friendly relations with Moscow in an attempt to overcome the deep divides that developed during the administration of President George W. Bush.
Saakashvili told reporters, however, that upon further reflection he thinks Obama’s Russia policy is the correct one....
Earlier, Clinton met with several hundred Georgian women leaders from a range of fields, including law and labor unions.
One woman asked if the Obama administration has a “real democracy agenda’’ for Georgia. She said her country suffers from a range of human rights abuses and that these were largely ignored by the Bush administration.
Well, when they are an ALLY, yeah!
“The United States always has a democracy agenda,’’ Clinton responded....
That's it!
You know how a drunk's speech can get so slurred you can't understand them anymore?
Time for the Blackwater security team to take her into protective custody.
What an embarrassment this woman is to the United States!