And when is the AmeriKan government going to start investing in you, Americans?
"US waging campaign to get firms to invest in Pakistan; Aims to ease concerns on stability" by Farah Stockman, Globe Staff | June 18, 2010

Ambassador Anne Patterson talked to Shahid Ahmed Khan, a Framingham businessman, during a dinner reception in Cambridge last week as Chaudhry Faisal Mushtaq, director of Roots School System in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, looked on. (Matthew J. Lee/Globe Staff)
CAMBRIDGE — For two hours, she gave them the hard sell about how the risks were overblown, and how great the rewards could be. Near a buffet table of steaming curry, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs listened intently.
But the woman at the podium was not a financial guru. It was Anne Patterson, the US ambassador to Pakistan, who has made it her mission to persuade American businesses to view the troubled South Asian country not as a haven for Al Qaeda, but a vast untapped market capable of delivering double-digit rates of return.
First of all, TELL it to the NEWSPAPERS with their "Taliban terrorists" and all the rest!!
Just as the State Department is gearing up to spend $7.5 billion in aid to Pakistan over the next five years, US officials are already predicting that the money will not be enough to solve the country’s woes in health, education, energy, and water. So now the State Department is actively trying to sell the idea of investing in Pakistan to Americans.
So State is not only a cover for the CIA, it is also a business agent for the New World Order.
“$7.5 billion is not chump change,’’ Patterson said at the dinner at Cambridge’s Doubletree Hotel, attended by about 70 people last week. But she stressed, “The real solution is private sector involvement.’’
Pakistan, however, is still considered a big gamble....
I can't imagine why.
Robert Mosbacher Jr. , chairman of Mosbacher Energy Co., said the US government’s efforts to get private corporations to build power plants in Pakistan have been stymied by the approximately $5 billion the Pakistani government owes to local power generators and distributors.
“I don’t think that security is the biggest impediment to investment in Pakistan,’’ he said. “I think it is more the financial capacity of the country at this stage, the political challenges that the country is facing in terms of governance, and corruption.’’
As if AmeriKa had a leg to stand on there.
Despite all that, the State Department is aggressively marketing Pakistan as fertile ground for investment. US officials have hired Thatcher + Co, a New York strategic communications firm, which created a brochure listing all that Pakistan has going for it: It’s the world’s sixth-most populous country, with 180 million potential customers. It is English-speaking, democratic, and has a market-driven economy....
Yes, that is YOUR TAX DOLLARS at WORK, America!
And WHAT is with all the DRONE MISSILE STRIKES and DESTRUCTION then, huh?
Shouldn't we be INVESTING?
Senior officials of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, a US agency that encourages emerging markets investment, have made a flurry of trips to Pakistan over the past year to talk about how changes to regulations would attract American businesses.
“Historically, all the way back to the Marshall Plan, we know that foreign direct investment helps not only the countries but it substantially helps US interests,’’ said Rod Morris, OPIC’s vice president of insurance. “You give people jobs and they are a whole lot less likely to become terrorists.’’
Then why did you assholes gut America?
Who are the terrorists anyway?
US Embassy officials in Pakistan, meanwhile, are considering a proposal backed by Pakistan’s government to use some US aid funds to stimulate private investment, according to the US commercial counselor in Pakistan, William Center.
Hey, our stimulus didn't work.
Not like we are running deficits here or anything.
As part of the US government’s sales pitch, Patterson escorted some of Pakistan’s most powerful executives to Cambridge last week.
That just about says it all, doesn't it? AmeriKa always pitching something.
GRAB YOUR WALLET, ordinary Pakistanis!
They attended lectures on entrepreneurship at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and dined with a group of potential investors.
As Pakistanis starve up in the hills.
At the dinner, Patterson lamented that Americans have shied away from the country, as Saudi Arabian and Chinese investors have stepped up. Even so, foreign investment has plummeted with suicide attacks, electricity shortages, and the global financial crisis.
What do you mean electricity shortages?
This week, Pakistan’s central bank said foreign direct investment dropped by 39 percent since last year, down to $2.03 billion.
Yet, Patterson portrayed Pakistan as a land ripe with chances to make a profit, despite a travel advisory put out by her own agency.
Yeah, actually US AMERICANS are SICK of the DOUBLE-TALKING BULLS***!!!
“If you had gone into Colombia in 2001, ignoring the State Department travel advisory, you would have made a bundle of money,’’ she said.
Especially if you worked for the CIA drug runners!
Patterson, who served as Colombia’s ambassador during a violent time, said the willingness of Colombian-Americans to invest there was the key to success.
How VERY INTERESTING seeing as the OPIUM TRADE has FLOURISHED next door in Afghanistan!!
So she aimed to show the assembled group in Cambridge — most of them Pakistani-American — how some investors are doing. She asked Ali Jehangir Siddiqui, a member of the delegation, to talk about the rates of return he earned for JS Group, a Pakistani private equity fund; he said his fund grew from $65 million to $260 million from 1996 to 2006.
Is that the kind of economy you want, Pakistanis?
The same sort of rip-off outfit that shook America to the core, bankrupted and destroyed her?
Patterson said too many Americans are afraid to invest in Pakistan because of what she described as misperceptions.
“Mexico and Guatemala have much higher levels of violence by any empirical measure,’’ Patterson told her audience. “The whole Islamic extremism is very alien to many Americans whereas drug traffickers are much more familiar.’’
Was the room stinking because of the BS she was spewing?
Islamic extremism is drilled into our heads by the MSM and the drug war is damn near invisible (promoted only when it serves a purpose).