Sunday, September 4, 2011

Who Will Tell the Children About 9/11?

Certainly not the schools.


If there are any school teachers out there with a head on their shoulders, Sept 11th should be taught as  America's Reichstag event and not our Pearl Harbor. It should be a lesson on how government will stage events on a grand scale to tell the people they must surrender their freedoms and the government needs more power to keep the people safe. The lesson of 9-11 is that we should never surrender our freedoms for safety and never trust the government; always be skeptical of what they say or do.

As a parent myself, it is my responsibility to teach my kids of what Sept 11 really is about and the lessons of history about false flag events staged by the government to grab more power away from the people. When we teach our children about Sept 11th. It will not be to tell them we must be less free or we have to groped at the airport to stay safe. This should be a lesson in how our government used this event to advance tyranny and what we must do to teach them the principles how to take back the power. Please do not leave it to the teachers to tell your children about 9-11. This is our job.


Also read: The truth is the greatest enemy of the State

Related: My 9/11 Investigation

9/11: What Do We Tell the Children?

How about the truth?