Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New York City Students Take to the Streets

"NYC students walk to save free rides" by Associated Press | June 12, 2010

NEW YORK — About 1,000 New York City high school students chanted “This is what democracy looks like!’’ and waved homemade signs and banners yesterday as they marched across the Brooklyn Bridge to protest a plan to eliminate their free transit passes.

They couldn't protest the wars, huh?

What selfish little s***s!

The students walked out of classrooms all over the city at noon and converged at City Hall Park for a rally with elected officials and transit union members....

The protest comes a day after Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced a stepped-up effort to fight truancy. Bloomberg said yesterday that the students should have stayed in class.

That is what I was told back in February 2003 when the college kids planned a walk out.

“If I were them, I’d just think long and hard someday,’’ he said. “If I didn’t pass a test, I’d always go back and wonder, ‘Was it that afternoon when I was trying to be cute and picketing was better than being in class?’ ’’

Oh, gimme a break! If they failed it wasn't because they missed one class!

Some 500,000 city students receive free or reduced fares to get to and from school.

Too bad the kids are not a bank on Wall Street or a war-profiteering defense contractor.

The MTA has proposed ending the perk as part of its effort to close an $800 million budget gap.

Why must the KIDS PAY for something they had NO HAND IN, huh?

Without the free passes, families would be forced to buy monthly MetroCards at a cost of about $1,000 a year per child.


A spokesman for the Department of Education said that any disciplinary action the students might face for cutting class would be up to their principals.

Conform -- or else!


So let's hop on the bus, Gus!

"NYC moves to silence sightseeing buses" by Associated Press | April 30, 2010

NEW YORK — Even Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who typically says “so what’’ to most complaints about New York, allowed recently that....


: NYC bus drivers take months off when spat upon
I'd rather walk anyway, kiddo!