Sunday, September 4, 2011

Skipping School Series: Wisconsin Walkout

Who can blame them after what they have been through?

"Wisconsin facing teacher exodus; Controversial law prompts a spate of retirements" September 01, 2011|By Scott Bauer, Associated Press

MADISON, Wis. - When students return today for the first day of school across Wisconsin, many familiar faces will be gone, as teachers chose retirement over coming back following the passage of a bill that would have forced them to pay more for benefits and taken away most of their collective bargaining rights.

Documents obtained by the Associated Press under the state’s open records law show that about twice as many public school teachers decided to retire in the first half of this year as in each of the past two full years, part of a mass exit of public employees.

Their departures came after the bill passed but before the new law took effect. The bill, which was pushed by Governor Scott Walker and the Republican Legislature, led to weeks of protests at the Capitol.

The ensuing exodus of teachers and other state employees has spurred fears that the jobs might not be filled and that classroom leadership by veteran teachers will be lost.... 

Should have thought of that before. 

Besides, the impression I've gotten from the media is teachers are all a bunch of lazy, self-serving slobs who have single-handedly destroyed the society.

Many public workers feel under attack by the measure, which required them to pay more for their health insurance and pension benefits and took away most of their ability to collectively bargain.

Gee, I an't imagine why they feel that way.

Lawmakers pushed the changes as a way for schools and governments to deal with deep cuts necessitated by a state budget shortfall.
