"Impasse ends on jobless benefits; Senate advances bill; House expected to agree" by Mark Arsenault and Robert Gavin, Globe Staff | July 21, 2010
WASHINGTON — The fight over extending benefits not only looms large in the lives of the unemployed, it crystallizes the diverging positions among Democrats and Republicans over what ails the economy — and how to fix it — as fall elections approach.
Democrats argue that supporting the unemployed makes economic sense, because unemployment checks are likely to be spent on basic needs. “This bill is about jobs because unemployment insurance goes to people who will spend it immediately,’’ said Senator Max Baucus, Democrat of Montana. “That would increase economic demand. And that would help support our fragile economic recovery.’’
What planet is Senator Baucus living on?
Related: Stimuloot Sunday: Unemployment Helps the Economy
Oh, one more thing:
"Senate Republican delays Kagan nomination vote; Sessions sought more time to review her record" by Mark Arsenault, Globe Staff | July 14, 2010
WASHINGTON — “I just think people are probably coming back from the break’’ and need more time, said Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican and member of the Judiciary Committee, who just returned from a trip to Israel....
Need I even type it?
So when is the attack on Iran?
Senate majority leader Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, is adamant that the full Senate decide on Kagan’s nomination before breaking for the summer recess, according to his spokesman, Jim Manley....
That makes someone happy:

Related: All in the Family; The Globalist Kagans of Brooklyn
"With one GOP vote, Kagan wins Senate panel’s backing" by Mark Arsenault, Globe Staff | July 21, 2010
WASHINGTON — Harvard Law School dean Elena Kagan’s nomination now heads to a vote by the full Senate, which is expected to confirm her in the next several weeks, before its traditional August summer recess.
Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, joined the committee’s 12 Democrats in the 13-6 vote in favor of the nomination. Graham, the only Republican on the committee last year who supported the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, said senators should honor the results of presidential elections and not turn confirmation hearings into political tests. Graham said that he disagreed with Kagan on many political issues but that she handled herself well in two days of testimony before the committee, showing knowledge of the law, confidence, and good humor.
“It was not a hard decision,’’ Graham said of his vote to support her....
Yeah, we all know why.

Elena Kagan is a former Harvard Law School dean.
That's the smile of a person who knows the final outcome already.
Related: Obama Thumbs His Nose at the American People
Well, here is my response to that.