Monday, September 5, 2011

Old News in Nantucket

I have a hard enough time reading the Globe.

"Nantucket Gazette reborn, finds niche; Island’s paper taps old stories, new ads" September 03, 2011|By Johnny Diaz, Globe Staff

When Nantucket Magazine publisher Bruce A. Percelay wanted to start a new newspaper, he looked back - all the way back to 1816.

That was the year the Nantucket Gazette, the island’s first newspaper, was established.

This summer, Percelay resurrected the newspaper with articles from the island’s past - the disappearance of a whaler, a contract for a new steamship - but, of course, with new ads....


The funny thing is most newspapers are stuck in the past. That's why their industry is self-destructing. That and the endless distortions, deceptions, obfuscations, and omissions.