Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It Must be in the Genes

The scientists certainly did not need this after ClimateGate:

"Some geneticists doubt BU study of longevity" by Carolyn Y. Johnson, Globe Staff | July 10, 2010

A scientific study published last week by Boston University researchers that identified a genetic signature of extremely long life has been challenged by outside scientists.

The paper received widespread publicity because of the possibility the results might be used to create a genetic test for longevity. But several geneticists have raised questions, saying the technology the scientists used to analyze the DNA of about 10 percent of the centenarians in the study might have led to erroneous findings....

Of course, the Globe buries (literally) this in the right-hand corner of page B11 after front-paging the fraud. How typical.

In a statement, the journal Science said that a preliminary analysis by the authors of the paper concluded that even if the chip did cause errors, it was not likely to change the accuracy of their results.

They are just like those global-warming liars!

Can't believe anything in Science anymore.

“Their paper underwent Science’s rigorous peer-review process and was evaluated by scientists who are active in the field of genome-wide association studies and are trained statistical geneticists,’’ the journal said in a statement. “They determined that the statistics and design of the study were sound.’’

Yeah, whatever.


Also see:

Happens every time I pick up a paper!