"Cain suspends campaign after reports on his conduct" by Matt Viser and Michael J. Bailey Globe Staff / December 4, 2011
Herman Cain, following a populist and unconventional presidential campaign, this afternoon announced that he was suspending his candidacy, saying allegations of sexual harassment and a 13-year affair had hampered his ability to get his message out.
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Not anymore.
I have a list of notations of I don't know how many days of Cain items, but who cares?
"TV ads for N.H. primary down from ’08" by Alex Katz Globe Correspondent / December 4, 2011
A little more than a month before voters cast their ballots in the first-in-the-nation primary, New Hampshire’s airwaves are dramatically less inundated with campaign spots as Republican presidential candidates have scaled back their television ad expenditures here by nearly 77 percent. According to a Globe analysis of public files from WMUR-TV, GOP candidates have spent just $923,385 on television advertising, compared with more than $3.9 million at this point during the 2008 cycle.
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It's okay; the only quote from that piece was going to be "Ron Paul -- who was the first major candidate to take to the airwaves here."
Other than that the Globe ignores the guy.
Not exactly sure where I am going from here, readers.
I'm certainly sick of the hoops (which I will be shooting later this morning, dear readers) the pos Globe is making me go through, and have quite frankly had it with the distorting, divisive, distracting, diverting, omissions and obfuscations as well as the never-ending agenda-pushing and war-promoting lies. It is PHYSICALLY PAINFUL to read the Globe these days readers. There is an indescribable feeling of hurt in my chest as I flip through the stories.
Most of it stems from the sense of failure. The inability to blog when I'm needed the most; the sense that everything I have tried to prevent is here on the doorstep with none of the goals attained when I began five long years ago. A case-in-point is after weeks and months of reading military action has been all but ruled out in Syria -- and yet the UN called for it yesterday. Meanwhile, Israel says it may attack Iran and not tell anyone. Another would be the failure of war criminals and Wall Street looters to be held accountable by government. Not only has it become obvious that AmeriKa's government officials are not listening to the people of this country, it has become obvious that they actually work for the those same interests (in $o many way$, taxpayer$ -- if you know what I mean.
And that is only one of the important issues I am failing to bring you -- because I AM ALSO FAILING YOU, dear readers. After the part-time slave service and the two-or-so hours it takes to slog through a printed Globe I am exhausted. The fact is the blog is a full-time job now because events are moving so fast. The globe-kickers have kicked the program into high gear, and woe to those who stand in the way of megalomanic psychopaths.
I'll try and do what I can for you later tonight, beloved readers and followers. The truth is you are the only ones keeping me going.