Friday, July 1, 2011

Boston Globe Pain in the Ass


"Study finds millions suffer with chronic pain" by Associated Press / June 30, 2011

WASHINGTON — Nearly a third of Americans experience long-lasting pain — the kind that lingers for weeks to months — and too often feel stigma rather than relief from a health care system poorly prepared to treat them, the Institute of Medicine said yesterday.  

Right on all three counts, but I will not bore you with my physical ailments.

The staggering tab: Chronic pain is costing the nation at least $558 billion a year in medical bills, sick days, and lost productivity, the report found....  

How do they come up with these numbers?

Pain is not simple,’’ Dr. Doris K. Cope, pain chief at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, said.

Neither is reading a Boston Globe these days without feeling anger and outrage.
