Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Booker on Obama

Time to close it.

"Newark mayor to campaign for Obama in New Hampshire; Booker aiming to reinvigorate young voter base" by Shira Schoenberg Globe Correspondent / December 9, 2011

Mayor Cory Booker of Newark, a rising star in the Democratic Party, will visit New Hampshire today [and] make the case that Obama has made throughout his presidency: The president inherited a “crisis that was not of his making,’’ and worked to fix it. Booker said Obama inherited a freefalling economy, a crumbling banking industry, a shrinking auto industry, and two wars.  

We don't want to hear that anymore after he had three years and a (allegedly) Democratic super-majority (with Joe Lieberman as the gate-keeper of filibusters as the 60th vote).  

And that crumbling bank industry? They are making billions in profits every three months!

They all got rich, and then their fraud was bailed out (and is continuing to be bailed out as the Fed buys back the bad mortgage securities Wall Street sold).

“He found ways to stabilize the auto industry, save the banking industry, pull us out of one of the wars . . . to begin to move us from recession to recovery,’’ Booker said.... 

Even thought the bottom 80% never really recovered, blah, blah, blah.

Yet some of Booker’s lavish expectations for Obama have not been fulfilled. 

There is a whole line here; you will have to get in back there. Us antiwar folk lined up first thing.

Booker said in 2007 that Obama could “raise us around our highest common ideals and remind us that we have more in common as a people than we do that divides us.’’ Today, American politics is fiercely divided.

Asked about the divides, Booker said there is rancor in Congress and “one person is not going to cure caustic politics.’’

Yes, not even Ron Paul -- which is why "left"-wing, controlled opposition talk on the radio about Ron Paul rolling back child labor, minimum wage, and the rest is just scare tactics.  

He'll be president, not dictator (although the path is available to any president thanks to the 9/11 inside job and George W. Bush and his pen). So many booga-boogas that Congress will never let pass. They will be carving up his budget upon arrival.

“But when it comes to those larger ideals and spirit beyond politics, I think we’re seeing a more integrated, more united country,’’ Booker said. He pointed to the diversity and acceptance of young people, and their attempts to use social media to cross boundaries. “Obama is a president who represents that kind of unity.’’  

The American people are united: no more wars, no more tax money to Wall Street, and a good, decent, single-payer health system to name just three items.
